REST API to manage a little shop.
All you need to do to run the server is install the dependencies with: npm install --production
and then start the server with npm run start
The database information is stored in 'ormconfig.json' at the projects root, I didn't upload that file, but you can build your own following this instructions
The encryption needs a secret string, which you have to provide in the file ./src/config.ts with the following format:
module.exports = {
Now you have everything ready, start the server. You will need a user to use the application, so let's create one. All you have to do is make a get request to the root of your host (for example: localhost:3000/) and it will automatically create a new user when there are no other users in the database. UserName: "admin", password: "1" (it's a string). Now with this user you can create more, check the api documentation for more detailes and don't forget to delete this admin when you have created your own!
- Node.js + Express framework: Express has a very big comunity of users so it's easy to find information when you can't figure out a way of doing something. I also like the design it encourages.
- TypeScript: Helps a lot during the development stage providing typing so you don't make silly mistakes.
- TypeORM: A really usefull ORM to connect Node.js with MySQL (or others). It supports MVC design pattern design without too much effort.
- JSONwebtoken & Express-jwt: JsonWebToken provides an easy way to create a token using the user information and a salt, it also sets a time limit in which the token can be used before a new login is required. Express-jwt provides an easy way to check if a given token is valid and decodes it to get the user data stored in it.
- Bcrypt: This library encrypts any incoming password before saving it to database or compares the incoming password with the encrypted one stored in the database.
- File uploads
- Accept only image formats
- User authentication
- Users database
- Customers database
- Users can manage customers
- Customers have name, surname and Id as required information
- Users can view a list of customers
- Users can create, edit and delete customers.
- Customers can have an image, when queried they provide the image url.
- Customers store information of the user who created them and the last user who updated them.
- Admin condition
- Admins can manage users (create, update, delete).
- Admins can provide or revoke admin rights to users.
- Encryption
- create config.ts to store salt for encryption.
- encrypt password before saving to database.
- encrypt password before checking with database for login.
- create config.ts to store salt for encryption.
- Forms
- Check data types before saving to database.
- File uploads
- Keep original format