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CodeblackNL edited this page Dec 9, 2014 · 21 revisions


This project provides PowerShell scripts that can be used to extend TFS Build Workflows.

To learn the background of this project, read the Introduction. To learn how to get started with the scripts, read the Installation instructions.


I just started this project here on GitHub, how's that for status :-).

I've already added the first functions (Update-Version and Invoke-SonarRunner) and build-scripts (PreBuild and PostBuild); and the NuGet package is available.


I already have a lot of the scripts and functions working, but it's all still a bit R&D-ish. I will bring in each function and script, one at a time, with documentation and unit tests.

Check the changelog to see what's already available.

Here's the short version of the backlog:

  • Add Update-Version function; to update version-attributes in the code before building
  • Add PreBuild script; to be executed during the pre-build phase of the build-process (calls Update-Version)
  • Add documentation for installation
  • Add NuGet package
  • Add Invoke-SonarRunner; to run sonar-analysis (see SonarQube)
  • Add PostBuild script; to be executed during the post-build phase of the build-process (calls Invoke-SonarRunner)
  • Add New-NuGetPackages; to create NuGet (or Chocolatey) packages
  • Add Push-NuGetPackages; to publish NuGet (or Chocolatey) packages
  • Add custom build-workflows (based on TFS 2013 default workflows and for both TFVC and Git) with an option to specify a PowerShell script to be run when the build-agent is done
  • Add PostExecution script; to be executed when the build-agent is done (calls New-NuGetPackages & Push-NuGetPackages)
  • Add Chocolatey package; just as an easy way to get (& update) the scripts without a solution

If there's anything else you'd like or need, let me know by creating an issue.