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Releases: CloudNetService/CloudNet

v3.2.2 hotfix - Eruption

16 Jan 20:09
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  • Fixed dependency downloading from maven central repository

v3.2.1 hotfix - Eruption

29 Dec 22:38
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  • Fixed the issue that the online count was wrong when a player disconnects from a server
  • Fixed an issue that the smart module checked for all services (prepared, starting, ...) for the auto stop, which caused problems when using the preparedServices entry in the smart config
  • Fixed wrong hostAddress on first node setup

v3.2.0 - Eruption

25 Dec 19:01
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Update v3.2.0 - Eruption


  • Little bug fixes and adjustments
  • Fix CloudSigns for Bukkit
  • Fix effect of permission cloudnet.syncproxy.maintenance
  • Add Vault and permission pack support for Bukkit CloudPerms
  • Add new template installer
  • Add template installer support for forge and spongeforge
  • Fix spongeforge plugins
  • Add SFTP support to the FTP Module
  • Add progress bars for downloads
  • Add animated setup for the cloud and tasks
  • Add CloudSigns for Nukkit
  • Add paste sub-commands
  • Add tab completion for /cloud
  • Fix overriding cluster synchronizations, add additional cluster push commands

API changes:

Already in the last release, we deprecated a lot of things in the Wrapper and CloudNet classes, because we moved a lot of features to other classes. The maven repository does now contain the javadoc and sources jars too, so you can view the documentation directly in your IDE and see where the features of both classes have been moved to.
We highly recommended to adjust your plugins and modules to use the new methods, the old and deprecated methods and classes will be removed in a future release.

For developers:


Maven repository:


Modules and plugins

<!--  cloudnet application for modules (NOT AVAILABLE FOR PLUGINS!) -->
<!--  cloudnet common for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet driver for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet wrapper for plugins -->
<!--  cloudnet bridge module for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet syncproxy module for plugins (proxy) and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet cloudperms module for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet signs module for plugins and modules -->

To update, set the in the launcher.cnl file to true and restart the cloud

v3.1.1 hotfix - Tsunami

04 Nov 15:58
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  • Fix an issues which prevented the MySQL Connection to close

v3.1.0 - Tsunami

02 Nov 20:05
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  • A lot of bug fixes
  • Limit version support to only 1.8.8+ instead of 1.5+
  • Remove support for plain CraftBukkit
  • Remove the tasks.json and give every task a seperated file
  • Put the smart config into the task configuration
  • Add an option to delete files after stop to the task configuration
  • Add an option to select whether a template should be copied to a static service on every start
  • Add Waterdog bedrock proxy
  • Add database implementation for the wrapper
  • Add an option to disable player connection messages in the console
  • Add tab completion to the console
  • Add copy command
  • Add 'screen write' command
  • Add color in tablist for 1.13+
  • Make onlyProxyJoin way better
  • Add onlyProxyJoin to Nukkit
  • Add signKnockback for the signs
  • Add chat format for Bukkit
  • Split functions of CloudNetDriver, CloudNet and Wrapper to feature-specific interfaces and classes

The improved onlyProxyJoin
We changed a lot at the onlyProxyJoin, it now will compare the ip of the player connection and the ip of the proxy. This will resolve issues users often experienced and will make it a lot safer, but there are also more things to notice when using it:

Because of the comparision, it's not possible to set the 'hostAdress'-property in the confg.json to a local or loobpack address, like or If you still do this, onlyProxyJoin will not check and allow every user to join your server. You have to set the property to a remote address of your server.

On windows, there might be issues if your server has more than one ip-adress. In this case, the proxy can't set the correct local address for the connection to the server and the ip might not be the same as the 'hostAdress'-property configured in the config.json, will which result in the server disallowing your connection.

OnlyProxyJoin is one solution to protect your servers, but we recommend to disable it entirely and use a firewall to block the ports of your servers.

For developers:


Maven repository:


Modules and plugins

<!--  cloudnet application for modules -->
<!--  cloudnet common for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet driver for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet wrapper for plugins -->
<!--  cloudnet bridge module for plugins and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet syncproxy module for plugins (proxy) and modules -->
<!--  cloudnet cloudperms module for plugins and modules -->