Persistent storage for your applications must be provided by one or more Storage Provisioners. Each storage provisioner allocates physical storage into logical Storage Classes as the foundational component understandable by your cluster.
- Only set one storage class as your default storage class
- Below options are examples and can be replaced with other storage providers
- (Option 1) Hostpath Provisioner
Recommended for all installations
helm upgrade --install hostpath-provisioner ccio/hostpath-provisioner --namespace hostpath-provisioner --create-namespace
- (Option 2) Rook Ceph
Recommended for >=3 node clusters with extra empty HDD/SSD/NVME disks
helm upgrade --install calypso ccio/calypso --namespace rook-ceph --create-namespace
Set only one storage class as default
- Execute to make the storage class
your default storage class
kubectl patch storageclass hostpath-provisioner -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
- Execute to make the storage class
your default storage class
kubectl patch storageclass ceph-filesystem-ssd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'