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In this section, we explain how to navigate the semantics, why it is verified and how to execute bytecode.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Semantics
  2. Verifying the Semantics
  3. Executing the Semantics

Reading and Understanding the Semantics

The semantics of opcodes is written in a functional style in bytecode.dfy.

For instance, the function Add below gives the semantics of opcode ADD:

 * Unsigned integer addition with modulo arithmetic.
 * @param   st  A state.
 * @returns     The state after executing an `ADD` or an `Error` state. 
function method Add(st: State): (st': State)
  requires st.IsExecuting() 
  ensures st'.OK? || st' == INVALID(STACK_UNDERFLOW)
  ensures st'.OK? <==> st.Operands() >= 2
  ensures st'.OK? ==> st'.Operands() == st.Operands() - 1
  if st.Operands() >= 2
    var lhs := st.Peek(0) as int;
    var rhs := st.Peek(1) as int;
    var res := (lhs + rhs) % TWO_256;
    st.Pop().Pop().Push(res as u256).Next()

Given x: State:

  • x.OK? holds when x (a state) is of type OK (non-failure),
  • x.Operands() is the size of the stack in x,
  • x.Peek(k) is the value of the k+1-th element in the stack of x, 0 being the top,
  • x.Pop() and x.Push() respectively applies pop and push to x,
  • x.Next() increments the program counter in x.

The complete semantics of ADD is given by the body of the function Add. Note that it is defined a pure function of type State -> State with no side effects.

Moreover, some interesting properties of this function are captured by the pre- and postconditions:

  • the precondition (requires) indicates that we can only apply this function to non-failure states; as a result every time we use the Add function in our code, we have to ensure that the state st satisfies IsExecuting() (which is essentially a non-failure state).
  • the body of the function defines the next state as a composition of functions applied in sequence Pop(), Pop(), Push(), Next(). Note that some functions like Pop(), Push() (see below) have preconditions.
  • the postconditions (ensures) specify some properties of Add that are not obvious from the code in its body:
    • First, the result of Add is either an OK state or an INVALID(STACK_UNDERFLOW) state.
    • Second, Add succeeds if and only if st.Operands() >= 2.
    • Third, if Add succeeds the stack size in the result state st' is the size in st minus one.

This type of specifications is easy to read, and some essential properties (postconditions) can be formally proved. For instance the postcondition st'.OK? <==> st.Operands() >= 2 ensures that the computation st.Pop().Pop().Push(res as u256).Next() in the body of Add does not result in a failure state (see Verifying the Semantics below).

This specification above may be contrasted to existing specifications and implementations of Add:

Verifying the Semantics

The Dafny specification of Add above is self-contained and clearly identifies the cases where the Add function results in an INVALID state. On top of that, the preconditions we provide (requires) must hold every time the function Add is called. This guarantees that in our semantics defined as function composition, we never apply Add on a non-executing (INVALID, RETURNS, etc) state.

Apart from clarity and simplicity, the Dafny-EVM semantics provides a high degree of security. To illustrate this point, it is useful to look at the code of Pop and Push:

 * Pop word from stack.
function method Pop(st: State): (st': State)
  requires st.IsExecuting() 
  ensures st'.OK? || st' == INVALID(STACK_UNDERFLOW)
  ensures st'.OK? <==> st.Operands() >= 1
  ensures st'.OK? ==> st'.Operands() == st.Operands() - 1   
  if st.Operands() >= 1

 * Push word onto stack.
function method Push(st: State, k: nat): (st': State)
  requires k > 0 && k <= 32
  requires st.IsExecuting()
  ensures st'.OK? || st' == INVALID(STACK_OVERFLOW) 
  ensures st'.OK? <==> st.Capacity() >= 1 
  ensures st'.OK? ==> st'.Operands() == st.Operands() + 1
  if st.Capacity() >= 1
    var bytes := Code.Slice(st.evm.code, (st.evm.pc+1), k);
    assert 0 < |bytes| <= 32;
    var k := Bytes.ConvertBytesTo256(bytes);

The definitions of Pop and Push requires as preconditions a non-failure state (satisfying IsExecuting()), and some constraints on the stack size or capacity. In the EVM the stack has a maximum size of 1024, and if the current size is k the capacity is 1024 - k.

What roles do preconditions play and how do they help?

In the definition of Add above, we define the next state by st.Pop().Pop().Push(...).Next() where st is the current state. Using a verification-friendly language like Dafny triggers several checks at compile time and among them:

every time we call a function f, the preconditions of f must hold.

This is not a runtime check that is going to be performed on each call of f but a compile-time check that must provably always hold. This is part of what Dafny does when it verifies the Add function: it checks that:

  1. st has more than one operand and the call to st.Pop() satisfies the preconditions of Pop;
  2. it also checks that st.Pop() satisfies the preconditions of Pop as we apply Pop to the previous result. This is the reason why we have the if st.Operands() >= 2 in the definition of Add and this is what enables Dafny to prove that the preconditions of the second call to Pop are satisfied. If you download the code and have Dafny installed, you may replace if st.Operands() >= 2 by if st.Operands() >= 1 in Add. Dafny will highlight the error by pointing to the line var rhs := st.Peek(1) as int indicating that the precondition of Peek(1) does not hold (Peek(1) also requires a stack size larger than 1.)
  3. another check is performed on st.Pop().Pop() to ensure that stack capacity satisfies the preconditions of Push. The proof of this fact follows from the semantics of Pop that removes elements from the stack; so the capcity of the stack after st.Pop().Pop() is at least one (which is worst-case of the stack capacity is st is zero).

All the previous checks provide a very high degree of security of the code, ensuring that we never call by mistake Add on a stack with one element. The verification-friendliness of Dafny does not stop at preconditions, but also enforces the following checks by default:

  • type checks: if a variable v is declared with type say u8, any assignment to v requires a proof that 0 <= v <= 255. The same holds for more complex types. For instance the type of the stack is a seq<u256> of size <= 1024. This means that every time we compute a state there must be a compile-time proof that the stack size is <= 1024. Thankfully Dafny can automatically prove this most of the time with out help from the programmer.
  • bound checks: we use unbounded lists, seq<.> in Dafny to represent several components (e.g. the stack). Any access s[i] to an element at a given index i in a seq<.> s must be provably valid, i.e. 0 <= i < size(s). This rules out any programming error index-out-of-bound in our code base.
  • termination checks: every loop or recursive function must provably terminate. Dafny checks termination for every piece of code, and this may require the programmer to add ranking functions.

By using a verification-friendly language, we can provide machine-checkable guarantees about our code.

Executing the Semantics

An EVM is in a given state s: State. The effect of an opcode op on the current state is described in two separate functions OpSem and OpGas in evm.dfy:

/** The semantics of opcodes.
  *  @param op   The opcode to look up.
  *  @param s    The state to apply the opcode to.
  *  @returns    The new state obtained after applying the semantics
  *              of the opcode.
  *  @note       If an opcode is not supported, or there is not enough gas
  *              the returned state is INVALID.
function method OpSem(op: u8, s: State): State

/** The gas cost semantics of an opcode.
 *  @param op   The opcode to look up.
 *  @param s    A state.
 *  @returns    The new state obtained having consumed the gas that corresponds to
 *              the cost of `opcode` is `s`.
function method OpGas(op: u8, s: State): State

OpGas charges some gas to perform the computation associated to an opcode op in a given state s. Most of the time the cost is fixed but sometimes the cost depends on the state, for instance if there is memory expansion.

OpSem defines the semantics of opcodes but does not take into account the gas consumption. For instance, the result of OpSem(ADD, s) is a new state s' which is equal to s except for the stack.
OpSem uses the functions defined in bytecode.dfy to compute the new state. For instance a concrete definition of OpSem in module EvmBerlin defines the semantics of the ADD opcode as follows:

function method OpSem(op: u8, s: State): State {
match s
  case OK(st) =>
      match op
        case ADD =>  Bytecode.Add(s)

where Add is the function that gives the semantics of opcode ADD.

Overall the new state of the EVM after executing an opcode op in state s is s' = OpSem(opcode, OpGas(opcode, s)).

The opcode to execute is part of the state s as s has the code to execute and the program counter. The Execute function below determines the next state: it extracts the opcode from the state st; if the opcode is valid, it computes the new state according to the semantics of the opcode, and otherwise we end up in an INVALID state.

 *  Execute the next instruction.
 *  return
 *  @note       If the opcode semantics/gas is not implemented, the next
 *              state is INVALID.
function method Execute(st: State): State
    match st.OpDecode()
        case Some(opcode) => OpSem(opcode, OpGas(opcode, st))
        case None => State.INVALID(INVALID_OPCODE)

Executing some bytecode can be achieved by creating a fresh EVM, and then applying the function Execute a number of times.

In practice we first have to define a concrete module with concrete functions OpSem and OpGas. The module EvmBerlin is an example of such a concrete module. Once we have a concrete module, we can execute some bytecode. The example below is taken from test.dfy.

method Test_EVM_01(x: u8)
// Bytecode to execute
var vm := EvmBerlin.InitEmpty(
    gas := 300,
    code := [
    PUSH1, x,
    PUSH1, 0x0,
    PUSH1, 0x1,
    PUSH1, 0x1F,

// PUSH1 x
vm := EvmBerlin.Execute(vm);
// PUSH1 0x0
vm := EvmBerlin.Execute(vm);
vm := EvmBerlin.Execute(vm);
// PUSH ... RETURN -- Execute 3 steps
vm := EvmBerlin.ExecuteN(vm,3);
assert vm.RETURNS?;

Several examples can be found in this test folder.