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Beacon card

A location-based social network.

Release Status


This project is under active development and is not yet ready for production use.



  1. Install dependencies
  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Inside the repository, install the dependencies:
npm install
  1. If you want to run Supabase locally, start the Docker container:
# This can take a while the first time you run it because it has to download a bunch of Docker images
npm run supabase:start

# Check the status of the Supabase (Including the dashboard URL and mock email server URL)
npm run supabase:status
  1. Update .env with the appropriate values (See Frontend Environment Variables).

  2. Still inside the repository, start the development server:

npm run dev
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the frontend

  2. If running Supabase locally, reset the database after each schema change:

npm run supabase:reset



To build the frontend for production, run:

docker build -t beacon -f Dockerfile .


To run the frontend in production, run:

docker run -p 80:8080 beacon

Frontend Environment Variables

Development Name (i.e.: not in the container) Production Name (i.e.: in the container) Description Default/Required
VITE_HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY CADDY_HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY The hCaptcha site key Required ( ⚠️ Must be manually set ⚠️; see hCaptcha dashboard)
VITE_SUPABASE_URL CADDY_SUPABASE_URL The absolute Supabase API URL Required (Automatically set by the setup script)
VITE_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY CADDY_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY The Supabase API anonymous key Required (Automatically set by the setup script)
VITE_SENTRY_DSN CADDY_SENTRY_DSN The Sentry DSN Optional (Automatically set by the setup script)



Beacon's ranking algorithm is somewhat inspired by the Lemmy algorithm, but has the following properties:

Description Reasoning
Quadratic distance contribution Posts that are closer to the user should have a higher rank. This helps users see posts that are more geographically relevant to them.
Logarithmic score contribution The first 10 , next 100 , next 1000 , etc. votes should have the same contribution to the rank. This helps counteract the bandwagon effect.
Exponential age reduction The older a post is, the less relevant it likely is. This helps newer posts rank higher.

The algorithm is as follows:

Distance component = ( Distance weight 1 ) ( min ( 1 , Distance Distance range ) 1 ) 2 + 1

Score component = log 10 ( max ( 1 , ( Upvotes Downvotes ) Score threshold + 1 ) )

Age component = Age weight Age

Rank = ( Scale Distance component Score component Age component

with the following variables:

Name Definition Min value Default value Max value
Rank Integer post sorting order (Higher will be sorted first) - - -
Scale Ranking scale factor (To allow the rank to be rounded) 1 (Don't rank) 10000 -
Distance Distance between the post and the user's location (In meters) - - -
Distance weight Distance weight factor 1 (Don't rank by distance) 5 -
Distance range Maximum distance to be considered (In meters) 1 5000 50000
Upvotes Post upvotes - - -
Downvotes Post downvotes - - -
Score threshold Minimum score threshold considered 5 5 -
Age Post age (In hours) - - -
Age weight Age weight factor 1 (Don't weight by age) 1.075 -