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Ceterai edited this page Sep 9, 2023 · 6 revisions

Main pages: Bionid, Plants

 Tonnova is a family of growth, commonly found in bionid biomes.

These are mostly tall, spiral dark stems made of bionid, usually with a single bright blob on top. These "trees" usually slowly grow in cold ionized environments, usually in caves.

Sometimes, you can find little tonnova springs peaking from under the snow in the middle of frozen lands of tavriya.


 Tonnas are small edible fruits covered in a semi-hard crystal shell. They usually grow on top of tonnova trees and fall down when ripen.

The white substance under the shell, although seems solid at furst, can be grinded down into a calcium-high drink and is used as the main alta substitute for milk. "Tonna milk" is often used in cooking, but despite similarities in taste, it is significantly harder to boil than regular milk.

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Trees & Roots

Bushes & Grass

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