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Testing Tools

Google Developer Tools

Throughout development, I used Google Developer Tools to help identify any errors that I faced. For example, the developer tools alerted me that my variables in my JavaScript files were not defined, ths helped rectify tedious issues. It also helped be debug and test functions and the logic.

In conjunction, the developer tools has a responsive feature. This was a handy tool during development, as it showed me how TravelrMap looked across several devices. This was insightful, as it alerted me of issues like overlapping elements which can impact user experience.

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HTML Validator

To help validate my HTML, I used W3C validator tool to ensure my HTML was clean. I regularly checked during development each section, ensuring my code was free from error.

A couple of errors highlighted and rectified:

  • Warning: The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.


    • I rectified this by removing the type="text/javascript". After removing this, I checked if the contact form was still working and operated to which it did.
  • : An img element must have an alt attribute, except under certain conditions.


    • I rectified this by providing the alt tag. Whenever I declare an img element, I have been adding the alt tag, however, I need to harness this further and ensure I am not missing this out. I understand how the alt tag is incredibly important for assessibility.
  • Element legend not allowed as child of element div in this context.


    • I rectified this by moving the legend tag and directly under fieldset element.` I used these semantic elements to help users identify the form and input elements.

The below shows that there are currently no errors to be found in index.html.

HTML validator results

I also checked the 404.html page, and there are also no errors:

HTML validator results for 404.index

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CSS Validator

In order to ensure my CSS was free from errors, I used W3C validator. All CSS files were free from any error:

CSS validator results

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Responsive Tools

Although, Google Developer Tools on the inspect feature, you can view your site on different devices, I further wanted to ensure my site is mobile-friendly and responsive. Also, as I do not have extensive devices, this was imperative to ensure my site is responsive.

I used Am I Responsive and Responsinator to ascertain if my site is responsive or not. I used this in conjunction with Google Developer Tools during development and added media queries to ensure my site behaved as expected. This was great as it helped rectify any alignment issues.

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Wave Report/ Accessibility Testing

As accessibility grows importance, I tested my site using the WAVE report. Please see the following errors/bugs I faced which are now resolved:

  1. Broken Link

Broken Link Error


  • Corrected link to homepage
  1. Empty Links On the footer section, under social media icons, I did not include any links to the respective social media websites.

Footer Social Media


  • Updated each social media icon to it's respective social media website page. I also added target="_blank" attribute so the site opens on another tab.
  • I also updated this further, by adding a sr-only attribute to the respective span elements, so screen readers are aware of what the icon link means.

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In order to validate my JavaScript code, I used JSHint and configured the settings so it enabled jQuery code and new JavaScript features.

Please see the following reports:


aos.js result


  • Stored AOS into a variable:
    • let AOS;

aos jshint solution

Countries JS file

countries.js jshint result


  • I ignored the unused variable error, due to the const COUNTRIES variable being used in other files. The separate file sheet was created for countries, to allow for other countries to be added without faffing about. It also separates the sheet and keeps the files organised, as well as being accessed via namespace.

Dark Mode JS file

dark mode jshint result

No errors identified!

Email JS file

emailJS jshint result


  • I did attempt to rectify the warning and undefined variable. However, the emailJS did not work, so I have chosen to ignore this now.

  • The clearInput() function is being called in the emailJS.send and attempted to add a stronger comparison === however, that did not work. I have therefore, put this error aside. I will attempt to rectify this error in the future.

Geo Location JS file

Geo Location JS error


  • I added the missing ;
  • I also stored the undefined variables
  • However, it says that google and getLocation are unused variable.

Hamburger JS file

Hamburger JShint result

No errors!

Landing Page Animation JS file

landing Page Animation JShint result


  • bodymovin variable is accessed via the Lottie Files CDN to enable the animation to load, so I ignored the error here.

Map Filter JS File

Map filter JSHint result

  • I ignored the errors here, due to initMap defined by Google Maps API.
  • The selectFilter() is being used in a separate JS file.

Map JS file

Map JShint result

  • google and COUNTRIES variables have been defined in separate files. Therefore, this was ignored.

Menu JS file

Menu JSHint result

  • The same as above.

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Manual Testing


Links and Buttons

Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
TravelrMap Logo Takes the user back to homepage Yes N/A
Navbar: Home Takes the user to the homepage Yes N/A
Navbar: About Takes the user to the about section Yes N/A
Navbar: Map Takes the user to the map section Yes N/A
Navbar: Contact Takes the user to the contact section Yes N/A
Home: Dark Mode Button Enables users to toggle between light and dark theme Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - Instagram Allows the user to view TravelrMap's account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - Facebook Allows the user to view TravelrMap's Facebook account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Social Media Links - TikTok Allows the user to view TravelrMap's TikTok account on a new tab Yes N/A
Home: Get Location! button Alerts the user where their location is (if location is enabled) Yes N/A
Home: Get Location! button Location not enabled: throws an error Yes N/A
Home: Get Location! button Clicking on it too many times, results into error alert Yes N/A
Home: Map button Takes the user to the map section Yes N/A
Map: Accordion Drop-down menu allowing you to select Country and City Yes N/A
Map: Accordion Filter Allows you to select a filter and produce results Yes N/A
Map: Search button Does not allow a user to input nothing and throws an error Yes N/A
Map: Search input Enables user to search for location Yes N/A
Map: Sidebar Allows users to select on results and shows the icon on maps Yes N/A
Map Sidebar load more results button Enables users to produce further results Yes N/A
Contact Us: email link Enabling the user to use a clickable link to send an email as an alternative to filling out a form Yes N/A
Contact Us: Send message button Does not allow a user to input null / 0 input and prompts user to input correct fields Yes N/A
Footer: Social Media Links Social media links link to an external tab and correct links Yes N/A

Hover Underline

Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
Navbar: Home When a user hovers on Home on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: About When a user hovers on About on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Map When a user hovers on Map on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A
Navbar: Contact When a user hovers on Contact on navbar, an underline appears Yes N/A

Micro Animation

Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
Navbar: Home On Mobile hamburger icon toggles open and closes Yes N/A
Section: AOS scroll effect Scroll animation works Yes N/A

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Testing User Stories

Please note, some of the user stories overlap

  1. As a user, I want to be able to easily navigate the website so that I can find the content I am looking for.

User Story 1

  1. As a user, I want to be able to find destinations, so that I can see a variety of choices before making a decision.
  • Click on the Map section on navbar User Story 2: Navbar

  • Alternatively, a user is able to click on the Map button on the landing page, which will also directly lead the user to the Map Feature:

User Story 2: Map button

As you can see, the map button changed it's color state to indicate when a button has been hovered or not.

  • Select a Country and then a City from the accordion feature

    User Story 2: Accordion Feature

  • A user is then presented with filters and can select one a filter like so, which generates results. This allows users to be particular when searching and, is then able to see a variety of choices:

    User Story 2: Map Filters

    • The user is also able to hover over the filter icons where they'd be shown what the filter is (if they're unsure)
  • A user is also able to search a query. If the user does not input anything, it displays an alert accordingly, prompting the user:

    User Story 2: Alert

  • As a user input's their query, results are dynamically shown. This allows the user see where the place of interest is and the location name

    User Story 2: Result

  1. As a user, I want to be able to contact TravlerMap regarding any query.

User Story 3

A user is able to click on Contact on navbar, where they are taken to the contact section. A user is then prompted to enter valid inputs into the input fields.

As soon as the enquiry is sent, the user is informed with a modal.

The input fields are cleared too!

Confirmation that the email is working and has been sent to site owner:

Email confirmation

  1. As a user, I want to be able to access social media accounts, so I can be part of TravelrMap's community.

User Story 4: social media links

Users are able to click on the social media links and be directed to social media accounts accordingly. Unfortunately, TravelrMap does not have any social media accounts as it is fictional, but this is to show good practice (opens in new tab, and color state changes when clicked).

  1. As a user, I want to be able to switch to a dark mode version of the website, so that when I am browsing in the night or evening, it will help reduce eye strain.

User story 5: dark mode toggle

A user is able to toggle the button off and on.

  1. As a user, I want to be able to return back to the site home page if I accidently arrive at a non-existent page

User story 5: 404 page

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Component Function Work as Intended? Fix
Text Should be clear, concise and visible on mobile, tablet and desktop devices Yes N/A
Layout Layout should be easily organised with logical hierarchy and elements are not overcrowded Yes N/A
Images Images should not appear distorted or pixelated and maintain it's aspect ratio Yes N/A
Functionality Functionality should be maintained on all screen sizes Yes N/A

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