##Disclaimer On this page are some useful tools for software development and hacking. Fell free to add some useful stuff to this list, to help new devs getting started. The usage of some tools may be prohibited by law, please check if you can use these tools BEFORE you use them.
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- Spyder for Python
- PyCharm for Python
- eclipse for C/C++/Java
- Code-Blocks for C/C++
- the Algorithms a website with lots of algorithms
- hillside a intersting starting point for design patterns (not only software design patterns)
- europlop the website of the eurpean design pattern conference, where new patterns are developed.
- xampp a tool with all services needed for web-DEV (including apache-server, mysql database, etc.)
- OpenAI a website for differnt AI tools
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Pytorch
- Regex101 a online RegEx Editor
- CyberChef a tool for doing all common data transformations(i.e. base64,xor,encryption,.....)
- git here is also a docu for git
- fork a gui for git
- source tree a gui for git
- Windows docs
- Windows binary indexing
- bootlin linux section a website for linux kernel references
- MPI a protcol for distributed computing used in super computers
- slurm a load workload manager used by supercomputers
- openmp a API specification for parallel computing (there are also lots of implementations in the wild)
- fftw a optimized fft implementation written in C
- GNU Radio a GUI/framework for Signal Porcessing (useful for SDR)
- GNU Octave a open source aternative to matlab
- OpenCV a framework for image processing
- PyFDA a digital filter designer written in python