diff --git a/city_scrapers/spiders/cle_cpc.py b/city_scrapers/spiders/cle_cpc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8071e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/city_scrapers/spiders/cle_cpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+from datetime import datetime, time
+from city_scrapers_core.constants import COMMISSION, PASSED, TENTATIVE
+from city_scrapers_core.items import Meeting
+from city_scrapers_core.spiders import CityScrapersSpider
+class CleCpcSpider(CityScrapersSpider):
+ name = "cle_cpc"
+ agency = "Cleveland Community Police Commission"
+ timezone = "America/Detroit"
+ start_urls = ["https://clecpc.org/get-involved/calendar/"]
+ links = [
+ {
+ "title": "Meeting agendas and minutes",
+ "href": "https://clecpc.org/resources/meeting-agendas-minutes/",
+ }
+ ]
+ def parse(self, response):
+ """
+ Parses meeting calendar page. Because this website has a variety of
+ quirks that can lead to duplicate data we only scrape the first
+ unique link for each meeting.
+ """
+ calendars = response.css(".mec-wrap.mec-skin-grid-container")
+ if len(calendars) <= 1:
+ raise ("Meetings calendar not found")
+ unique_links = []
+ for event in calendars[0].css("article.mec-event-article"):
+ link = event.css("h4.mec-event-title a::attr(href)").get()
+ if link not in unique_links:
+ unique_links.append(link)
+ for link in unique_links:
+ yield response.follow(link, callback=self._parse_detail)
+ def _parse_detail(self, response):
+ """
+ Parse details from the event detail page.
+ """
+ date = self._parse_date(response)
+ start_time, end_time = self._parse_start_end_time(response)
+ meeting = Meeting(
+ title=self._parse_title(response),
+ description=self._parse_description(response),
+ classification=COMMISSION,
+ start=self._gen_datetime(date, start_time),
+ end=self._gen_datetime(date, end_time),
+ time_notes="",
+ all_day=False,
+ location=self._parse_location(response),
+ links=self.links,
+ source=self._parse_source(response),
+ )
+ meeting["status"] = self._get_status(meeting)
+ meeting["id"] = self._get_id(meeting)
+ yield meeting
+ def _parse_title(self, response):
+ """Parse meeting title."""
+ title = response.css(".mec-single-title::text").get()
+ if not title:
+ return None
+ return title.strip()
+ def _parse_description(self, response):
+ """
+ Extracts and returns all text within the mec-single-event-description element.
+ """
+ description_parts = response.css(
+ ".mec-single-event-description *::text"
+ ).getall()
+ full_description = " ".join(
+ part.strip() for part in description_parts if part.strip()
+ )
+ return full_description
+ def _parse_date(self, response):
+ """Parse date from calendar element."""
+ # Extracting the date string
+ date_str = response.css(
+ ".mec-single-event-date .mec-start-date-label::text"
+ ).get()
+ # Parsing the date string into a datetime object
+ date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%b %d %Y") if date_str else None
+ return date
+ def _parse_start_end_time(self, response):
+ """
+ Parses start and end times from calendar element.
+ If times are missing, returns None for both.
+ """
+ time_str = response.css(".mec-single-event-time .mec-events-abbr::text").get()
+ if time_str:
+ time_parts = time_str.split(" - ")
+ if len(time_parts) == 2:
+ # Splitting the start and end time and converting to datetime objects
+ start_time_str, end_time_str = time_parts
+ start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time_str, "%I:%M %p").time()
+ end_time = datetime.strptime(end_time_str, "%I:%M %p").time()
+ return start_time, end_time
+ else:
+ # Log a warning in case where the time format is unexpected
+ self.logger.warning(f"Unexpected time format: {time_str}")
+ return None, None
+ def _gen_datetime(self, date, time_obj):
+ """
+ Generate a datetime object from a date and a time object.
+ If time_obj is None, set the time to midnight.
+ """
+ if time_obj is None:
+ time_obj = time(0, 0) # Midnight
+ return datetime.combine(date, time_obj)
+ def _parse_location(self, response):
+ """Parses location from calendar element."""
+ org_name = response.css(".org::text").get().strip()
+ address = response.css(".mec-address::text").get().strip()
+ return {
+ "name": org_name,
+ "address": address,
+ }
+ def _parse_source(self, response):
+ return response.url
+ def _get_status(self, item):
+ """
+ Overrides the parent class method because basing a meeting's
+ cancellation status on the title and time of the meeting is not
+ reliable. Instead, we'll only focus on the meeting's start time.
+ """
+ if item["start"] < datetime.now():
+ return PASSED
+ return TENTATIVE
diff --git a/tests/files/cle_cpc.html b/tests/files/cle_cpc.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b477cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/cle_cpc.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2184 @@
+ Calendar - Cleveland Community Police Commission
+ Skip to content
diff --git a/tests/files/cle_cpc_detail.html b/tests/files/cle_cpc_detail.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442f798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/cle_cpc_detail.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@
+ Police Discipline Work Group - Cleveland Community Police Commission
+ Skip to content
Police Discipline Work Group
Work Group to review the police disciplinary policy, disciplinary matrix and police manual of rulesÂ
diff --git a/tests/test_cle_cpc.py b/tests/test_cle_cpc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c42329f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_cle_cpc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from os.path import dirname, join
+import pytest # noqa
+from city_scrapers_core.constants import COMMISSION, TENTATIVE
+from city_scrapers_core.utils import file_response
+from freezegun import freeze_time
+from city_scrapers.spiders.cle_cpc import CleCpcSpider
+test_response = file_response(
+ join(dirname(__file__), "files", "cle_cpc.html"),
+ url="https://clecpc.org/get-involved/calendar/",
+test_detail_response = file_response(
+ join(dirname(__file__), "files", "cle_cpc_detail.html"),
+ url="http://bc.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/AuditCommitteeMtg-090519.aspx",
+spider = CleCpcSpider()
+freezer = freeze_time("2024-01-29")
+parsed_items = [item for item in spider.parse(test_response)]
+parsed_item = next(spider._parse_detail(test_detail_response), None)
+def test_count():
+ print(len(parsed_items))
+ print(parsed_items)
+ assert len(parsed_items) == 4
+def test_title():
+ assert parsed_item["title"] == "Police Discipline Work Group"
+def test_description():
+ assert (
+ parsed_item["description"][0:51]
+ == "Work Group to review the police disciplinary policy"
+ )
+def test_start():
+ assert parsed_item["start"] == datetime(2024, 2, 1, 18, 30)
+def test_end():
+ assert parsed_item["end"] == datetime(2024, 2, 1, 20, 30)
+def test_time_notes():
+ assert parsed_item["time_notes"] == ""
+def test_id():
+ assert parsed_item["id"] == "cle_cpc/202402011830/x/police_discipline_work_group"
+def test_status():
+ assert parsed_item["status"] == TENTATIVE
+def test_location():
+ assert parsed_item["location"] == {
+ "name": "CPC Offices",
+ "address": "3631 Perkins Ave., Cleveland 4th Fl",
+ }
+def test_source():
+ assert (
+ parsed_item["source"]
+ == "http://bc.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/AuditCommitteeMtg-090519.aspx"
+ )
+def test_links():
+ assert parsed_item["links"] == [
+ {
+ "title": "Meeting agendas and minutes",
+ "href": "https://clecpc.org/resources/meeting-agendas-minutes/",
+ }
+ ]
+def test_classification():
+ assert parsed_item["classification"] == COMMISSION
+def test_all_day():
+ assert parsed_item["all_day"] is False