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Installation of UniMath

NB: This file describes the default method for installing UniMath. An alternative method using the Nix Package Manager is available in the file

Preparing your computer

In this section, we explain how to prepare your computer for the compilation of UniMath under Mac OS X, under Ubuntu/Debian, and under Arch/Manjaro Linux.

Preparing for the installation under Mac OS X

NB: The method explained below is recommended for beginners. A more flexible, but complex, installation method is given in

  1. Install "Homebrew", available from
  2. Using Homebrew, install ocaml with the following command:
$ brew install objective-caml ocaml-num camlp4 camlp5 bash ocaml-findlib
  1. Install Emacs from

Now proceed with Installation of ProofGeneral and Installing UniMath below.

Preparing for the installation under Ubuntu or Debian (Linux)

Under Ubuntu or Debian, you may install ocaml with the following shell command.

 sudo apt-get install build-essential git ocaml ocaml-nox ocaml-native-compilers camlp4-extra camlp5 libgtk2.0 libgtksourceview2.0 liblablgtk-extras-ocaml-dev ocaml-findlib emacs

Now proceed with Installation of ProofGeneral and Installing UniMath below.

Preparing for the installation under Arch Linux or Manjaro Linux

Under Arch Linux or Manjaro Linux you may install ocaml and Emacs with the following shell commands.

 sudo pacman --sync --needed archlinux-keyring
 sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
 sudo pacman --sync --needed ocaml camlp5 ocaml-findlib ocaml-num
 sudo pacman -S emacs

Now proceed with Installation of ProofGeneral and Installing UniMath below.

Installation of ProofGeneral (all operating systems)

You may obtain ProofGeneral from by using the quick installation instructions at or at Your version of emacs determines which version of ProofGeneral you need, roughly, so some experimentation may be required; you may even need the current development version if your emacs is recent.

For those unfamiliar with Emacs, M-x means "hold Alt, press x".

Similarly, C-g means "hold Ctrl, press g". This cancels any action you have started.

Finally, RET means "press Enter".

Hence, the first ProofGeneral installation instruction

M-x package-refresh-contents RET

reads "hold Alt, press x; type package-refresh-contents; press Enter".

Optional: some useful ProofGeneral add-ons are available for installation at

Installing UniMath

To download UniMath, issue the following shell commands.

$ git clone
$ cd UniMath

To compile the Coq formalizations (in all the packages), issue the following shell command (in this directory).

$ make

Once this is done, you can start browsing and editing UniMath. Below, we explain how to compile individual packages of UniMath, and how to create HTML documentation.

Building individual packages and HTML documentation

  • To compile an individual package and the files it depends on, e.g., the package CategoryTheory, issue

    $ make CategoryTheory
  • To compile an individual file and the files it depends on, e.g., the file CategoryTheory/Categories.v, issue

    $ make UniMath/CategoryTheory/Categories.vo

    Note the extension *.vo required in the command.

  • To create the standard HTML documentation provided by coqdoc:

    $ make html

    The documentation is created in the subdirectory html.

  • To create HTML documentation with "hidden" proofs:

    $ make doc

    In this version of the documentation, any proof enclosed within Proof. and Qed./Defined. is replaced by a button Show proof.. Clicking on this button unveils (unfolds) the corresponding proof. A Hide proof button can be used to fold the proof again. The documentation is created in the subdirectory enhanced-html. (This feature requires the use of the otherwise optional Proof command of the Coq vernacular language to indicate the beginning of the proof. Toggling of proofs requires an internet connection for downloading the jquery library.)

  • To install UniMath in the user-contrib directory of Coq, for use by other developments:

    $ make install

    The path to that directory from here, by default, is ./sub/coq/user-contrib/.

  • To install CoqIDE, see INSTALL_COQIDE.

TAGS files

Emacs (which every UniMath user should become expert with) includes a facility called "tags" which enables easy navigation between Coq proof files. For example, you may be examining a proof containing a reference to a symbol such as "has_homsets", and you may wonder where the source code of its definition is. To do that, one positions the cursor on the symbol, presses M-., accepts (or modifies) the proffered string, and presses return. Emacs then takes you to the source code of the definition. One may repeat that as often as desired, and return one level upward in the chain of locations visited with M-*.

In order to enable this facility, make a "TAGS" file as follows. To make a TAGS file for use with emacs etags commands:

$ make TAGS

To make a TAGS file dealing with a single package, for example, Foundations:

$ make TAGS-Foundations

The first time the tags facility is used, the user will be prompted for the location of a TAGS file to use -- it will be in the top-level directory of UniMath.

Measuring compilation time

To obtain information about the compilation time of each file, add TIMED=yes to the make command line. For this to work, you need the GNU time utility installed on your system in /usr/bin. Alternatively, add TIMECMD=time to the make command line, where time is a time command that works on your system.

On both Linux and Mac OS X systems, time is a built in bash shell command that differs from GNU time, available on Linux systems as \time. Under Mac OS X, you can install GNU time as gtime by running brew install gnu-time.

Since make variables can be included in the time command, the following example (using GNU time gtime) shows how to display the user time and the name of the file on the same line.

$ time make TIMECMD='gtime -f "user time %U: $*"'

The first time command provides overall time for the whole build.

Timing of execution of individual tactics and vernacular commands can be obtained by

$ make MOREFLAGS=-time

For postprocessing of the (huge) output, use our utility slowest, like this:

$ make MOREFLAGS=-time TIMECMD='util/slowest 10 0.5'

For each Coq file compiled, the timing of the 10 slowest steps taking at least 0.5 seconds will be displayed.

You may time both steps and files like this:

$ make MOREFLAGS=-time TIMECMD='gtime -f "user time %U: $(basename $*)" util/slowest 10 0.5'

To speed up execution on a machine with multiple cores or pseudo-cores, specify the use of multiple processes in paralle, e.g, 4, as follows.

$ make -j4

Further details

The correct version of Coq is built and used automatically by the command make. (If you wish to bypass the building of Coq and use your own version, then follow the instructions in the file build/Makefile-configuration-template.)

The file UniMath/.dir-locals.el contains code that arranges for ProofGeneral to use the Coq programs built by make when one of the proof files of UniMath is opened in emacs; in order to use them more generally, such as from the command line,, then add the full path for the directory ./sub/coq/bin to your PATH environment variable, or set the emacs variable coq-prog-name in your emacs initialization file, .emacs.

The various *.v files are compiled by Coq in such a way that the fully qualified name of each identifier begins with UniMath. For example, the fully qualified name of maponpaths in uu0.v is UniMath.Foundations.Basics.PartA.maponpaths.

The preferred way to interact with the Coq code is with ProofGeneral, running in a modern version of emacs. The file UniMath/.dir-locals.el will set the emacs variable coq-prog-args appropriately. In particular, it will add the directory UniMath to the path, using the -R option, and it will arrange for files with names of the form *.v to be edited in "Coq mode".

We are using some unicode characters in our Coq files. One way to type such characters easily is with the "Agda input method": to type σ, for example, one types \sigma, which is automatically replaced by σ. We have arranged for the Agda input method to be automatically enabled in buffers containing one of the UniMath Coq files. The emacs command for viewing the typing shortcuts offered by the Agda input method is C-H I.


In this section we describe some problems that have been encountered during compilation, and how to fix them.

Errors while compiling Coq

The following type mismatch error during compilation of Coq results from a mismatch between the version of Ocaml used and the version of Coq being compiled.

"/usr/local/bin/ocamlfind" opt -rectypes -dtypes -w -3-52-56  -I config -I lib -I kernel -I kernel/byterun -I library -I proofs -I tactics -I pretyping -I interp -I stm -I toplevel -I parsing -I printing -I intf -I engine -I ltac -I tools -I tools/coqdoc -I plugins/omega -I plugins/romega -I plugins/micromega -I plugins/quote -I plugins/setoid_ring -I plugins/extraction -I plugins/fourier -I plugins/cc -I plugins/funind -I plugins/firstorder -I plugins/derive -I plugins/rtauto -I plugins/nsatz -I plugins/syntax -I plugins/decl_mode -I plugins/btauto -I plugins/ssrmatching -I plugins/ltac -I "/usr/local/Cellar/camlp5/7.03_1/lib/ocaml/camlp5" -thread -g    -c lib/
File "lib/", line 61, characters 22-33:
Error: This expression has type bytes -> int -> int -> unit
       but an expression was expected of type string -> int -> int -> unit
       Type bytes is not compatible with type string 

For example, Coq 8.6.1 cannot be compiled by Ocaml 4.06.0, and must instead be compiled by an older version. In the instructions above, we arrange for Ocaml 4.02.3 to be used to compile Coq 8.6.1.

Problems caused by ill-formed input to make

When calling make, various files are read, some of them not under version control by git. If those files are ill-formed, make stops working; in particular, make cannot be used to delete and recreate those files. When such a situation arises, one solution is to try cleaning everything with this command:

$ make INCLUDE=no distclean

Another solution is to let git do the cleaning, by running:

$ git clean -Xdfq
$ git submodule foreach git clean -Xdfq

The Makefile provides this pair of commands, too:

$ make INCLUDE=no git-clean

Problems specific to MacOS

If you get error messages involving the command line option -fno-defer-pop, you might be running Mac OS X 10.9 with an ocaml compiler installed by brew. In that case try

brew update
brew upgrade objective-caml

If that doesn't work, try

brew remove objective-caml
brew install objective-caml

Problems specific to Linux (e.g., Debian and Ubuntu)

If you get the error message Error: cannot find 'ocamlc.opt' in your path!, you need to install ocaml-native-compilers, e.g., by running

$ sudo apt-get install ocaml-native-compilers

This package is not among the build dependencies for older versions of Coq.

Hints for developers

  • To regularly update the TAGS file, you may build with the command make TAGS all.

  • Before submitting a pull request, developers should run the sanity checks that are specified in the Makefile by adding sanity-checks to the "make" command line.

  • One of the sanity checks checks that all proof files in the directory tree are listed in the corresponding package, but it will complain even about files you haven't checked in; to disable the test, add -o check-listing-of-proof-files to the "make" command line. Other sanity checks can be skipped the same way. For example, if you intend to make a change to the Foundations package, then you can add -o check-for-change-to-Foundations to the "make" command line.