Releases: Conflux-Chain/react-ui
Releases · Conflux-Chain/react-ui
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2020-07-08)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2020-07-06)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0 (2020-07-02)
Bug Fixes
- auto-complete: fix the height of custom options (b179fb6)
- specify public access explicitly, trigger release (625413a)
- auto-complete: keep focus of input after select event (7fe7f3d)
- auto-complete: update default options (45ec6e9)
- avatar: Fix HTML Attributes (dda6853)
- avatar: fix union types for different elements (f0ea95d)
- avatar: render specified width when size is number (e1aad98)
- backdrop: fix click events from content to close modal unexpectedly (9aab50b)
- badge: fix the foregroud color is covered in dark mode (6bd7a0e)
- baseline: fix default font-size for element small (54bbd62)
- baseline: fix section styles (80d169f)
- baseline: remove bullet of summary (eb41b01)
- button: fix error where native type is overridden (d4d717e)
- button: fix line-height error when children contains other components (b7f767e)
- button: fix loading is not display under auto width (2430d21)
- button-dropdown: fix button text vertical alignment on firefox (2f0593f)
- card: reset only recent element styles (a3bcfa3)
- controls: fix option content not center vertically (1f87222)
- display: fix width value is not valid in firefox (1502ee1)
- display: hide shadow on dark mode (945dd61)
- docs: fix default svgs missing (d6d8384)
- dropdown: fix z-axis height error (8558309)
- dropdown: modify z-index of dropdown to ensure it works normal in modal (3e022b6)
- dropdown: update rect when trigger event before (b0bd61c)
- ellipsis: set the height of ellipsis manually (228bf62)
- fieldset: remove unused props (26c944e)
- grid: fix Grid missing native attributes (fc77953)
- grid: fix side effects of global styles (923cdf7)
- grid: remove unreasonable attribute display (5744a48)
- image: fix max-width in mobile screen (44fdf2b)
- image: limit the max width of the image on browser mode (d45b2f9)
- image: pass width props to img element (a202cc3)
- input: fix color of fill text (76c3e40)
- input: fix default width of Input cannot shrink under flex (c646440)
- input: fix icon event is cached incorrectly (c02e754)
- input: fix ref type of input forwarding (7c92575)
- input: fix value update from controlled component (2d6d1bc)
- input: hide clear icon when value is undefined (2930287)
- input: simulate a change event when the value of input is reset (e9b0077)
- jest: reset last committed config of jest (2e51e02)
- link: fix missing ref on forward component (e17c8db)
- link: fix type of extra props (8b9a52c)
- link: improve vertical alignment of link text (f748cc0)
- menu: decrease the Z level of the menu (abca5e9)
- modal: disable scroll when modal display (3a16b61)
- modal: fix close handler is triggered repeatedly (b9fe67d)
- modal: fix height constraint of modal (36f6580)
- modal: fix onOpen not triggered when modal opening (18786ae)
- modal: fix styles to follow design guide (cc8fdcd)
- modal: reset only recent element styles (ed8d368)
- modal: set body hidden false on close modal (f22d67e)
- module: fix the default export module file (4af6b8f)
- note: prevent main color change in special types (0f3ebb4)
- page: fix page width too large at md breakpoint (1bb7b92)
- slider: fix the bug causing offset is out of bounds (11d76b3)
- fix placeholder does not show ellipsis (d2b8e58)
- playground: fix arrow icon does not work correctly on webkit (d73f5ef)
- popover: fix type prompt (0461b85)
- radio: fix style imbalance caused by decimal width (4f9b9ae)
- radio: fix the initial-value does not work correctly (6b91036)
- select: limit the maximum height of the dropdown-menu (4c914bd)
- slider: fix excessive offset when sync custom value (82277c4)
- snippet: rename fill to filled (6caff6a)
- styles: remove background of webkit autofill (03aadc5)
- tabs: unregister when tab child unmount ([127c9bb](https://githu...