- Write your first API
- Write you first HTML generated page
- Deploy your app to a server
Follow the steps described on Express installation guide
- Create a webserver that returns "Hello world!" when accessing via GET to the
- Hello world guide
- Use nodemon to have live reload
- Make a request to our just created server using Postman
Download the program using the Postman webpage
Tip: How to make a request using Postman
- Create a webserver that returns, for example, "Hello Luis!" when accessing via GET to the
Tip: Read about Route parameters.
- Create a webserver that returns, for example, "Hello Luis!" when accessing via GET to the
- The name of the person should be read from a file.
- Use asynchronous methods.
- Start from mini kata 1
- Use
to read the file.
- Create an end-point that allows to update the name that we will return on the previous mini kata.
- The HTTP Response code should be 201.
- You may need to use Postman to access this end-point.
- Think the type of HTTP request needed.
- Think the name of the parameter you want to use
- Update the Hello your name to display a webpage with proper HTML Tags
- Use handlebars as a template library
Tip: Integrate handlebars with express using express-handlebars
- Adds a middleware to log into a file all the request made to our webserver.
- The filename should be called requests.log
- Each line of the log should contain:
- The date when the request was made
- The url that access
Tip: Follow the Middleware express guide
- Make your app available on internet.
Tip: Follow the Getting started guide on Heroku