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College (Admin)

Antonio García edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 2 revisions


Used to set up the colleges.

Required role(s):

  • OP


  • acollege


/collegeadmin [exam] set spawn


  • [exam] - the name of the exam.

It will set the spawn of your exam in the college on the block you're standing on. If a player fails a exam, they will be sent to that place.


/collegeadmin soldier set spawn

/collegeadmin [exam] set stage <spawn|zone> [#]


  • [exam] - the name of the exam.
  • <spawn|zone> - if you will set the spawn or the anti-teleport zone of the stage.
  • [#] - number of the stage (only works for stages greater than 1)

First and foremost, you need to set zone the zone using /ctool to select the area. After that you will set the spawn inside that zone on the block you're standing on.


/collegeadmin soldier set stage zone 2 with a zone selected with /ctool

/collegeadmin soldier set stage spawn 2 standing in a block that it's inside the zone.

/collegeadmin [exam] set custom <places|zones>


  • <places|zones> if you will set a place or a zone.

The in-game messages when you run the command will help you to set these customs places/zones. This is meant to be used for exams that have multiple stages with complex logic, and some of them might need extra setup before working normally.


/collegeadmin soldier set custom places

/collegeadmin soldier set custom zones

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