Category: misc
For this challenge, we have 5 minutes to guess 16 random numbers. After each guess the server answers:
- +1 if our guess is too low
- -1 if our guess is too high
We also get the source code for the server.
By looking into the server code, we find that the random numbers to guess are between 0 and 2^64 - 1. Since there are so many different possibilities for the guesses, I will use a binary search.
In the beginning, the limits are [0, 1<<64], with each step, we guess the middle of the interval.
With this method, since there are 2^64 possibilities it takes 64 steps to find each number.
I implemented this method into a Python script.
def main():
Main function
Essai par recherche binaire du résultat.
c = remote(HOST, PORT) # début de la connexion
c.recvuntil(b"> ")
num2guess = 16
for i in range(16):
a = (1 << 64) - 1 # borne haute de la recherche binaire
b = 0 # borne basse
step = 0
mref = 0
while True:
if a - b == 1: # pour éviter de rester coincé avec un intervalle de taille 1
if mref == m:
m = a
m = b
mref = m
m = (a + b) >> 1
res = c.recvline()
if res == b'+1\n':
# la valeur recherchée est supérieur à notre essai
b = m
elif res == b'-1\n':
# la valeur recherchée est inférieure à notre essai
a = m + 1
elif res == b'0\n':
print('Nombre trouvé')
if i < 15:
c.recvuntil(b"> ")
print(f"Valeur différente: {res}")
step += 1
print(f"Nb de num restant: {num2guess}, Essai n°{step} : [{b}, {a}]")
c.recvuntil(b"> ")
num2guess -= 1