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PermieBTS edited this page Aug 6, 2019 · 5 revisions

7.0 Fixed Order Size

7.0.1 With this option you can decide what size orders should be in the Quote asset. In the BTS:USD market, the unit of measure is USD, BTS price is measured in USD, USD is the Base asset, and BTS is the Quote asset. So when you input an order size, it means how many BTS you will buy and sell in each order.

7.0.2 Since you buy and sell equal amounts of BTS, assuming price doesn't move anywhere, you won't accumulate any BTS, ony USD. That is if you succeed in making profit of course.

7.0.3 As the order sizes are fixed, profits won't compound. Your profit per trade will remain the same for as long as you run the strategy as such.

7.0.4 If the price trends either way, you might end up completely selling out either of your assets, as the order size won't decrease as you sell out.