This contains a description of the methods used in the workshop as well as links to helpful external teaching resources.
- bad beamer resolution:
- no fineprint / high-res images
- bad beamer colors:
- clearer contrasting slide colors
- Connect with the people in a meaningful way
- Let people interact on a very personal and direct level
- Create a socially nice athmosphere towards the end to have good memory about the session
- Get straight into it, no bullshit around!
- Discuss 3 questions in small groups (~5), sum up in large circle
- After people did some content mining, more towards the end of a workshop
- useful to wrap up things and get a meta-perspective
** Before workshop**
- Think of 3-4 questions that open up a discussion, e.g.
- What are opportunities created through content mining?
- What are barrier for content mining?
- How can content mining help you?
- write these questions down on flipchart
- rearrange room / tables to allow for groups of 4-5 people to sit together
** At workshop**
- Explain the next session (2min)
- “How knows what a world cafe is? “
- Art of Hosting Method
- 3 rounds of 5min with one question for each.
- Groups of 4-5 people
- Discuss at a table. start straight into it. 5mins are not too much, so dont waste time.
- Write down your thoughts. For this you have pens and a sheet. s
- After bell rings, one person stays and everyone else leaves to another table. decide yourself on the table who does what.
- At the end after the 3 rounds we will discuss the outcome in a big round/circle were we are going to harvest on a meta level.
- Sum Up: Get in your round, discuss the questions and document main points on your sheet.
- “Questions?”
- Set up space(1min)
- “So, let’s start it. Please get together in groups of 4-5 people.”
- give sheets and pens to groups
- Everyone at a table, a sheet and 1-2 pens?
- three rounds (5min + 1min moving):
- Check the tables: "everything ok?"
- signal after 4min: "1 minute left"
- Finish with virtual bell
- Switch tables
- Switch to big circle (1min)
- “Let’s rearrange the tables and chairs to one big circle
- when not enough place for all, 2nd, 3rd row
- Circle with Harvesting (10min)
- explain it: everyone can go into the middle and speak about something he/she experience. meta level. we collect this on an own sheet. circle is perfect form to bring things together.
- if not enough time for all: ask one person from each table to summarize for meta-harvest after the three rounds.
- a bell - real or virtual to signal start/end of rounds
- Flipchart pens and sheets
- sticky tape
- postits
- 45min
- too many participants (>20):
- create additional tables for more rotation
- not enough participants (<6):
- do the rounds together
- no one starts talking in the big circle: give quick own impression
- let people do something by themselves and create individual results
- let them learn in groups
- learning by doing
- show them the magic of content mining
- as often as possible
- let people form teams of two (1min)
- condition: have at least one working laptop per two
make sure every team has the software and data (5-10min)
explain whats going to happen and what they will be able to do after the session (use case)
introduce them to the concept to learn by demoing an example
have them reproduce the example
repeat: what is the use case, what is the problem, how are we going to solve it?
go through code / explain raw data
provide some small task/quiz:
- find information xyz
- we have x, we want z, please do y
- enable sandbox environment:
- let people explore on their own
- go around, check if help needed
- summarize:
- what have you found?
- what were the problems?
- did you solve them? yes, how? no, what barrier? - should be identified during sandboxing
- discuss/compare outcomes
- laptops
- code examples
- data examples
45min - 90min
2 - 15
- high participant / facilitator ratio:
- ask advanced participants to help after they managed