A collection of files to help facilitate and speed up the installation of an Arch Linux system... The Arch Way™!
This repository, as stated above is a collection of files to help make it faster and easier to install an Arch Linux system the Arch way. I'm also using it as a personal backup of my config files. Before I go any further, however, I want to be clear about a few things.
An Installation Guide
- Nothing in this repository is meant to help you avoid, bypass or sidestep the official Installation Guide on the Arch Wiki.
A Replacement For The archinstall Script
- The official archinstall script pretty much automates the entire installation process, only asking for user input sparingly. Nothing in this repository automates any part of the official installation process. Even the /scripts directory only contains shell scripts to help automate some post-installation tasks, such as enabling the chaotic-aur or copying dotfiles and pacman hooks into the correct directories, which are entirely optional.
To Be Used As Is
- A few things here can be used as is but most of this will need modifying to suit your own system. Everything here is made specifically for my own hardware.
A Cure For Cancer