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Science-ready catalogue production

Processing steps of ShapePipe output catalogues carried out by the sp_validation package to produce science-ready catalogues are:

  1. Extract relevant information from a final ShapePipe output catalogue per patch; run basic diagnostic tests, create pre-calibration shear catalogues.
  2. Merge pre-calibration catalogues created in the previous step, e.g. processed by individual patches, into one or more joint catalogues;
  3. Apply external area and footprint masks. These are the "structural" and the coverage masks.
  4. Create calibrated galaxy shear catalogue. This step includes the tasks:
    a. Mask objects using flags and criteria in ShapePipe output catalogues and external (e.g. mask) files;
    b. Select a galaxy sample by applying selection criteria, e.g. on SNR or size;
    c. Calibrate the shear estimates with the metacalibration method, using the measured shapes and metacal information (sheared measurements) output by ShapePipe.

These steps are carried out as follows:

1. Extract information, run basic diagnostics, create catalogues.

This is performed (currently both for pre- and post-v1.4.1 versions) with the series of notebooks in sp_validation/notebooks or the ipython script generated thereof.

This script creates plots, diagnostics, and three shear catalogue FITS files:

  • Basic catalogue containing positions, shapes (calibrated + PSF-leakage corrected), weights (DES), magnitude, patch ID. Masking and galaxy selection are applied.
  • Extended catalogue containing in addition uncalibrated shapes inverse-variance weights, shear response matrices, SNR, flux, size, PSF quantities. Masking and galaxy selection are applied.
  • Comprehensive catalogue containing in addition metacal information (measured sheared quantities), mask information (shapepipe pre-processing). Masking and galaxy selection is not applied. This catalogue does not contain calibrated shear estimates, since the calibration is carried out after applying masking and selection.

This step is carried out per patch.

2. Merge catalogues

The patch-wise comprehensive catalogues extracted in the previous step are merged using the script, which is a front-end of the sp_validation library class run_joint_cat:JointCat.

3. Apply external masks

Code for this step is developed in the library file

4. Mask, select, and calibrate

The steps of masking, galaxy sample selection, and calibration are carried out jointly using the notebook calibrate_comprehensive_cat.ipynb.

The following describes the pre-v1.4.2 method to create a joint, calibrated shear catalogue.

Combine shear validation run output catalogues

Combine shear validation run statistics

Summary statistics created by shear validation runs of sub-areas of a survey can be combined to create joint summary statistics. This is useful in cases where the galaxy catalogue of an entire survey is too large to process, and needs to be broken down in smaller patches. This step provides global summary statistics from those patches.

Depending on the type of summary, their combination can be the sum (e.g. for number of objects), average, weighted average (e.g. for the additive bias), the weighted average of the square (e.g. the ellipticity dispersion), the weighted variance (to combine variance estimates), or the weighted variance of the mean (to combine mean variance estimates).

In a directory containing the subpatches as subdirectories, and within each their own output directory (sp_outputby default in with results of the validation runs, type

This script creates a number of output files, including R.txt and c.txt with the combined multiplicative and additive biases, respectively.

At the moment (ShapePipe catalogues v1.4.1 and older), this script needs to be run to write summary statistics output files before creating the joint shear catalogue with, see here.

Create combined calibrated shear catalogue

After creating the combined statistics results described above, the global calibration outputs can be used to create a combined, globally calibrated shear catalogue. The calibration is obtained from the files R.txt and c.txt created above.

In the same directory containing the subpatches as above, type

It creates the joint output catalogues {survey}_{pipeline}_{year}_v{version}.fits (e.g. unions_shapepipe_2022_v1.4.fits) and {survey}_{pipeline}_extended_{year}_v{version}.fits.