Guardian - What really happens to the waste in your recycling bin?
Aberdeen City Council - [Find Your Nearest Recylcing Centre] (https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/bins-and-recycling/find-your-nearest-recycling-centre)
Search ACC website for 'batteries' - not a single result. Same with 'light bulbs'
iRecycle - Iphone and Android - US only
[Recylce Nation - website and app] (https://recyclenation.com/) - US only
[List of most useful recycling apps] (https://dorecycling.com/blog/2017/09/13/most-useful-recycling-apps/)
Aberdeenshire council - What happens to our recycling?
"Recycle for Aberdeen Updates from Aberdeen City Council's recycling team" oddly on some third party website