From 32e9494b07d6d35f74c9b2b994b35c11b8532f9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Karl=20Nyr=C3=A9n?=
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 11:35:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Release candidate v4.1.0"

 configExample.json                         |  23 +-
 microSALT/                      |   9 -
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/        |   0
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/  | 106 -----
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/          | 116 ------
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/       |  79 ----
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/      |  65 ---
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ |  88 ----
 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/         | 164 --------
 microSALT/utils/              | 172 +++-----
 requirements.txt                           |   2 -
 tests/                     | 452 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/                       |  55 +--
 tests/                     | 244 +++++------
 tests/                   | 130 +++---
 tests/                      |  70 ++--
 16 files changed, 750 insertions(+), 1025 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 delete mode 100644 microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
 create mode 100644 tests/

diff --git a/configExample.json b/configExample.json
index 789ab4b4..11af66a4 100644
--- a/configExample.json
+++ b/configExample.json
@@ -8,21 +8,24 @@
     "project": "production",
     "type": "core"
-  "regex": {
+  "regex":  {
     "mail_recipient": "",
     "_comment": "File finding patterns. Only single capture group accepted (for reverse/forward identifier)",
     "file_pattern": "\\w{8,12}_\\w{8,10}(?:-\\d+)*_L\\d_(?:R)*(\\d{1}).fastq.gz",
     "_comment": "Organisms recognized enough to be considered stable",
     "verified_organisms": []
   "_comment": "Folders",
-  "folders": {
+  "folders":  {
     "_comment": "Root folder for ALL output",
     "results": "/tmp/MLST/results/",
     "_comment": "Report collection folder",
     "reports": "/tmp/MLST/reports/",
     "_comment": "Log file position and name",
     "log_file": "/tmp/microsalt.log",
     "_comment": "Root folder for input fasta sequencing data",
     "seqdata": "/tmp/projects/",
     "_comment": "ST profiles. Each ST profile file under 'profiles' have an identicial folder under references",
@@ -32,18 +35,18 @@
     "_comment": "Resistances. Commonly from resFinder",
     "resistances": "/tmp/MLST/references/resistances",
     "_comment": "Download path for NCBI genomes, for alignment usage",
-    "genomes": "/tmp/MLST/references/genomes",
-    "_comment": "PubMLST credentials",
-    "pubmlst_credentials": "/tmp/MLST/credentials"
+    "genomes": "/tmp/MLST/references/genomes"
   "_comment": "Database/Flask configuration",
   "database": {
     "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "sqlite:////tmp/microsalt.db",
     "DEBUG": "True"
   "_comment": "Thresholds for Displayed results",
-  "threshold": {
+  "threshold":  {
     "_comment": "Typing thresholds",
     "mlst_id": 100,
     "mlst_novel_id": 99.5,
@@ -69,15 +72,11 @@
     "bp_50x_warn": 50,
     "bp_100x_warn": 20
   "_comment": "Genologics temporary configuration file",
   "genologics": {
     "baseuri": "",
     "username": "limsuser",
     "password": "mypassword"
-  },
-  "_comment": "PubMLST credentials",
-  "pubmlst": {
-    "client_id": "",
-    "client_secret": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microSALT/ b/microSALT/
index 3472d3cb..a2634782 100644
--- a/microSALT/
+++ b/microSALT/
@@ -47,15 +47,6 @@
         # Load flask info
-        # Add `folders` configuration
-        app.config["folders"] = preset_config.get("folders", {})
-        # Ensure PubMLST configuration is included
-        app.config["pubmlst"] = preset_config.get("pubmlst", {
-            "client_id": "",
-            "client_secret": ""        
-            })
         # Add extrapaths to config
         preset_config["folders"]["expec"] = os.path.abspath(
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a2e0a1..00000000
--- a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import os
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from dateutil import parser
-from rauth import OAuth1Session
-from microSALT import logger
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.helpers import BASE_API, save_session_token, load_auth_credentials, get_path, folders_config, credentials_path_key, pubmlst_session_credentials_file_name 
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.exceptions import (
-    PUBMLSTError,
-    SessionTokenRequestError,
-    SessionTokenResponseError,
-session_token_validity = 12  # 12-hour validity
-session_expiration_buffer = 60  # 60-second buffer
-def get_new_session_token(db: str):
-    """Request a new session token using all credentials for a specific database."""
-    logger.debug("Fetching a new session token for database '{db}'...")
-    try:
-        consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret = load_auth_credentials()
-        url = f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/oauth/get_session_token"
-        session = OAuth1Session(
-            consumer_key=consumer_key,
-            consumer_secret=consumer_secret,
-            access_token=access_token,
-            access_token_secret=access_secret,
-        )
-        response = session.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": "BIGSdb downloader"})
-        logger.debug("Response Status Code: {status_code}")
-        if response.ok:
-            try:
-                token_data = response.json()
-                session_token = token_data.get("oauth_token")
-                session_secret = token_data.get("oauth_token_secret")
-                if not session_token or not session_secret:
-                    raise SessionTokenResponseError(
-                        db, "Missing 'oauth_token' or 'oauth_token_secret' in response."
-                    )
-                expiration_time = + timedelta(hours=session_token_validity)
-                save_session_token(db, session_token, session_secret, expiration_time)
-                return session_token, session_secret
-            except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
-                raise SessionTokenResponseError(db, f"Invalid response format: {str(e)}")
-        else:
-            raise SessionTokenRequestError(
-                db, response.status_code, response.text
-            )
-    except PUBMLSTError as e:
-        logger.error(f"Error during token fetching: {e}")
-        raise
-    except Exception as e:
-        logger.error(f"Unexpected error: {e}")
-        raise PUBMLSTError(f"Unexpected error while fetching session token for database '{db}': {e}")
-def load_session_credentials(db: str):
-    """Load session token from file for a specific database."""
-    try:
-        credentials_file = os.path.join(
-            get_path(folders_config, credentials_path_key),
-            pubmlst_session_credentials_file_name
-        )
-        if not os.path.exists(credentials_file):
-            logger.debug("Session file does not exist. Fetching a new session token.")
-            return get_new_session_token(db)
-        with open(credentials_file, "r") as f:
-            try:
-                all_sessions = json.load(f)
-            except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
-                raise SessionTokenResponseError(db, f"Failed to parse session file: {str(e)}")
-        db_session_data = all_sessions.get("databases", {}).get(db)
-        if not db_session_data:
-            logger.debug(f"No session token found for database '{db}'. Fetching a new session token.")
-            return get_new_session_token(db)
-        expiration = parser.parse(db_session_data.get("expiration", ""))
-        if < expiration - timedelta(seconds=session_expiration_buffer):
-            logger.debug(f"Using existing session token for database '{db}'.")
-            session_token = db_session_data.get("token")
-            session_secret = db_session_data.get("secret")
-            return session_token, session_secret
-        logger.debug(f"Session token for database '{db}' has expired. Fetching a new session token.")
-        return get_new_session_token(db)
-    except PUBMLSTError as e:
-        logger.error(f"PUBMLST-specific error occurred: {e}")
-        raise
-    except Exception as e:
-        logger.error(f"Unexpected error: {e}")
-        raise PUBMLSTError(f"Unexpected error while loading session token for database '{db}': {e}")
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6ce9c16..00000000
--- a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import requests
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.helpers import (
-    BASE_API,
-    generate_oauth_header,
-    load_auth_credentials,
-    parse_pubmlst_url
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.constants import RequestType, HTTPMethod, ResponseHandler
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.exceptions import PUBMLSTError, SessionTokenRequestError
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.authentication import load_session_credentials
-from microSALT import logger
-class PubMLSTClient:
-    """Client for interacting with the PubMLST authenticated API."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Initialize the PubMLST client."""
-        try:
-            self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret, self.access_token, self.access_secret = load_auth_credentials()
-            self.database = "pubmlst_test_seqdef"
-            self.session_token, self.session_secret = load_session_credentials(self.database)
-        except PUBMLSTError as e:
-            logger.error(f"Failed to initialize PubMLST client: {e}")
-            raise
-    @staticmethod
-    def parse_pubmlst_url(url: str):
-        """
-        Wrapper for the parse_pubmlst_url function.
-        """
-        return parse_pubmlst_url(url)
-    def _make_request(self, request_type: RequestType, method: HTTPMethod, url: str, db: str = None, response_handler: ResponseHandler = ResponseHandler.JSON):
-        """ Handle API requests."""     
-        try:
-            if db:
-                session_token, session_secret = load_session_credentials(db)
-            else:
-                session_token, session_secret = self.session_token, self.session_secret
-            if request_type == RequestType.AUTH:
-                headers = {
-                    "Authorization": generate_oauth_header(url, self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret, self.access_token, self.access_secret)
-                }
-            elif request_type == RequestType.DB:
-                headers = {
-                    "Authorization": generate_oauth_header(url, self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret, session_token, session_secret)
-                }
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported request type: {request_type}")
-            if method == HTTPMethod.GET:
-                response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
-            elif method == HTTPMethod.POST:
-                response =, headers=headers)
-            elif method == HTTPMethod.PUT:
-                response = requests.put(url, headers=headers)
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported HTTP method: {method}")
-            response.raise_for_status()
-            if response_handler == ResponseHandler.CONTENT:
-                return response.content
-            elif response_handler == ResponseHandler.TEXT:
-                return response.text
-            elif response_handler == ResponseHandler.JSON:
-                return response.json()
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported response handler: {response_handler}")
-        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
-            raise SessionTokenRequestError(db or self.database, e.response.status_code, e.response.text) from e
-        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
-            logger.error(f"Request failed: {e}")
-            raise PUBMLSTError(f"Request failed: {e}") from e
-        except Exception as e:
-            logger.error(f"Unexpected error during request: {e}")
-            raise PUBMLSTError(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}") from e
-    def query_databases(self):
-        """Query available PubMLST databases."""
-        url = f"{BASE_API}/db"
-        return self._make_request(RequestType.DB, HTTPMethod.GET, url, response_handler=ResponseHandler.JSON)
-    def download_locus(self, db: str, locus: str, **kwargs):
-        """Download locus sequence files."""
-        base_url = f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/loci/{locus}/alleles_fasta"
-        query_string = urlencode(kwargs)
-        url = f"{base_url}?{query_string}" if query_string else base_url
-        return self._make_request(RequestType.DB, HTTPMethod.GET, url, db=db, response_handler=ResponseHandler.TEXT)
-    def download_profiles_csv(self, db: str, scheme_id: int):
-        """Download MLST profiles in CSV format."""
-        if not scheme_id:
-            raise ValueError("Scheme ID is required to download profiles CSV.")
-        url = f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/schemes/{scheme_id}/profiles_csv"
-        return self._make_request(RequestType.DB, HTTPMethod.GET, url, db=db, response_handler=ResponseHandler.TEXT)
-    def retrieve_scheme_info(self, db: str, scheme_id: int):
-        """Retrieve information about a specific MLST scheme."""
-        url = f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/schemes/{scheme_id}"
-        return self._make_request(RequestType.DB, HTTPMethod.GET, url, db=db, response_handler=ResponseHandler.JSON)
-    def list_schemes(self, db: str):
-        """List available MLST schemes for a specific database."""
-        url = f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/schemes"
-        return self._make_request(RequestType.DB, HTTPMethod.GET, url, db=db, response_handler=ResponseHandler.JSON)
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index b77741ca..00000000
--- a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-from enum import Enum
-from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
-class RequestType(Enum):
-    AUTH = "auth"
-    DB = "db"
-class CredentialsFile(Enum):
-    MAIN = "main"
-    SESSION = "session"
-class Encoding(Enum):
-    UTF8 = "utf-8"
-class HTTPMethod(Enum):
-    GET = "GET"
-    POST = "POST"
-    PUT = "PUT"
-    PATCH = "PATCH"
-    HEAD = "HEAD"
-class ResponseHandler(Enum):
-    CONTENT = "content"
-    TEXT = "text"
-    JSON = "json"
-url_map = Map([
-    Rule('/', endpoint='root'),
-    Rule('/db', endpoint='db_root'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>', endpoint='database_root'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/classification_schemes', endpoint='classification_schemes'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/classification_schemes/<int:classification_scheme_id>', endpoint='classification_scheme'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/classification_schemes/<int:classification_scheme_id>/groups', endpoint='classification_scheme_groups'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/classification_schemes/<int:classification_scheme_id>/groups/<int:group_id>', endpoint='classification_scheme_group'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/loci', endpoint='loci'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/loci/<locus>', endpoint='locus'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/loci/<locus>/alleles', endpoint='locus_alleles'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/loci/<locus>/alleles_fasta', endpoint='locus_alleles_fasta'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/loci/<locus>/alleles/<int:allele_id>', endpoint='locus_allele'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/loci/<locus>/sequence', endpoint='locus_sequence_post'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/sequence', endpoint='sequence_post'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/sequences', endpoint='sequences'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes', endpoint='schemes'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>', endpoint='scheme'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/loci', endpoint='scheme_loci'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/fields/<field>', endpoint='scheme_field'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/profiles', endpoint='scheme_profiles'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/profiles_csv', endpoint='scheme_profiles_csv'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/profiles/<int:profile_id>', endpoint='scheme_profile'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/sequence', endpoint='scheme_sequence_post'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/designations', endpoint='scheme_designations_post'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates', endpoint='isolates'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/genomes', endpoint='genomes'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/search', endpoint='isolates_search_post'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>', endpoint='isolate'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/allele_designations', endpoint='isolate_allele_designations'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/allele_designations/<locus>', endpoint='isolate_allele_designation_locus'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/allele_ids', endpoint='isolate_allele_ids'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/allele_designations', endpoint='isolate_scheme_allele_designations'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/schemes/<int:scheme_id>/allele_ids', endpoint='isolate_scheme_allele_ids'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/contigs', endpoint='isolate_contigs'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/contigs_fasta', endpoint='isolate_contigs_fasta'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/isolates/<int:isolate_id>/history', endpoint='isolate_history'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/contigs/<int:contig_id>', endpoint='contig'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/fields', endpoint='fields'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/fields/<field>', endpoint='field'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/users/<int:user_id>', endpoint='user'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/curators', endpoint='curators'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/projects', endpoint='projects'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/projects/<int:project_id>', endpoint='project'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/projects/<int:project_id>/isolates', endpoint='project_isolates'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/submissions', endpoint='submissions'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/submissions/<int:submission_id>', endpoint='submission'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/submissions/<int:submission_id>/messages', endpoint='submission_messages'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/submissions/<int:submission_id>/files', endpoint='submission_files'),
-    Rule('/db/<db>/submissions/<int:submission_id>/files/<filename>', endpoint='submission_file'),
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index 018ece63..00000000
--- a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-class PUBMLSTError(Exception):
-    """Base exception for PUBMLST utilities."""
-    def __init__(self, message=None):
-        super(PUBMLSTError, self).__init__(f"PUBMLST: {message}")
-class CredentialsFileNotFound(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when the PUBMLST credentials file is not found."""
-    def __init__(self, credentials_file):
-        message = (
-            f"Credentials file not found: {credentials_file}. "
-            "Please generate it using the get_credentials script."
-        )
-        super(CredentialsFileNotFound, self).__init__(message)
-class InvalidCredentials(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when the credentials file contains invalid or missing fields."""
-    def __init__(self, missing_fields):
-        message = (
-            "Invalid credentials: All fields (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_SECRET) "
-            f"must be non-empty. Missing or empty fields: {', '.join(missing_fields)}. "
-            "Please regenerate the credentials file using the get_credentials script."
-        )
-        super(InvalidCredentials, self).__init__(message)
-class PathResolutionError(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when the file path cannot be resolved from the configuration."""
-    def __init__(self, config_key):
-        message = (
-            f"Failed to resolve the path for configuration key: '{config_key}'. "
-            "Ensure it is correctly set in the configuration."
-        )
-        super(PathResolutionError, self).__init__(message)
-class SaveSessionError(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when saving the session token fails."""
-    def __init__(self, db, reason):
-        message = f"Failed to save session token for database '{db}': {reason}"
-        super(SaveSessionError, self).__init__(message)
-class SessionTokenRequestError(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when requesting a session token fails."""
-    def __init__(self, db, status_code, response_text):
-        message = f"Failed to fetch session token for database '{db}': {status_code} - {response_text}"
-        super(SessionTokenRequestError, self).__init__(message)
-class SessionTokenResponseError(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when the session token response is invalid."""
-    def __init__(self, db, reason):
-        message = f"Invalid session token response for database '{db}': {reason}"
-        super(SessionTokenResponseError, self).__init__(message)
-class InvalidURLError(PUBMLSTError):
-    """Raised when the provided URL does not match any known patterns."""
-    def __init__(self, href):
-        message = (
-            f"The provided URL '{href}' does not match any known PUBMLST API patterns. "
-            "Please check the URL for correctness."
-        )
-        super(InvalidURLError, self).__init__(message)
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe21e92..00000000
--- a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-from rauth import OAuth1Service
-from microSALT import app
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.helpers import get_path, BASE_API, BASE_WEB, folders_config, credentials_path_key, pubmlst_auth_credentials_file_name
-db = "pubmlst_test_seqdef"
-def validate_credentials(client_id, client_secret):
-    """Ensure client_id and client_secret are not empty."""
-    if not client_id or not client_id.strip():
-        raise ValueError("Invalid CLIENT_ID: It must not be empty.")
-    if not client_secret or not client_secret.strip():
-        raise ValueError("Invalid CLIENT_SECRET: It must not be empty.")
-def get_request_token(service):
-    """Handle JSON response from the request token endpoint."""
-    response = service.get_raw_request_token(params={"oauth_callback": "oob"})
-    if not response.ok:
-        print(f"Error obtaining request token: {response.text}")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    data = response.json()
-    return data["oauth_token"], data["oauth_token_secret"]
-def get_new_access_token(client_id, client_secret):
-    """Obtain a new access token and secret."""
-    service = OAuth1Service(
-        name="BIGSdb_downloader",
-        consumer_key=client_id,
-        consumer_secret=client_secret,
-        request_token_url=f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/oauth/get_request_token",
-        access_token_url=f"{BASE_API}/db/{db}/oauth/get_access_token",
-        base_url=BASE_API,
-    )
-    request_token, request_secret = get_request_token(service)
-    print(
-        "Please log in using your user account at "
-        f"{BASE_WEB}?db={db}&page=authorizeClient&oauth_token={request_token} "
-        "using a web browser to obtain a verification code."
-    )
-    verifier = input("Please enter verification code: ")
-    raw_access = service.get_raw_access_token(
-        request_token, request_secret, params={"oauth_verifier": verifier}
-    )
-    if not raw_access.ok:
-        print(f"Error obtaining access token: {raw_access.text}")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    access_data = raw_access.json()
-    return access_data["oauth_token"], access_data["oauth_token_secret"]
-def save_to_credentials_py(client_id, client_secret, access_token, access_secret, credentials_path, credentials_file):
-    """Save tokens in the file."""
-    credentials_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    with open(credentials_file, "w") as f:
-        f.write(f'CLIENT_ID = "{client_id}"\n')
-        f.write(f'CLIENT_SECRET = "{client_secret}"\n')
-        f.write(f'ACCESS_TOKEN = "{access_token}"\n')
-        f.write(f'ACCESS_SECRET = "{access_secret}"\n')
-    print(f"Tokens saved to {credentials_file}")
-def main():
-    try:
-        pubmlst_config = app.config["pubmlst"]
-        client_id = pubmlst_config["client_id"]
-        client_secret = pubmlst_config["client_secret"]
-        validate_credentials(client_id, client_secret)
-        credentials_path = get_path(folders_config, credentials_path_key)
-        credentials_file = os.path.join(credentials_path, pubmlst_auth_credentials_file_name)
-        access_token, access_secret = get_new_access_token(client_id, client_secret)
-        print(f"\nAccess Token: {access_token}")
-        print(f"Access Token Secret: {access_secret}")
-        save_to_credentials_py(client_id, client_secret, access_token, access_secret, credentials_path, credentials_file)
-    except Exception as e:
-        print(f"Error: {e}")
-        sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/ b/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc881a3..00000000
--- a/microSALT/utils/pubmlst/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import base64
-import hashlib
-import json
-import hmac
-import time
-from pathlib import Path
-from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urlencode
-from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
-from microSALT import app, logger
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.exceptions import PUBMLSTError, PathResolutionError, CredentialsFileNotFound, InvalidCredentials, SaveSessionError, InvalidURLError
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.constants import Encoding, url_map
-BASE_WEB = ""
-BASE_API = ""
-credentials_path_key = "pubmlst_credentials"
-pubmlst_auth_credentials_file_name = "pubmlst_credentials.env"
-pubmlst_session_credentials_file_name = "pubmlst_session_credentials.json"
-pubmlst_config = app.config["pubmlst"]
-folders_config = app.config["folders"]
-def get_path(config, config_key: str):
-    """Get and expand the file path from the configuration."""
-    try:
-        path = config.get(config_key)
-        if not path:
-            raise PathResolutionError(config_key)
-        path = os.path.expandvars(path)
-        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
-        return Path(path).resolve()
-    except Exception as e:
-        raise PathResolutionError(config_key) from e
-def load_auth_credentials():
-    """Load client ID, client secret, access token, and access secret from credentials file."""
-    try:
-        credentials_file = os.path.join(
-            get_path(folders_config, credentials_path_key),
-            pubmlst_auth_credentials_file_name
-        )
-        if not os.path.exists(credentials_file):
-            raise CredentialsFileNotFound(credentials_file)
-        credentials = {}
-        with open(credentials_file, "r") as f:
-            exec(, credentials)
-        consumer_key = credentials.get("CLIENT_ID", "").strip()
-        consumer_secret = credentials.get("CLIENT_SECRET", "").strip()
-        access_token = credentials.get("ACCESS_TOKEN", "").strip()
-        access_secret = credentials.get("ACCESS_SECRET", "").strip()
-        missing_fields = []
-        if not consumer_key:
-            missing_fields.append("CLIENT_ID")
-        if not consumer_secret:
-            missing_fields.append("CLIENT_SECRET")
-        if not access_token:
-            missing_fields.append("ACCESS_TOKEN")
-        if not access_secret:
-            missing_fields.append("ACCESS_SECRET")
-        if missing_fields:
-            raise InvalidCredentials(missing_fields)
-        return consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret
-    except CredentialsFileNotFound:
-        raise
-    except InvalidCredentials:
-        raise
-    except PUBMLSTError as e:
-        logger.error(f"Unexpected error in load_credentials: {e}")
-        raise
-    except Exception as e:
-        raise PUBMLSTError("An unexpected error occurred while loading credentials: {e}")
-def generate_oauth_header(url: str, oauth_consumer_key: str, oauth_consumer_secret: str, oauth_token: str, oauth_token_secret: str):
-    """Generate the OAuth1 Authorization header."""
-    oauth_timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
-    oauth_nonce = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)).decode(Encoding.UTF8.value).strip("=")
-    oauth_signature_method = "HMAC-SHA1"
-    oauth_version = "1.0"
-    oauth_params = {
-        "oauth_consumer_key": oauth_consumer_key,
-        "oauth_token": oauth_token,
-        "oauth_signature_method": oauth_signature_method,
-        "oauth_timestamp": oauth_timestamp,
-        "oauth_nonce": oauth_nonce,
-        "oauth_version": oauth_version,
-    }    
-    params_encoded = urlencode(sorted(oauth_params.items()))
-    base_string = f"GET&{quote_plus(url)}&{quote_plus(params_encoded)}"
-    signing_key = f"{oauth_consumer_secret}&{oauth_token_secret}"
-    hashed =, base_string.encode(Encoding.UTF8.value), hashlib.sha1)
-    oauth_signature = base64.b64encode(hashed.digest()).decode(Encoding.UTF8.value)
-    oauth_params["oauth_signature"] = oauth_signature
-    auth_header = "OAuth " + ", ".join(
-        [f'{quote_plus(k)}="{quote_plus(v)}"' for k, v in oauth_params.items()]
-    )
-    return auth_header
-def save_session_token(db: str, token: str, secret: str, expiration_date: str):
-    """Save session token, secret, and expiration to a JSON file for the specified database."""
-    try:
-        session_data = {
-            "token": token,
-            "secret": secret,
-            "expiration": expiration_date.isoformat(),
-        }
-        credentials_file = os.path.join(
-            get_path(folders_config, credentials_path_key),
-            pubmlst_session_credentials_file_name
-        )
-        if os.path.exists(credentials_file):
-            with open(credentials_file, "r") as f:
-                all_sessions = json.load(f)
-        else:
-            all_sessions = {}
-        if "databases" not in all_sessions:
-            all_sessions["databases"] = {}
-        all_sessions["databases"][db] = session_data
-        with open(credentials_file, "w") as f:
-            json.dump(all_sessions, f, indent=4)
-        logger.debug(
-            f"Session token for database '{db}' saved to '{credentials_file}'."
-        )
-    except (IOError, OSError) as e:
-        raise SaveSessionError(db, f"I/O error: {e}")
-    except ValueError as e:
-        raise SaveSessionError(db, f"Invalid data format: {e}")
-    except Exception as e:
-        raise SaveSessionError(db, f"Unexpected error: {e}")
-def parse_pubmlst_url(url: str):
-    """
-    Match a URL against the URL map and return extracted parameters.
-    """
-    adapter = url_map.bind("")
-    parsed_url = url.split(BASE_API_HOST)[-1]
-    try:
-        endpoint, values = adapter.match(parsed_url)
-        return {"endpoint": endpoint, **values}
-    except NotFound:
-        raise InvalidURLError(url)
diff --git a/microSALT/utils/ b/microSALT/utils/
index aeac8593..2fa1b6c5 100644
--- a/microSALT/utils/
+++ b/microSALT/utils/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 import subprocess
 import urllib.request
 import zipfile
-from microSALT.utils.pubmlst.client import PubMLSTClient
 from Bio import Entrez
 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
@@ -44,8 +43,6 @@ def __init__(self, config, log, sampleinfo={}, force=False):
                 self.sampleinfo = self.sampleinfo[0]
    = self.sampleinfo.get("CG_ID_sample")
             self.sample = self.sampleinfo
-        self.client = PubMLSTClient()
     def identify_new(self, cg_id="", project=False):
         """ Automatically downloads pubMLST & NCBI organisms not already downloaded """
@@ -388,133 +385,92 @@ def add_pubmlst(self, organism):
     def query_pubmlst(self):
         """ Returns a json object containing all organisms available via """
-        db_query = self.client.query_databases()
+        # Example request URI:
+        seqdef_url = dict()
+        databases = ""
+        db_req = urllib.request.Request(databases)
+        with urllib.request.urlopen(db_req) as response:
+            db_query = json.loads("utf-8"))
         return db_query
     def get_mlst_scheme(self, subtype_href):
         """ Returns the path for the MLST data scheme at pubMLST """
-            parsed_data = self.client.parse_pubmlst_url(subtype_href)
-            db = parsed_data.get('db')
-            if not db:
-                self.logger.warning(f"Could not extract database name from URL: {subtype_href}")
-                return None
-            # First, check scheme 1
-            scheme_query_1 = self.client.retrieve_scheme_info(db, 1)
-            mlst = None
-            if "MLST" in scheme_query_1.get("description", ""):
-                mlst = f"{subtype_href}/schemes/1"
-            else:
-                # If scheme 1 isn't MLST, list all schemes and find the one with 'description' == 'MLST'
-                record_query = self.client.list_schemes(db)
-                for scheme in record_query.get("schemes", []):
-                    if scheme.get("description") == "MLST":
-                        mlst = scheme.get("scheme")
-                        break
+            mlst = False
+            record_req_1 = urllib.request.Request("{}/schemes/1".format(subtype_href))
+            with urllib.request.urlopen(record_req_1) as response:
+                scheme_query_1 = json.loads("utf-8"))
+                if "MLST" in scheme_query_1["description"]:
+                    mlst = "{}/schemes/1".format(subtype_href)
+            if not mlst:
+                record_req = urllib.request.Request("{}/schemes".format(subtype_href))
+                with urllib.request.urlopen(record_req) as response:
+                    record_query = json.loads("utf-8"))
+                    for scheme in record_query["schemes"]:
+                        if scheme["description"] == "MLST":
+                            mlst = scheme["scheme"]
             if mlst:
-                self.logger.debug(f"Found data at pubMLST: {mlst}")
+                self.logger.debug("Found data at pubMLST: {}".format(mlst))
                 return mlst
-            else:
-                self.logger.warning(f"Could not find MLST data at {subtype_href}")
-                return None
+            else: 
+                self.logger.warning("Could not find MLST data at {}".format(subtype_href))
         except Exception as e:
-            return None
     def external_version(self, organism, subtype_href):
         """ Returns the version (date) of the data available on pubMLST """
+        mlst_href = self.get_mlst_scheme(subtype_href)
-            mlst_href = self.get_mlst_scheme(subtype_href)
-            if not mlst_href:
-                self.logger.warning(f"MLST scheme not found for URL: {subtype_href}")
-                return None
-            parsed_data = self.client.parse_pubmlst_url(mlst_href)
-            db = parsed_data.get('db')
-            scheme_id = parsed_data.get('scheme_id')
-            if not db or not scheme_id:
-                self.logger.warning(f"Could not extract database name or scheme ID from MLST URL: {mlst_href}")
-                return None
-            scheme_info = self.client.retrieve_scheme_info(db, scheme_id)
-            last_updated = scheme_info.get("last_updated")
-            if last_updated:
-                self.logger.debug(f"Retrieved last_updated: {last_updated} for organism: {organism}")
-                return last_updated
-            else:
-                self.logger.warning(f"No 'last_updated' field found for db: {db}, scheme_id: {scheme_id}")
-                return None
+            with urllib.request.urlopen(mlst_href) as response:
+                ver_query = json.loads("utf-8"))
+            return ver_query["last_updated"]
         except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.warning(f"Could not determine pubMLST version for {organism}")
+            self.logger.warning("Could not determine pubMLST version for {}".format(organism))
-            return None
     def download_pubmlst(self, organism, subtype_href, force=False):
         """ Downloads ST and loci for a given organism stored on pubMLST if it is more recent. Returns update date """
         organism = organism.lower().replace(" ", "_")
+        # Pull version
+        extver = self.external_version(organism, subtype_href)
+        currver = self.db_access.get_version("profile_{}".format(organism))
+        if (
+            int(extver.replace("-", ""))
+            <= int(currver.replace("-", ""))
+            and not force
+        ):
+            #"Profile for {} already at latest version".format(organism.replace('_' ,' ').capitalize()))
+            return currver
+        # Pull ST file
+        mlst_href = self.get_mlst_scheme(subtype_href)
+        st_target = "{}/{}".format(self.config["folders"]["profiles"], organism)
+        st_input = "{}/profiles_csv".format(mlst_href)
+        urllib.request.urlretrieve(st_input, st_target)
+        # Pull locus files
+        loci_input = mlst_href
+        loci_req = urllib.request.Request(loci_input)
+        with urllib.request.urlopen(loci_req) as response:
+            loci_query = json.loads("utf-8"))
+        output = "{}/{}".format(self.config["folders"]["references"], organism)
-            # Pull version
-            extver = self.external_version(organism, subtype_href)
-            currver = self.db_access.get_version(f"profile_{organism}")
-            if (
-                int(extver.replace("-", ""))
-                <= int(currver.replace("-", ""))
-                and not force
-            ):
-      "Profile for {organism.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()} already at the latest version.")
-                return currver
-            # Retrieve the MLST scheme URL
-            mlst_href = self.get_mlst_scheme(subtype_href)
-            if not mlst_href:
-                self.logger.warning(f"MLST scheme not found for URL: {subtype_href}")
-                return None
-            # Parse the database name and scheme ID
-            parsed_data = self.client.parse_pubmlst_url(mlst_href)
-            db = parsed_data.get('db')
-            scheme_id = parsed_data.get('scheme_id')
-            if not db or not scheme_id:
-                self.logger.warning(f"Could not extract database name or scheme ID from MLST URL: {mlst_href}")
-                return None
-            # Step 1: Download the profiles CSV
-            st_target = f"{self.config['folders']['profiles']}/{organism}"
-            profiles_csv = self.client.download_profiles_csv(db, scheme_id)
-            with open(st_target, "w") as profile_file:
-                profile_file.write(profiles_csv)
-  "Profiles CSV downloaded to {st_target}")
-            # Step 2: Fetch scheme information to get loci
-            scheme_info = self.client.retrieve_scheme_info(db, scheme_id)
-            loci_list = scheme_info.get("loci", [])
-            # Step 3: Download loci FASTA files
-            output = f"{self.config['folders']['references']}/{organism}"
             if os.path.isdir(output):
-            os.makedirs(output)
-            for locus_uri in loci_list:
-                locus_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(locus_uri))
-                loci_fasta = self.client.download_locus(db, locus_name)
-                with open(f"{output}/{locus_name}.tfa", "w") as fasta_file:
-                    fasta_file.write(loci_fasta)
-      "Locus FASTA downloaded: {locus_name}.tfa")
-            # Step 4: Create new indexes
-            self.index_db(output, ".tfa")
-            return extver
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.error(f"Failed to download data for {organism}: {e}")
-            return None
+        except FileNotFoundError as e:
+            pass
+        os.makedirs(output)
+        for locipath in loci_query["loci"]:
+            loci = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(locipath))
+            urllib.request.urlretrieve(
+                "{}/alleles_fasta".format(locipath), "{}/{}.tfa".format(output, loci)
+            )
+        # Create new indexes
+        self.index_db(output, ".tfa")
     def fetch_pubmlst(self, force=False):
         """ Updates reference for data that is stored on pubMLST """
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 5cdd9804..6efdd7f2 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@ pymysql==0.10.1
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dc37722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import builtins
+import click
+import json
+import logging
+import pathlib
+import pdb
+import pytest
+import re
+import mock
+import os
+import sys
+from microSALT import __version__
+from click.testing import CliRunner
+from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
+from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open
+from microSALT import preset_config, logger
+from microSALT.cli import root
+from import DB_Manipulator
+def unpack_db_json(filename):
+    testdata = os.path.abspath(
+        os.path.join(
+            pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, "tests/testdata/{}".format(filename)
+        )
+    )
+    # Check if release install exists
+    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+        if "microSALT-" in entry:
+            testdata = os.path.abspath(
+                os.path.join(
+                    os.path.expandvars("$CONDA_PREFIX"), "testdata/{}".format(filename)
+                )
+            )
+    with open(testdata) as json_file:
+        data = json.load(json_file)
+    return data
+def dbm():
+    db_file =
+        "sqlite:///(.+)", preset_config["database"]["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"]
+    ).group(1)
+    dbm = DB_Manipulator(config=preset_config, log=logger)
+    dbm.create_tables()
+    for entry in unpack_db_json("sampleinfo_projects.json"):
+        dbm.add_rec(entry, "Projects")
+    for entry in unpack_db_json("sampleinfo_mlst.json"):
+        dbm.add_rec(entry, "Seq_types")
+    for bentry in unpack_db_json("sampleinfo_resistance.json"):
+        dbm.add_rec(bentry, "Resistances")
+    for centry in unpack_db_json("sampleinfo_expec.json"):
+        dbm.add_rec(centry, "Expacs")
+    for dentry in unpack_db_json("sampleinfo_reports.json"):
+        dbm.add_rec(dentry, "Reports")
+    return dbm
+def no_requests(monkeypatch):
+    """Remove requests.sessions.Session.request for all tests."""
+    monkeypatch.delattr("requests.sessions.Session.request")
+def runner():
+    runnah = CliRunner()
+    return runnah
+def config():
+    config = os.path.abspath(
+        os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, "configExample.json")
+    )
+    # Check if release install exists
+    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+        if "microSALT-" in entry:
+            config = os.path.abspath(
+                os.path.join(
+                    os.path.expandvars("$CONDA_PREFIX"), "testdata/configExample.json"
+                )
+            )
+    return config
+def path_testdata():
+    testdata = os.path.abspath(
+        os.path.join(
+            pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent,
+            "tests/testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json",
+        )
+    )
+    # Check if release install exists
+    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+        if "microSALT-" in entry:
+            testdata = os.path.abspath(
+                os.path.join(
+                    os.path.expandvars("$CONDA_PREFIX"),
+                    "testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json",
+                )
+            )
+    return testdata
+def path_testproject():
+    testproject = os.path.abspath(
+        os.path.join(
+            pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent,
+            "tests/testdata/AAA1234_2000.1.2_3.4.5",
+        )
+    )
+    # Check if release install exists
+    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+        if "microSALT-" in entry:
+            testproject = os.path.abspath(
+                os.path.join(
+                    os.path.expandvars("$CONDA_PREFIX"),
+                    "testdata/AAA1234_2000.1.2_3.4.5",
+                )
+            )
+    return testproject
+def test_version(runner):
+    res = runner.invoke(root, "--version")
+    assert res.exit_code == 0
+    assert __version__ in res.stdout
+def test_groups(runner):
+    """These groups should only return the help text"""
+    base = runner.invoke(root, ["utils"])
+    assert base.exit_code == 0
+    base_invoke = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "resync"])
+    assert base_invoke.exit_code == 0
+    base_invoke = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "refer"])
+    assert base_invoke.exit_code == 0
+def test_finish_typical(
+    isdir,
+    smtp,
+    reqs_get,
+    proc_join,
+    proc_term,
+    webstart,
+    create_projct,
+    runner,
+    config,
+    path_testdata,
+    path_testproject,
+    caplog,
+    dbm,
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    caplog.clear()
+    isdir.return_value = True
+    # All subcommands
+    base_invoke = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "finish"])
+    assert base_invoke.exit_code == 2
+    # Exhaustive parameter test
+    typical_run = runner.invoke(
+        root,
+        [
+            "utils",
+            "finish",
+            path_testdata,
+            "--email",
+            "",
+            "--config",
+            config,
+            "--report",
+            "default",
+            "--output",
+            "/tmp/",
+            "--input",
+            path_testproject,
+        ],
+    )
+    assert typical_run.exit_code == 0
+    assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+def test_finish_qc(
+    isdir,
+    smtp,
+    reqs_get,
+    proc_join,
+    proc_term,
+    webstart,
+    create_projct,
+    runner,
+    config,
+    path_testdata,
+    path_testproject,
+    caplog,
+    dbm,
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    caplog.clear()
+    isdir.return_value = True
+    special_run = runner.invoke(
+        root,
+        [
+            "utils",
+            "finish",
+            path_testdata,
+            "--report",
+            "qc",
+            "--output",
+            "/tmp/",
+            "--input",
+            path_testproject,
+        ],
+    )
+    assert special_run.exit_code == 0
+    assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+def test_finish_motif(
+    isdir,
+    smtp,
+    reqs_get,
+    proc_join,
+    proc_term,
+    webstart,
+    create_projct,
+    runner,
+    config,
+    path_testdata,
+    path_testproject,
+    caplog,
+    dbm,
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    caplog.clear()
+    isdir.return_value = True
+    unique_report = runner.invoke(
+        root,
+        [
+            "utils",
+            "finish",
+            path_testdata,
+            "--report",
+            "motif_overview",
+            "--output",
+            "/tmp/",
+            "--input",
+            path_testproject,
+        ],
+    )
+    assert unique_report.exit_code == 0
+    assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+def test_report(
+    smtplib, reqget, join, term, webstart, runner, path_testdata, caplog, dbm
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    caplog.clear()
+    base_invoke = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "report"])
+    assert base_invoke.exit_code == 2
+    # Exhaustive parameter test
+    for rep_type in [
+        "default",
+        "typing",
+        "motif_overview",
+        "qc",
+        "json_dump",
+        "st_update",
+    ]:
+        normal_report = runner.invoke(
+            root,
+            [
+                "utils",
+                "report",
+                path_testdata,
+                "--type",
+                rep_type,
+                "--email",
+                "",
+                "--output",
+                "/tmp/",
+            ],
+        )
+        assert normal_report.exit_code == 0
+        assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+        caplog.clear()
+        collection_report = runner.invoke(
+            root,
+            [
+                "utils",
+                "report",
+                path_testdata,
+                "--type",
+                rep_type,
+                "--collection",
+                "--output",
+                "/tmp/",
+            ],
+        )
+        assert collection_report.exit_code == 0
+        assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+        caplog.clear()
+def test_resync_overwrite(smtplib, reqget, join, term, webstart, runner, caplog, dbm):
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    caplog.clear()
+    a = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "resync", "overwrite", "AAA1234A1"])
+    assert a.exit_code == 0
+    assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+    b = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "resync", "overwrite", "AAA1234A1", "--force"])
+    assert b.exit_code == 0
+    assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+def test_resync_review(smtplib, reqget, join, term, webstart, runner, caplog, dbm):
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    caplog.clear()
+    # Exhaustive parameter test
+    for rep_type in ["list", "report"]:
+        typical_work = runner.invoke(
+            root,
+            [
+                "utils",
+                "resync",
+                "review",
+                "--email",
+                "",
+                "--type",
+                rep_type,
+                "--output",
+                "/tmp/",
+            ],
+        )
+        assert typical_work.exit_code == 0
+        assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+        caplog.clear()
+        delimited_work = runner.invoke(
+            root,
+            [
+                "utils",
+                "resync",
+                "review",
+                "--skip_update",
+                "--customer",
+                "custX",
+                "--type",
+                rep_type,
+                "--output",
+                "/tmp/",
+            ],
+        )
+        assert delimited_work.exit_code == 0
+        assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+        caplog.clear()
+def test_refer(runner, caplog, dbm):
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    list_invoke = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "refer", "observe"])
+    assert list_invoke.exit_code == 0
+    a = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "refer", "add", "Homosapiens_Trams"])
+    assert a.exit_code == 0
+    # assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+    b = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "refer", "add", "Homosapiens_Trams", "--force"])
+    assert b.exit_code == 0
+    # assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+def test_view(webstart, runner, caplog, dbm):
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    view = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "view"])
+    assert view.exit_code == 0
+    # assert "INFO - Execution finished!" in caplog.text
+    caplog.clear()
+def test_generate(isdir, runner, caplog, dbm):
+    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="main_logger")
+    gent = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "generate", "--input", "/tmp/"])
+    assert gent.exit_code == 0
+    fent = runner.invoke(root, ["utils", "generate"])
+    assert fent.exit_code == 0
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d2332d93..d61bcd2d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -9,71 +9,74 @@
 def exp_config():
-  precon = {
-    'slurm_header': {'time', 'threads', 'qos', 'job_prefix', 'project', 'type'},
-    'regex': {'file_pattern', 'mail_recipient', 'verified_organisms'},
-    'folders': {'results', 'reports', 'log_file', 'seqdata', 'profiles', 'references', 'resistances', 'genomes', 'expec', 'adapters', 'pubmlst_credentials'},
-    'threshold': {'mlst_id', 'mlst_novel_id', 'mlst_span', 'motif_id', 'motif_span', 'total_reads_warn', 'total_reads_fail',
-                  'NTC_total_reads_warn', 'NTC_total_reads_fail', 'mapped_rate_warn', 'mapped_rate_fail', 'duplication_rate_warn',
-                  'duplication_rate_fail', 'insert_size_warn', 'insert_size_fail', 'average_coverage_warn', 'average_coverage_fail',
-                  'bp_10x_warn', 'bp_10x_fail', 'bp_30x_warn', 'bp_50x_warn', 'bp_100x_warn'},
-    'genologics': {'baseuri', 'username', 'password'},
-    'pubmlst': {'client_id', 'client_secret'},
+  precon = \
+  {
+    'slurm_header': 
+      {'time','threads', 'qos', 'job_prefix','project', 'type'},
+    'regex':
+      {'file_pattern', 'mail_recipient', 'verified_organisms'},
+    'folders':
+      {'results', 'reports', 'log_file', 'seqdata', 'profiles', 'references', 'resistances', 'genomes', 'expec', 'adapters'},
+    'threshold':
+      {'mlst_id', 'mlst_novel_id', 'mlst_span', 'motif_id', 'motif_span', 'total_reads_warn', 'total_reads_fail', 'NTC_total_reads_warn', \
+                       'NTC_total_reads_fail', 'mapped_rate_warn', 'mapped_rate_fail', 'duplication_rate_warn', 'duplication_rate_fail', 'insert_size_warn', 'insert_size_fail', \
+                       'average_coverage_warn', 'average_coverage_fail', 'bp_10x_warn', 'bp_10x_fail', 'bp_30x_warn', 'bp_50x_warn', 'bp_100x_warn'},
+    'database':
+    'genologics':
+      {'baseuri', 'username', 'password'},
     'dry': True,
   return precon
 def test_existence(exp_config):
   """Checks that the configuration contains certain key variables"""
-  # level one
+  #level one
   config_level_one = preset_config.keys()
   for entry in exp_config.keys():
     if entry != 'dry':
       assert entry in config_level_one
-      # level two
+      #level two
       if isinstance(preset_config[entry], collections.Mapping):
         config_level_two = preset_config[entry].keys()
         for thing in exp_config[entry]:
           assert thing in config_level_two
 def test_reverse_existence(exp_config):
-  """Check that the configuration doesn't contain outdated variables"""
+  """Check that the configuration doesnt contain outdated variables"""
-  # level one
+  #level one
   config_level_one = exp_config.keys()
   for entry in preset_config.keys():
     if entry not in ['_comment']:
       assert entry in config_level_one
-      # level two
+      #level two
       config_level_two = exp_config[entry]
       if isinstance(preset_config[entry], collections.Mapping):
         for thing in preset_config[entry].keys():
           if thing != '_comment':
             assert thing in config_level_two
+#def test_type(exp_config):
+#  """Verify that each variable uses the correct format"""
+#  pass
 def test_paths(exp_config):
   """Tests existence for all paths mentioned in variables"""
-  # level one
+  #level one
   for entry in preset_config.keys():
     if entry != '_comment':
       if isinstance(preset_config[entry], str) and '/' in preset_config[entry] and entry not in ['database', 'genologics']:
         unmade_fldr = preset_config[entry]
-        # Embed logic to expand vars and user here
-        unmade_fldr = os.path.expandvars(unmade_fldr)
-        unmade_fldr = os.path.expanduser(unmade_fldr)
-        unmade_fldr = os.path.abspath(unmade_fldr)
         assert (pathlib.Path(unmade_fldr).exists())
-      # level two
+      #level two
       elif isinstance(preset_config[entry], collections.Mapping):
         for thing in preset_config[entry].keys():
           if isinstance(preset_config[entry][thing], str) and '/' in preset_config[entry][thing] and entry not in ['database', 'genologics']:
             unmade_fldr = preset_config[entry][thing]
-            # Embed logic to expand vars and user here
-            unmade_fldr = os.path.expandvars(unmade_fldr)
-            unmade_fldr = os.path.expanduser(unmade_fldr)
-            unmade_fldr = os.path.abspath(unmade_fldr)
             assert (pathlib.Path(unmade_fldr).exists())
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e9ca73d8..7b6f1e67 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -17,164 +17,136 @@
 from microSALT import preset_config, logger
 from microSALT.cli import root
 def unpack_db_json(filename):
-    testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/{}'.format(filename)))
-    #Check if release install exists
-    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
-        if 'microSALT-' in entry:
-            testdata = os.path.abspath(
-                os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/{}'.format(filename)))
-    with open(testdata) as json_file:
-        data = json.load(json_file)
-    return data
+  testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/{}'.format(filename)))
+  #Check if release install exists
+  for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+    if 'microSALT-' in entry:
+      testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/{}'.format(filename)))
+  with open(testdata) as json_file:
+    data = json.load(json_file)
+  return data
 def dbm():
-    db_file ='sqlite:///(.+)', preset_config['database']['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']).group(1)
-    dbm = DB_Manipulator(config=preset_config, log=logger)
-    dbm.create_tables()
-    for antry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_projects.json'):
-        dbm.add_rec(antry, 'Projects')
-    for entry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_mlst.json'):
-        dbm.add_rec(entry, 'Seq_types')
-    for bentry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_resistance.json'):
-        dbm.add_rec(bentry, 'Resistances')
-    for centry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_expec.json'):
-        dbm.add_rec(centry, 'Expacs')
-    for dentry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_reports.json'):
-        dbm.add_rec(dentry, 'Reports')
-    return dbm
+  db_file ='sqlite:///(.+)', preset_config['database']['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']).group(1)
+  dbm = DB_Manipulator(config=preset_config,log=logger)
+  dbm.create_tables()
+  for antry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_projects.json'):
+    dbm.add_rec(antry, 'Projects')
+  for entry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_mlst.json'):
+    dbm.add_rec(entry, 'Seq_types')
+  for bentry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_resistance.json'):
+    dbm.add_rec(bentry, 'Resistances')
+  for centry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_expec.json'):
+    dbm.add_rec(centry, 'Expacs')
+  for dentry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_reports.json'):
+    dbm.add_rec(dentry, 'Reports')
+  return dbm
 def test_create_every_table(dbm):
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'samples')
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'seq_types')
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'resistances')
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'expacs')
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'projects')
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'reports')
-    assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'collections')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'samples')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'seq_types')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'resistances')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'expacs')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'projects')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'reports')
+  assert dbm.engine.dialect.has_table(dbm.engine, 'collections')
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_add_rec(caplog, dbm):
-    #Adds records to all databases
-    dbm.add_rec(
-        {'ST': '130', 'arcC': '6', 'aroE': '57', 'glpF': '45', 'gmk': '2', 'pta': '7', 'tpi': '58', 'yqiL': '52',
-         'clonal_complex': 'CC1'}, dbm.profiles['staphylococcus_aureus'])
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.profiles['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST': '130'})) == 1
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.profiles['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST': '-1'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec(
-        {'ST': '130', 'arcC': '6', 'aroE': '57', 'glpF': '45', 'gmk': '2', 'pta': '7', 'tpi': '58', 'yqiL': '52',
-         'clonal_complex': 'CC1'}, dbm.novel['staphylococcus_aureus'])
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.novel['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST': '130'})) == 1
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.novel['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST': '-1'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1'}, 'Samples')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'XXX1234A10'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'loci': 'mdh', 'contig_name': 'NODE_1'}, 'Seq_types')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Seq_types', {'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'loci': 'mdh', 'contig_name': 'NODE_1'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Seq_types', {'CG_ID_sample': 'XXX1234A10', 'loci': 'mdh', 'contig_name': 'NODE_1'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'gene': 'Type 1', 'instance': 'Type 1', 'contig_name': 'NODE_1'},
-                'Resistances')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Resistances', {'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'gene': 'Type 1', 'instance': 'Type 1',
-                                             'contig_name': 'NODE_1'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Resistances', {'CG_ID_sample': 'XXX1234A10', 'gene': 'Type 1', 'instance': 'Type 1',
-                                             'contig_name': 'NODE_1'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'gene': 'Type 1', 'instance': 'Type 1', 'contig_name': 'NODE_1'},
-                'Expacs')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Expacs', {'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'gene': 'Type 1', 'instance': 'Type 1',
-                                        'contig_name': 'NODE_1'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Expacs', {'CG_ID_sample': 'XXX1234A10', 'gene': 'Type 1', 'instance': 'Type 1',
-                                        'contig_name': 'NODE_1'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_project': 'ADD1234'}, 'Projects')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Projects', {'CG_ID_project': 'ADD1234'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Projects', {'CG_ID_project': 'XXX1234'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_project': 'ADD1234', 'version': '1'}, 'Reports')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Reports', {'CG_ID_project': 'ADD1234', 'version': '1'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Reports', {'CG_ID_project': 'XXX1234', 'version': '1'})) == 0
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234', 'ID_collection': 'MyCollectionFolder'}, 'Collections')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Collections', {'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234', 'ID_collection': 'MyCollectionFolder'})) > 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Collections', {'CG_ID_sample': 'XXX1234', 'ID_collection': 'MyCollectionFolder'})) == 0
-    caplog.clear()
-    with pytest.raises(Exception):
-        dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1'}, 'An_entry_that_does_not_exist')
-        assert "Attempted to access table" in caplog.text
+  #Adds records to all databases
+  dbm.add_rec({'ST':'130','arcC':'6','aroE':'57','glpF':'45','gmk':'2','pta':'7','tpi':'58','yqiL':'52','clonal_complex':'CC1'}, dbm.profiles['staphylococcus_aureus'])
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.profiles['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST':'130'})) == 1
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.profiles['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST':'-1'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'ST':'130','arcC':'6','aroE':'57','glpF':'45','gmk':'2','pta':'7','tpi':'58','yqiL':'52','clonal_complex':'CC1'}, dbm.novel['staphylococcus_aureus'])
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.novel['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST':'130'})) == 1
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec(dbm.novel['staphylococcus_aureus'], {'ST':'-1'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1'}, 'Samples')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1'})) > 0
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'XXX1234A10'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'loci':'mdh', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'}, 'Seq_types')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Seq_types', {'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'loci':'mdh', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'})) > 0
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Seq_types', {'CG_ID_sample':'XXX1234A10', 'loci':'mdh', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'gene':'Type 1', 'instance':'Type 1', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'}, 'Resistances')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Resistances',{'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'gene':'Type 1', 'instance':'Type 1', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'})) > 0
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Resistances',{'CG_ID_sample':'XXX1234A10', 'gene':'Type 1', 'instance':'Type 1', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1','gene':'Type 1', 'instance':'Type 1', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'}, 'Expacs')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Expacs',{'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1','gene':'Type 1', 'instance':'Type 1', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'})) > 0
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Expacs',{'CG_ID_sample':'XXX1234A10','gene':'Type 1', 'instance':'Type 1', 'contig_name':'NODE_1'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_project':'ADD1234'}, 'Projects')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Projects',{'CG_ID_project':'ADD1234'})) > 0 
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Projects',{'CG_ID_project':'XXX1234'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_project':'ADD1234','version':'1'}, 'Reports')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Reports',{'CG_ID_project':'ADD1234','version':'1'})) > 0
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Reports',{'CG_ID_project':'XXX1234','version':'1'})) == 0
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234', 'ID_collection':'MyCollectionFolder'}, 'Collections')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Collections',{'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234', 'ID_collection':'MyCollectionFolder'})) > 0 
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Collections',{'CG_ID_sample':'XXX1234', 'ID_collection':'MyCollectionFolder'})) == 0
+  caplog.clear()
+  with pytest.raises(Exception):
+    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1'}, 'An_entry_that_does_not_exist')
+    assert "Attempted to access table" in caplog.text
 def test_upd_rec(sysexit, caplog, dbm):
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'}, 'Samples')
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'})) == 1
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2'})) == 0
-    dbm.upd_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'}, 'Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2'})
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'})) == 0
-    assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2'})) == 1
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A1'}, 'Samples')
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A1'})) == 1
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A2'})) == 0
-    dbm.upd_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2'}, 'Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'})
+  dbm.upd_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A1'}, 'Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A2'})
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A1'})) == 0
+  assert len(dbm.query_rec('Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A2'})) == 1
-    caplog.clear()
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1_uniq', 'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples')
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2_uniq', 'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples')
-    dbm.upd_rec({'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples', {'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust030'})
-    dbm.upd_rec({'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples', {'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust030'})
-    assert "More than 1 record found" in caplog.text
+  dbm.upd_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2'}, 'Samples', {'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'})
+  caplog.clear()
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1_uniq', 'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples')
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A2_uniq', 'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples')
+  dbm.upd_rec({'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples', {'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust030'})
+  dbm.upd_rec({'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust000'}, 'Samples', {'Customer_ID_sample': 'cust030'})
+  assert "More than 1 record found" in caplog.text
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_allele_ranker(dbm):
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'MLS1234A1', 'CG_ID_project': 'MLS1234', 'organism': 'staphylococcus_aureus'},
-                'Samples')
-    assert dbm.alleles2st('MLS1234A1') == 130
-    best_alleles = {'arcC': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 6}, 'aroE': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 57},
-                    'glpF': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 45}, 'gmk': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 2},
-                    'pta': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 7}, 'tpi': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 58},
-                    'yqiL': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 52}}
-    assert dbm.bestAlleles('MLS1234A1') == best_alleles
-    for entry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_mlst.json'):
-        entry['allele'] = 0
-        entry['CG_ID_sample'] = 'MLS1234A2'
-        dbm.add_rec(entry, 'Seq_types')
-    dbm.alleles2st('MLS1234A2') == -1
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
-def test_get_and_set_report(dbm):
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'method_sequencing': '1000:1'}, 'Samples')
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_project': 'ADD1234', 'version': '1'}, 'Reports')
-    assert dbm.get_report('ADD1234').version == 1
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'MLS1234A1', 'CG_ID_project':'MLS1234','organism':'staphylococcus_aureus'}, 'Samples')
+  assert dbm.alleles2st('MLS1234A1') == 130
+  best_alleles = {'arcC': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 6}, 'aroE': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 57}, 'glpF': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 45}, 'gmk': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 2}, 'pta': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 7}, 'tpi': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 58}, 'yqiL': {'contig_name': 'NODE_1', 'allele': 52}}
+  assert dbm.bestAlleles('MLS1234A1') == best_alleles
+  for entry in unpack_db_json('sampleinfo_mlst.json'):
+    entry['allele'] = 0
+    entry['CG_ID_sample'] = 'MLS1234A2'
+    dbm.add_rec(entry, 'Seq_types') 
+  dbm.alleles2st('MLS1234A2') == -1
-    dbm.upd_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'method_sequencing': '1000:1'}, 'Samples',
-                {'CG_ID_sample': 'ADD1234A1', 'method_sequencing': '1000:2'})
-    dbm.set_report('ADD1234')
-    assert dbm.get_report('ADD1234').version != 1
+def test_get_and_set_report(dbm):
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'method_sequencing':'1000:1'}, 'Samples')
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_project':'ADD1234','version':'1'}, 'Reports')
+  assert dbm.get_report('ADD1234').version == 1
+  dbm.upd_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'method_sequencing':'1000:1'}, 'Samples', {'CG_ID_sample':'ADD1234A1', 'method_sequencing':'1000:2'})
+  dbm.set_report('ADD1234')
+  assert dbm.get_report('ADD1234').version != 1
 def test_purge_rec(sysexit, caplog, dbm):
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'UPD1234A1'}, 'Samples')
-    dbm.purge_rec('UPD1234A1', 'Collections')
-    caplog.clear()
-    dbm.purge_rec('UPD1234A1', 'Not_Samples_nor_Collections')
-    assert "Incorrect type" in caplog.text
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample':'UPD1234A1'}, 'Samples')
+  dbm.purge_rec('UPD1234A1', 'Collections')
+  caplog.clear()
+  dbm.purge_rec('UPD1234A1', 'Not_Samples_nor_Collections')
+  assert "Incorrect type" in caplog.text
 def test_top_index(dbm):
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'Uniq_ID_123', 'total_reads': 100}, 'Samples')
-    dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'Uniq_ID_321', 'total_reads': 100}, 'Samples')
-    ti_returned = dbm.top_index('Samples', {'total_reads': '100'}, 'total_reads')
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'Uniq_ID_123', 'total_reads':100}, 'Samples')
+  dbm.add_rec({'CG_ID_sample': 'Uniq_ID_321', 'total_reads':100}, 'Samples')
+  ti_returned = dbm.top_index('Samples', {'total_reads':'100'}, 'total_reads')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c3ad7c51..f401395f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -16,96 +16,80 @@
 from microSALT import preset_config, logger
 from microSALT.cli import root
 def testdata():
-    testdata = os.path.abspath(
-        os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
-    #Check if release install exists
-    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
-        if 'microSALT-' in entry:
-            testdata = os.path.abspath(
-                os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
-    with open(testdata) as json_file:
-        data = json.load(json_file)
-    return data
+  testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
+  #Check if release install exists
+  for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+    if 'microSALT-' in entry:
+      testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
+  with open(testdata) as json_file:
+    data = json.load(json_file)
+  return data
 def fake_search(int):
-    return "fake"
+  return "fake"
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_verify_fastq(gopen, stat, listdir, testdata):
-    listdir.return_value = ["ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L1_1.fastq.gz", "ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L1_2.fastq.gz",
-                            "ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L2_2.fastq.gz", "ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L2_2.fastq.gz"]
-    stata = mock.MagicMock()
-    stata.st_size = 2000
-    stat.return_value = stata
-    jc = Job_Creator(run_settings={'input': '/tmp/'}, config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata)
-    t = jc.verify_fastq()
-    assert len(t) > 0
+  listdir.return_value = ["ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L1_1.fastq.gz", "ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L1_2.fastq.gz", "ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L2_2.fastq.gz", "ACC6438A3_HVMHWDSXX_L2_2.fastq.gz"]
+  stata = mock.MagicMock()
+  stata.st_size = 2000
+  stat.return_value = stata
+  jc = Job_Creator(run_settings={'input':'/tmp/'}, config=preset_config, log=logger,sampleinfo=testdata)
+  t = jc.verify_fastq()
+  assert len(t) > 0
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_blast_subset(glob_search, research, testdata):
-    jc = Job_Creator(run_settings={'input': '/tmp/'}, config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata)
-    researcha = mock.MagicMock()
- = fake_search
-    research.return_value = researcha
-    glob_search.return_value = ["/a/a/a", "/a/a/b", "/a/a/c"]
-    jc.blast_subset('mlst', '/tmp/*')
-    jc.blast_subset('other', '/tmp/*')
-    outfile = open(jc.get_sbatch(), 'r')
-    count = 0
-    for x in outfile.readlines():
-        if "blastn -db" in x:
-            count = count + 1
-    assert count > 0
+  jc = Job_Creator(run_settings={'input':'/tmp/'}, config=preset_config, log=logger,sampleinfo=testdata)
+  researcha = mock.MagicMock()
+ = fake_search
+  research.return_value = researcha
+  glob_search.return_value = ["/a/a/a", "/a/a/b","/a/a/c"]
+  jc.blast_subset('mlst', '/tmp/*')
+  jc.blast_subset('other', '/tmp/*')
+  outfile = open(jc.get_sbatch(), 'r')
+  count = 0
+  for x in outfile.readlines():
+    if "blastn -db" in x:
+      count = count + 1
+  assert count > 0
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
-def test_create_snpsection(subproc, testdata):
-    #Sets up subprocess mocking
-    process_mock = mock.Mock()
-    attrs = {'communicate.return_value': ('output 123456789', 'error')}
-    process_mock.configure_mock(**attrs)
-    subproc.return_value = process_mock
-    testdata = [testdata[0]]
-    jc = Job_Creator(run_settings={'input': ['AAA1234A1', 'AAA1234A2']}, config=preset_config, log=logger,
-                     sampleinfo=testdata)
-    jc.snp_job()
-    outfile = open(jc.get_sbatch(), 'r')
-    count = 0
-    for x in outfile.readlines():
-        if "# SNP pair-wise distance" in x:
-            count = count + 1
-    assert count > 0
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
-def test_project_job(subproc, testdata):
-    #Sets up subprocess mocking
-    process_mock = mock.Mock()
-    attrs = {'communicate.return_value': ('output 123456789', 'error')}
-    process_mock.configure_mock(**attrs)
-    subproc.return_value = process_mock
+def test_create_snpsection(subproc,testdata):
+  #Sets up subprocess mocking
+  process_mock = mock.Mock()
+  attrs = {'communicate.return_value': ('output 123456789', 'error')}
+  process_mock.configure_mock(**attrs)
+  subproc.return_value = process_mock
+  testdata = [testdata[0]]
+  jc = Job_Creator(run_settings={'input':['AAA1234A1','AAA1234A2']}, config=preset_config, log=logger,sampleinfo=testdata)
+  jc.snp_job()
+  outfile = open(jc.get_sbatch(), 'r')
+  count = 0
+  for x in outfile.readlines():
+    if "# SNP pair-wise distance" in x:
+      count = count + 1
+  assert count > 0
-    jc = Job_Creator(config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata,
-                     run_settings={'pool': ["AAA1234A1", "AAA1234A2"], 'input': '/tmp/AAA1234'})
-    jc.project_job()
+def test_project_job(subproc,testdata):
+  #Sets up subprocess mocking
+  process_mock = mock.Mock()
+  attrs = {'communicate.return_value': ('output 123456789', 'error')}
+  process_mock.configure_mock(**attrs)
+  subproc.return_value = process_mock
+  jc = Job_Creator(config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata, run_settings={'pool':["AAA1234A1","AAA1234A2"], 'input':'/tmp/AAA1234'})
+  jc.project_job()
 def test_create_collection():
-    pass
+  pass
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8046bce3..82689df1 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -14,63 +14,51 @@
 from microSALT.utils.scraper import Scraper
 from microSALT.utils.referencer import Referencer
 def testdata_prefix():
-    test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/'))
-    #Check if release install exists
-    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
-        if 'microSALT-' in entry:
-            test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/'))
-    return test_path
+  test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/'))
+  #Check if release install exists
+  for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+    if 'microSALT-' in entry:
+      test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/'))
+  return test_path
 def testdata():
-    testdata = os.path.abspath(
-        os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
-    #Check if release install exists
-    for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
-        if 'microSALT-' in entry:
-            testdata = os.path.abspath(
-                os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
-    with open(testdata) as json_file:
-        data = json.load(json_file)
-    return data
+  testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent, 'tests/testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
+  #Check if release install exists
+  for entry in os.listdir(get_python_lib()):
+    if 'microSALT-' in entry:
+      testdata = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CONDA_PREFIX'), 'testdata/sampleinfo_samples.json'))
+  with open(testdata) as json_file:
+    data = json.load(json_file)
+  return data
 def scraper(testdata):
-    scrape_obj = Scraper(config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata[0])
-    return scrape_obj
+  scrape_obj = Scraper(config=preset_config, log=logger,sampleinfo=testdata[0]) 
+  return scrape_obj
 def init_references(testdata):
-    ref_obj = Referencer(config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata)
-    ref_obj.identify_new(testdata[0].get('CG_ID_project'), project=True)
-    ref_obj.update_refs()
+  ref_obj = Referencer(config=preset_config, log=logger, sampleinfo=testdata)
+  ref_obj.identify_new(testdata[0].get('CG_ID_project'),project=True)
+  ref_obj.update_refs()
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_quast_scraping(scraper, testdata_prefix, caplog):
-    scraper.scrape_quast(filename="{}/quast_results.tsv".format(testdata_prefix))
+  scraper.scrape_quast(filename="{}/quast_results.tsv".format(testdata_prefix))
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_blast_scraping(scraper, testdata_prefix, caplog):
-    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
-    scraper.scrape_blast(type='seq_type', file_list=["{}/blast_single_loci.txt".format(testdata_prefix)])
-    assert "candidate" in caplog.text
-    caplog.clear()
-    hits = scraper.scrape_blast(type='resistance', file_list=["{}/blast_single_resistance.txt".format(testdata_prefix)])
-    genes = [h["gene"] for h in hits]
+  caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG)
+  scraper.scrape_blast(type='seq_type',file_list=["{}/blast_single_loci.txt".format(testdata_prefix)])
+  assert "candidate" in caplog.text
-    assert "blaOXA-48" in genes
-    assert "blaVIM-4" in genes
+  caplog.clear()
+  hits = scraper.scrape_blast(type='resistance',file_list=["{}/blast_single_resistance.txt".format(testdata_prefix)])
+  genes = [h["gene"] for h in hits]
+  assert "blaOXA-48" in genes
+  assert "blaVIM-4" in genes
-@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can no longer fetch from databases without authenticating")
 def test_alignment_scraping(scraper, init_references, testdata_prefix):
-    scraper.scrape_alignment(file_list=glob.glob("{}/*.stats.*".format(testdata_prefix)))
+  scraper.scrape_alignment(file_list=glob.glob("{}/*.stats.*".format(testdata_prefix)))