- Linux/Bash basics + conda setup (slides)
- Another good resource: Introduction to the UNIX command line
- Cheat sheet for Bash: github.com/RehanSaeed/Bash-Cheat-Sheet
A (very short) cheat sheet:
# Print your user name
echo $USER
# change directory to your user home directory (all of these are the same)
cd /home/$USER
cd $HOME
cd ~ # <- the shortest version, I like this one
# show content of current directory
# make a new directory called 'myfolder'
mkdir myfolder
# make conda environment and activate it
mamba create -n nanoplot
conda activate nanoplot
mamba install nanoplot
# Attention, the above command will create a folder 'nanoplot' in your default path, e.g. ~/miniconda3/envs
# However, you can also specify any other folder, and which we will also do in the training:
mamba create -p envs/nanoplot
conda activate envs/nanoplot
mamba install nanoplot
# run a program
NanoPlot reads.fq.gz ...
Next: Setup for computing data