The following functions still exist, but are considered deprecated.
func Format(data map[string]interface{}) string
Format converts a map to a string of space-delimited key=val pairs
func FormatLog(source string, level LogLevel, title string, data map[string]interface{}) string
FormatLog is similar to Format, but takes additional reserved params to promote logging best-practices
type LogLevel string
LogLevel denotes the level of a logging
const (
Unknown LogLevel = "unknown"
Critical = "critical"
Error = "error"
Warning = "warning"
Info = "info"
Trace = "trace"
Constants used to define different LogLevels supported
type Logger interface {
Info(title string, data map[string]interface{})
Warning(title string, data map[string]interface{})
Error(title string, data map[string]interface{}, err error)
Logger is an interface satisfied by all loggers that use kayvee to Log results
The following functions formerly existed, but have been removed.
type SentryLogger struct {
SentryLogger provides an wrapper methods to do logging using kayvee and optionally sending errors to kayvee.
func NewSentryLogger(source string, logger *log.Logger, sentryClient *raven.Client) *SentryLogger
NewSentryLogger returns a new *kayvee.Logger. source is the value assigned for all logs generated by the logger log.Logger is the underlying logger used. If nil, uses log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile) sentryClient is used to optionally route errors to sentry.
func (l *SentryLogger) Error(title string, data map[string]interface{}, err error)
Error writes a log with level kayvee.Error If the logger was initialized with a
sentryClient and error is not nil, captures the error for sentry and assigns the
event ID to the sentry_event_id
key in the data.
func (l *SentryLogger) Info(title string, data map[string]interface{})
Info writes a log with level kayvee.Info
func (l *SentryLogger) Warning(title string, data map[string]interface{})
Warning writes a log with level kayvee.Warning