Display and control in/out animations using a sprite image.
After including jQuery, include SpriteLoading.js in your HTML:
<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Correlife/SpriteLoading.js/master/SpriteLoading.min.js"></script>
Start the loading animation:
var loading = new SpriteLoading($('#your_container'), {theme: 'dark'});
When the loading is done, finish the animation:
loading.finish(function(){alert("Loading complete!");})
Use SpriteLoading when:
- You want to display an animation that cannot be achieved using CSS
- You need antialiased transparent animations (unlike GIF, or where APNG is not supported)
- You need to control the timing if in/loop/out animations
Each animation will complete before moving to the next one for a smooth transition.
The animation will spawn in the center of the container (both horizontally and vertically).
This is the complete options object:
var loading = new SpriteLoading($('#your_container'), {
width: 60,
height: 60,
delay: 40,
frames: {
start: 1,
loop_start: 12,
loop_end: 35,
out_end: 45
backdrop: false,
theme: 'light',
sprite_url: 'https://correlife.org/img/loading.png',
sprite_url_dark: 'https://correlife.org/img/loading-dark.png'
Parameter | Description |
width | The width of each frame in pixels |
height | The height of each frame in pixels |
delay | The amount of time to wait between frames in milliseconds |
frames.start | The number of the frame the animation starts with (in), usually 1 |
frames.loop_start | The number of the first frame of the loop |
frames.loop_end | The number of the last frame of the loop |
frames.out_end | The number of the last frame of the animation (out) |
backdrop | Display a partially transparent screen under the animation |
theme | Options: light/dark Default: light |
sprite_url | The url to the light themed sprite |
sprite_url_dark | The url to the dark themed sprite |
Create a single vertical sprite (where each frame of the animation is below the previous one) and use the sprite_url to point to it. PNGs work best because of the alpha channel. The frames should be in the in-out-loop order.
There are many sprite generators to convert individual files to a single sprite, for example this tool: http://www.cssportal.com/css-sprite-generator/
Finally, set the width/height/frames options according to your animation.
Guy Brukhis, Correlife.org