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Ceterai edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 17 revisions

 Yaarings is a common lvl.2 prepared food item.
Can be sold for 66 pixels.
Neat crunchy snacks made from throroughly baked yaara eyes.
The plant part of the fruit gets completely removed, and its peel is separated to cook the inside only to be wrapped back up in the now fried peel.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: A nice thing to buy in a pack to share with your friends!

Item Variants

 Hot Yaarings is an uncommon lvl.3 prepared food item.
Can be sold for 128 pixels.
These yaarings are fresh from the oven! Quick, eat them while they're still soft on the inside!
These can often be found in on-demand alta bakeries, and are made in groups of twelve to twenty at once if ordered for a group of people.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: It's hard to describe these without drooling all over the place, so I'll just keep on eating.


Can be crafted:

Can be used to craft:

Unlocks following blueprints/recipes on pickup:


Can be found as loot in:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: alta common snack yaara yava_cuisine
Level: 2
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_yaarings
File path (GitHub link): /items/generic/food/tier1/ct_yaarings.consumable

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