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Birds Detection

Labeling example

Labeling example

Some of the data for that project were downloaded from free sources using google search for approximately 400 pictures for species and around 800 pictures of mixed species. Simple_image_download package was used. See images_download.ipynb

Second part was obtained from YouTube videos. See Images_ from video. ipynb
Also more than thousand pictires was obtained from webcamera in my bird feeder.

The images were labeled and prepared for object detection using this website

The easy way to access your IP camera is to use address from this website:

List of birds that are coming to the bird feeder:

English Japanese Russian
Eurasian jay カケス (懸巣) Сойка
Great spotted woodpecker アカゲラ (赤啄木鳥) Большой пестрый дятел
Greenfinch アオカワラヒワ (青河原鶸) Зеленушка
Blue tit アオガラ (青雀) Лазоревка
Carduelis ゴシキヒワ (五色鶸) Щегол
Common redpoll ベニヒワ (紅鶸) Чечётка
Great tit シジュウカラ (四十雀) Большая синица
Eurasian bullfinch ウソ (鷽) Снегирь
Eurasian siskin マヒワ (真鶸) Чиж
Eurasian tree_sparrow スズメ (雀) Полевой воробей
Hawfinch シメ (鴲) Дубонос
Willow tit コガラ (小雀) Буроголовая гаичка
Fieldfare ノハラツグミ Дрозд рябинник
Common chaffinch ズアオアトリ (頭青花鶏) Зяблик
Common linnet ムネアカヒワ (胸赤鶸) Коноплянка
Brambling アトリ(獦子鳥) Вьюрок
White wagtail タイリクハクセキレイ(大陸白鶺鴒) Белая трясогузка
Coal tit ヒガラ(日雀) Московка

Labeling example