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File metadata and controls

96 lines (79 loc) · 5.38 KB


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Enable GitHub Pages with workflow as source.
  3. Store the environment variables BASE_URL, ELEMENT_ID, OVERRIDE_SUMMARIES, COOKIE and TENANT_ID in the repos secrets
  4. Adjust cronjob in ./.github/workflows/GeneratePage.yml to your needs.
  5. Adjust step Run PowerShell Script and Capture Output if you don't want to append to a previous ICS or override course names


This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow and a PowerShell script to generate an ICS calendar file from a WebUntis timetable. The workflow is scheduled to run at specific intervals and can also be triggered manually. The PowerShell script fetches data from a specified URL and generates the ICS file for subscription.

PowerShell Script: timeTableToIcs.ps1

timeTableToIcs.ps1 generates ICS file(s) from a WebUntis timetable. The script needs headers and cookies that can be exported from the Chrome Dev Console.


  • baseUrl: The base URL for the HTTP requests.
  • elementType: The return type of the request (default is 1, I don't know what other values might return from the API).
  • elementId: The ID of the classes timetable. (Get from URL or Chrome Dev tools)
  • date: An array of dates (either as strings or DateTime objects) for which to retrieve timetable data. The default is the current week and the next three weeks.
  • OutputFilePath: The output file path for the ICS file (default is calendar.ics).
  • dontCreateMultiDayEvents: If set, generating "summary" multi-day events will be skipped.
  • overrideSummaries: A hashtable to override the summaries of the courses. The key is the original course (short)name, the value is the new course name.
  • appendToPreviousICSat: The path to an existing ICS file to which the new timetable data should be appended.
  • splitByCourse: If set, the timetable data will be split into separate ICS files for each course.
  • splitByOverrides: If set, the timetable data will be split into separate ICS files for each course defined in overrideSummaries and the remaining misc. classes.
  • outAllFormats: If set, the timetable data will be output in all formats.
  • cookie: The cookie value for authentication.
  • tenantId: The tenant ID for authentication.

Workflow: GeneratePage.yml

The GitHub Actions workflow GeneratePage.yml is designed to update and deploy the ICS calendar file to GitHub Pages. Configure the following secrets in your repository according to the parameters:

  • BASE_URL: (Your officially given WebUntis website)
  • COOKIE: ################## (Get by opening official page with dev tools and copy)
  • ELEMENT_ID: #### (Course ID, 4 digits long, get from URL via official website)
  • OVERRIDE_SUMMARIES: @{"GK" = "GK, Gemeinschaftskunde";"LBTL1" = "EL, Elektrotechnik";...}
  • TENANT_ID: ####### (Get by opening official page with dev tools and copy http request as PowerShell)

The workflow performs the following steps:

  1. Download Previous ICS: Downloads the previous ICS artifact if available.
  2. Run PowerShell Script: Executes the PowerShell script to generate a new ICS file.
  3. Compare ICS Files: Compares the newly generated ICS file with the previous one.
  4. Upload ICS Artifact: Uploads the newly generated ICS file(s) as an artifact.
  5. Setup Pages: Configures GitHub Pages for deployment.
  6. Upload Artifact: Uploads the artifacts as a Pages artifact.
  7. Deploy to GitHub Pages: Deploys the uploaded artifacts to GitHub Pages.


The workflow is scheduled to run at the following times:

  • Every 6 hours
  • Daily at 6:00 UTC
  • Daily at 7:00 UTC

..and can also be triggered manually.

Sample launch.json

(for debugging via vscode)

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "PowerShell: Launch Current File",
            "type": "PowerShell",
            "request": "launch",
            "script": "./timeTableToIcs.ps1",
            "args": [
                //"-ErrorAction", "Inquire",
                "-baseUrl",         "",
                "-elementType",     "1",
                "-elementId",       "####", // Course ID, 4 digits long, get from URL via official website
                "-OutputFilePath",  "calendar.ics",
                "-cookie",          "##################", // Get by opening official page with dev tools and copy http request as PowerShell
                "-tenantId",        "#######", // Get by opening official page with dev tools and copy http request as PowerShell
                "-overrideSummaries", "@{\"GK\" = \"GK, Gemeinschaftskunde\";\"LBTL1\" = \"EL, Elektrotechnik\";\"Wi\" = \"Wi, Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde\";\"E\" = \"EN, Englisch\";\"D\" = \"DE, Deutsch\";\"LBT1\" = \"BWL, Betriebswirtschaftslehre (LBT1/4)\";\"LBT5\" = \"NT, Netzwerktechnik (LBT5)\";\"LBT4\" = \"BWL/ITSY, BWL/ITSY (LBT4/3/1)\";\"LBT2\" = \"SAE, System- und Anwendungsentwicklung (LBT2)\";\"LBT3\" = \"IST, Informations- und Systemtechnik (LBT3)\"}",
                "-appendToPreviousICSat", "./calendar.ics",