- Tank-like control scheme and movements
- W -> forward
- A -> CCW rotation
- S -> backward
- D -> CW rotation
- Turret folows mouse
- Bullets!
- Can bounce off of walls and hit players
- Explode after hitting a player or after bouncing a set number of times
- Weapon cooldown and reload system
- Added bars showing number of remaining bullets, weapon cooldown time and reload time
- Obstacles
- Added collision detection and reaction
- Player X Player, Player X Obstacle -> pulls player back to last non-colliding position
- Player X Bullet -> eliminates player and bullet
- Bullet X Bullet -> eliminates both bullets
- Bullet x Obstacle, Bullet x canvas border -> reflect bullet's velocity vector about the surface normal
- Made a simple map with obstacles
- Explosion animations!
- Appear on Player x Bullet, Bullet x Bullet collisions and after bullets have bounced on surfaces a set number of times
- First functional online multiplayer
- Spawn points
- Implemented a functional matchmaking system
- Add websockets and multiplayer features
- Improve bars and fix bugs
- Fix spawn point bugs
- Add obstacle containers
- Implement lag-minimizing measures
- Client-side prediction
- Server reconciliation
- Entity interpolation
- Lag compensation