Psalm 22 is a powerful and emotive Psalm that expresses deep anguish and ultimately hope. Here are some discussion questions organized by sections of the Psalm to help people relate it to their own cultural setting:
Verses 1-2:
How does the psalmist describe their feelings of abandonment by God in these verses? Have you ever experienced a similar feeling of abandonment or distance from God? How did you navigate through it?
The psalmist cries out to God day and night. How does this level of persistence in prayer resonate with your own cultural understanding of prayer and seeking God's help?
Verses 3-5:
In the midst of the psalmist's distress, they declare that God is holy and enthroned. How does this proclamation of God's holiness impact your own understanding of God's character in times of trouble?
The psalmist's ancestors trusted in God and were delivered. How does the faith and trust of those who came before us influence your own faith journey and reliance on God?
Verses 6-8:
The psalmist feels scorned and mocked by those around them. Have you ever experienced ridicule or rejection because of your faith? How did you respond to it? How does your cultural context shape your response to such situations?
The psalmist describes God as being their refuge from birth. How does this imagery of God as a constant source of refuge resonate with your cultural beliefs about God's care and protection?
Verses 9-11:
The psalmist reflects on God's faithfulness to them since birth. How does the psalmist's focus on God's active involvement in their life encourage you to reflect on God's faithfulness in your own cultural context?
In what ways have you experienced God's guidance and protection throughout your life? How can you testify to God's faithfulness in your own cultural setting?
Verses 12-18:
The psalmist vividly describes their enemies closing in on them. How does the imagery of enemies surrounding the psalmist resonate with your cultural understanding of conflict and persecution?
The psalmist's physical condition is described in detail, including weakened strength and a parched mouth. How does the psalmist's physical suffering connect with your cultural beliefs about suffering and endurance?
Verses 19-21:
The psalmist pleads for God's strength and deliverance. How do you understand the psalmist's request for God to not be far away and to deliver their soul from the sword? How does this understanding of deliverance resonate in your own cultural context?
Have you ever found strength and comfort in crying out to God in times of distress? How can this practice of seeking God's help in prayer be relevant in your own cultural setting?
Verses 22-24:
The psalmist declares their intention to praise God in the midst of the congregation. How do you connect with this desire to worship and praise God together as a community in your cultural context?
How can we encourage and support one another in times of distress and trouble, as the psalmist encourages others to do in these verses?
Overall Questions:
How does this Psalm help you navigate through times of distress and feeling distant from God? Are there any particular words, phrases, or ideas that provide comfort and hope?
In what ways can you apply the teachings and themes of this Psalm, such as trusting in God's faithfulness and seeking Him in prayer, to your daily life and relationship with God, considering your own cultural context?
How does this Psalm speak to the reality of suffering and the need for God's deliverance in your cultural setting? How can we support one another in times of trouble, both spiritually and practically?
Feel free to adapt these questions to your specific cultural context and add any additional questions that come to mind while discussing the Psalm. May this process of studying and applying the Psalms to your own language be a blessing to your translation work and spiritual growth.