Welcome to the guidelines page that everyone loves. If you are going to be contributing code to the project, make sure you follow these guidelines. Please. Nick is a stickler for consistency and we don't want to mess with his flow.
We are using the following tools and versions for this project:
- Visual Studio 2017 Community v 15.9.6
- Entity Framework v TBA
- JQuery v TBA
- Newtonsoft v TBA
- Bootstrap v 3.7
We are using D.A.D. mixed with scrum sprints and planning meetings. We are using the git branching workflow for our control structure. We branch off of Development with a feature branch to complete a user story and then issue a pull request to merge that feature branch into Development. Please merge your Development into your feature branch before issuing the request so we can minimize merge conflicts. Feature branches are of the form: sprint-feature-DeveloperName
We recommend that you match our software and version numbers. Remember! Consistency matters. Also, when a new message goes out that one of the main branches has been updated, master and Development, please update your repositories so that we can be as consistent as possible.
- Table name is Pluralized i.e. Topics
- Primary Key Constraints are of the form: PK_dbo.[TableName]
- Foreign Keys Constraints are of the form: FK_[TableItIsIn]_[TableItReferences]
- Primary Key Columns are of the form: [TableNameId] i.e. TopicsId
- Tables referenced by foreign keys must be first in the up script
- Foreign Key Constraints must be the first things dropped in the down script
- Remove your connection string before submitting a pull request
- Follow standard language conventions
- COMMENT YOUR CODE!!!!! (Very important)
- Use XML comments for all public methods
- All code should be in C#, Razor, Javascript, or HTML for MVC 5 .NET Framework
We ask that you follow these guidelines so that we can have a smooth process and be as synchronized as possible. Remember! Consistency is key and we don’t want to mess with Nick.