To demo the TextFields and user inputs, run the following command in the terminal:
monarch run
Flutter AI Chat |
Flutter AI Chat Starter App (with Firebase and PaLM) |
- Create the widget in the correct folder depending on its type
- Add a new entry to the **_stories.dart file in the stories folder
- Test in Monarch
Text Inputs:
- Names: First name, Last name, Middle name.
- Email Address: Validated for proper email format.
- Password: With options for visibility toggle.
- Address: Street, City, State, Country.
- Comments/Feedback: Multi-line text input.
Numeric Inputs:
- Phone Numbers: With country code selectors.
- Zip Codes: Validated for length and format based on country.
- Age: Usually a number input with certain limits.
- Quantity: For shopping apps, etc.
- Price: With currency selector.
- Percentage: With a slider or number input.
Selection Inputs:
- Dropdowns: For selecting from a list.
- Radio Buttons: For selecting one option from a few.
- Checkboxes: For selecting multiple options.
Date and Time:
- Date of Birth: With a date picker.
- Appointment Date/Time: Date and time pickers.
Specialized Text Inputs:
- Username: With checks for uniqueness.
- Search: With auto-suggestions.
- URL: Validated for proper URL format.
- Hex Color Code: With validation and color preview.
- IPv4 Address: With validation and masking.
Files and Media:
- Profile Picture: Image uploader with preview.
- Documents: PDF, DOCX uploaders.
Advanced Selections:
- Color Picker: For customization in design apps.
- Rating: Star rating or thumbs up/down.
Financial Inputs:
- Credit Card Numbers: With validation and secure masking.
- Credit Card CVV: With validation and masking.
- SSN: Social Security Number, with proper masking and validation.
- Bank Account and Routing Numbers.
Identity and Verification:
- Biometric Inputs: Fingerprint or Face ID.
- Captcha: For bot verification.
- QR Code/Barcode Scanner: For scanning codes.
Specialized Numeric Inputs:
- Member IDs: For clubs, organizations, etc.
- License Numbers: Driving license, professional licenses.
Interactive Inputs:
- Signature: Drawing and capturing user signatures.
- Location Picker: Selecting a location on a map.
Custom Inputs:
- Custom Sliders: For selecting values in a range.
- Dial Inputs: For apps like alarm clocks or timers.