Get application vulnerabilities UUIDs
Roles: view,edit,rules_admin,admin
Header Name | Description | Allowed Values |
API-Key | API key in plaintext | |
Authorization | Base64 encoded credentials of "username:service-key" |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
orgUuid | Organization UUID | organization | true | String |
appId | Application ID | application | true | String |
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
filterText | Filter Text | string | false | String |
startDate | Start Date | long | false | Long |
endDate | End Date | long | false | Long |
filterTags | Filter tags | array | false | String[] |
severities | Rule severities | array | false | RuleSeverity[] |
status | Vulnerability Status | set | false | Set |
substatus | Vulnerability Substatus | set | false | Set |
vulnTypes | Vulnerability Type | array | false | String[] |
appVersionTags | App Versions Tags | array | false | String[] |
servers | Servers | array | false | Long[] |
environments | Server Environments | array | false | ServerEnvironment[] |
urls | Urls | array | false | String[] |
sinkHashes | Filter vulnerabilities by sink hashes | array | false | Long[] |
sinkValues | Filter vulnerabilities by sink values | array | false | String[] |
routes | Route coverage hashes | array | false | String[] |
modules | Filter traces by multiple applications - If applicationID is not provided, the result set will include traces related to submodules (child applications) | set | false | Set |
languages | Filter vulnerabilities by application agent languages | list | false | List |
technologies | Filter vulnerabilities by application technologies | list | false | List |
applicationTags | Filter traces by application tags | array | false | String[] |
applicationID | Filter traces by a single application | string | false | String |
quickFilter | Quick Filter | vulnerabilityquickfiltertype | false | VulnerabilityQuickFilterType |
securityStandards | Security Standards | array | false | String[] |
tracked | Tracked traces | boolean | false | boolean |
untracked | Untracked traces | boolean | false | boolean |
timestampFilter | Timestamp Field used to filter | tracetimestampfield | false | LAST,FIRST |
matchRoutePathParams | Look for matching routes with path params | boolean | false | boolean |
metadataFilters | Session metadata filter groups selected | list | false | List |
applicationMetadataFilters | Application metadata filter groups selected | list | false | List |
appIDsFromMetadataFilters | Internal parameter used to set application IDs that were retrieved from application metadata filters | set | false | Set |
licensedOnly | Show vulnerabilities only from licensed apps | boolean | false | boolean |
agentSessionId | Session metadata id | string | false | String |
applicationImportances | List of application importances | list | false | List |
serverTags | List of server tags | list | false | List |
protectStatuses | List of protect statuses | list | false | List |
sort | Sort by | string | false | lastTimeSeen,status,title,,severity |
200 OK - OK