diff --git a/R/AllGenerics.R b/R/AllGenerics.R
index 45b355867..153e3ba31 100644
--- a/R/AllGenerics.R
+++ b/R/AllGenerics.R
@@ -246,11 +246,6 @@ setGeneric("multitables<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("multitables<-"))
 setGeneric("filters", function(x) standardGeneric("filters"))
 #' @rdname filter-catalog
 setGeneric("filters<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("filters<-"))
-setGeneric("appliedFilters", function(x) standardGeneric("appliedFilters"))
-    "appliedFilters<-",
-    function(x, value) standardGeneric("appliedFilters<-")
 setGeneric("activeFilter", function(x) standardGeneric("activeFilter"))
diff --git a/R/filters.R b/R/filters.R
index 0ce902eb4..5e82cbb0c 100644
--- a/R/filters.R
+++ b/R/filters.R
@@ -141,19 +141,6 @@ setMethod(
-setMethod("appliedFilters", "CrunchDataset", function(x) {
-    out <- ShojiOrder(crGET(shojiURL(x, "views", "applied_filters")))
-    return(out@graph)
-    "appliedFilters<-", c("CrunchDataset", "CrunchFilter"),
-    function(x, value) {
-        b <- list(graph = I(list(self(value))))
-        crPUT(shojiURL(x, "views", "applied_filters"), body = toJSON(b))
-        return(x)
-    }
 .getActiveFilter <- function(x) {
     f <- expr <- x@filter
diff --git a/R/ordering.R b/R/ordering.R
index 33c6650bd..1165359b8 100644
--- a/R/ordering.R
+++ b/R/ordering.R
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 #' Get and set VariableOrder
-#' The `ordering` methods allow you to get and set a [`VariableOrder`] on a
+#' The `ordering` methods allow you to get a [`VariableOrder`] on a
 #' [`CrunchDataset`] or on the [`VariableCatalog`] that the dataset contains.
+#' Crunch datasets work with folders, and the ordering is deprecated. It is no
+#' longer possible to set the ordering of a variable catalog from rcrunch.
 #' @param x a VariableCatalog or CrunchDataset
 #' @param value a valid VariableOrder object
 #' @return `ordering` returns a VariableOrder object, while
@@ -42,35 +45,13 @@ setMethod("ordering<-", "VariableCatalog", function(x, value) {
     stopifnot(inherits(value, "VariableOrder"))
     if (!identical(ordering(x)@graph, value@graph)) {
-        ## Give deprecation warning (the first time only per session)
-        warn_once(
+        halt(
             "Hey! There's a new way to organize variables within ",
             "datasets: the 'folder' methods. They're easier to use and ",
             "more reliable. See `?mv`, `?cd`, and others for details, and ",
             "`vignettes('variable-order', package='crunch')` for examples. ",
-            "You're seeing this message because you're still using the ",
-            "ordering<- method, which is fine today, but it will be going ",
-            "away in the future, so check out the new methods. ",
-            option = "crunch.already.shown.folders.msg"
+            "The old ordering<- method no longer works."
-        ## Validate.
-        bad.entities <- setdiff(urls(value), urls(x))
-        if (length(bad.entities)) {
-            halt(
-                pluralize("Variable URL", length(bad.entities)),
-                " referenced in Order not present in catalog: ",
-                serialPaste(bad.entities)
-            )
-        }
-        order_url <- shojiURL(x, "orders", "hier")
-        ## Update on server
-        crPUT(order_url, body = toJSON(value))
-        ## Drop cache for dataset folders
-        dropCache(paste0(datasetReference(x), "folders/"))
-        ## Refresh
-        x@order <- VariableOrder(crGET(order_url))
@@ -132,58 +113,10 @@ copyOrder <- function(source, target) {
         halt("Both source and target must be Crunch datasets.")
-    warning(
+    halt(
         "There's a new way to copy ordering and folders: `copyFolders`!",
         "It uses Crunch's new folders system which is easier to use and more ",
-        "reliable. `copyOrder` will be removed shortly, so please change your ",
+        "reliable. `copyOrder` has been removed, so please change your ",
         "code to use `copyFolders`. See `?copyFolders` for more information."
-    ord <- entities(ordering(source))
-    # make url and alias maps
-    url_to_alias_source <- as.list(
-        structure(aliases(allVariables(source)), .Names = urls(allVariables(source)))
-    )
-    alias_to_url_target <- as.list(
-        structure(urls(allVariables(target)), .Names = aliases(allVariables(target)))
-    )
-    new_ord <- lapply(ord, copyOrderGroup,
-        source_map = url_to_alias_source,
-        target_map = alias_to_url_target
-    )
-    # drop any null entities, those that were not found in target but in source
-    new_ord <- removeMissingEntities(new_ord)
-    new_ord <- do.call(VariableOrder, new_ord)
-    # set catalog URL so show methods work on the new ordering
-    new_ord@catalog_url <- variableCatalogURL(target)
-    return(new_ord)
-#' Copy the order of a `VariableGroup` (or individual variable URL) from `VariableOrder`
-#' @param group the group or variable URL to be copied
-#' @param source_map url to alias map for source variables
-#' @param target_map alias to url map for target variables
-#' @return returns either a [`VariableGroup`] (if a group is supplied) or a URL
-#' (if just a variable URL is supplied)
-#' @keywords internal
-copyOrderGroup <- function(group, source_map, target_map) {
-    # if there is a single element in group, and it is a character,
-    # just return the URL in the target.
-    if (length(group) == 1 & is.character(group)) {
-        return(target_map[[source_map[[group]]]] %||% NA_character_)
-    }
-    # there are groups, so recurse
-    ents <- lapply(entities(group), copyOrderGroup,
-        source_map = source_map, target_map = target_map
-    )
-    return(VariableGroup(name(group), ents))
diff --git a/R/weight.R b/R/weight.R
index 66dbb6617..a83431563 100644
--- a/R/weight.R
+++ b/R/weight.R
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ modifyWeightVariables <- function(x, vars, type = "append") {
     ## variaous inputs into a list of variables.
     if (is.null(vars)) {
         # If NULL change type to replace to clear the weight variables
-        new$graph <- NULL
+        new$graph <- list()
         type <- "replace"
     } else {
         if (is.variable(vars) || (length(vars) == 1) & !is.character(vars)) {
diff --git a/man/copyOrderGroup.Rd b/man/copyOrderGroup.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index ef6e81dec..000000000
--- a/man/copyOrderGroup.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/ordering.R
-\title{Copy the order of a \code{VariableGroup} (or individual variable URL) from \code{VariableOrder}}
-copyOrderGroup(group, source_map, target_map)
-\item{group}{the group or variable URL to be copied}
-\item{source_map}{url to alias map for source variables}
-\item{target_map}{alias to url map for target variables}
-returns either a \code{\link{VariableGroup}} (if a group is supplied) or a URL
-(if just a variable URL is supplied)
-Copy the order of a \code{VariableGroup} (or individual variable URL) from \code{VariableOrder}
diff --git a/man/ordering.Rd b/man/ordering.Rd
index 02ad15867..938dd2984 100644
--- a/man/ordering.Rd
+++ b/man/ordering.Rd
@@ -43,7 +43,11 @@ ordering(x) <- value
 \verb{ordering<-} sets the VariableOrder
-The \code{ordering} methods allow you to get and set a \code{\link{VariableOrder}} on a
+The \code{ordering} methods allow you to get a \code{\link{VariableOrder}} on a
 \code{\link{CrunchDataset}} or on the \code{\link{VariableCatalog}} that the dataset contains.
+Crunch datasets work with folders, and the ordering is deprecated. It is no
+longer possible to set the ordering of a variable catalog from rcrunch.
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-filters.R b/tests/testthat/test-filters.R
index 688f4c300..926822117 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-filters.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-filters.R
@@ -258,20 +258,6 @@ with_test_authentication({
-    test_that("We have an applied filters view", {
-        expect_length(appliedFilters(ds), 0)
-    })
-    test_that("We can 'apply' a filter", {
-        appliedFilters(ds) <- filters(ds)[["Test filter"]]
-        expect_length(appliedFilters(ds), 1)
-    })
-    test_that("'applied filters' for the UI don't affect R", {
-        expect_length(appliedFilters(ds), 1)
-        expect_valid_df_import(ds)
-    })
     test_that("We also have 'active filter' for the R object", {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fork.R b/tests/testthat/test-fork.R
index 886ef6329..dc20dcac8 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fork.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fork.R
@@ -111,23 +111,17 @@ with_test_authentication({
     # 2. Edit dataset metadata
     description(f1) <- "A dataset for testing"
-    # 3. Reorder variables
-    ordering(f1) <- VariableOrder(
-        VariableGroup("Even", f1[c(2, 4, 6)]),
-        VariableGroup("Odd", f1[c(1, 3, 5)])
-    )
-    # 4. Add non-derived variable
+    # 3. Add non-derived variable
     f1$v8 <- rep(1:5, 4)[4:20]
-    # 5. Derive variable
+    # 4. Derive variable
     f1$v7 <- f1$v3 - 6
-    # 6. Conditionally edit values of categorical variable
+    # 5. Conditionally edit values of categorical variable
     f1$v4[f1$v8 == 5] <- "F"
     f1$v4[f1$v8 == 4] <- "F"
-    # 7. Delete a variable and replace it with one of the same name
+    # 6. Delete a variable and replace it with one of the same name
     new_vect <- rev(as.vector(f1$v1))
     v1copy <- VariableDefinition(new_vect, name = name(f1$v1), alias = alias(f1$v1))
     test_that("Just asserting that the new var has the same name/alias as old", {
@@ -157,10 +151,6 @@ with_test_authentication({
         expect_identical(as.vector(dataset$v7), df$v3[4:20] - 6)
         expect_equivalent(as.vector(dataset$v8), rep(1:5, 4)[4:20])
         expect_equivalent(as.vector(dataset$v1), rev(df$v1[4:20]))
-        expect_identical(
-            aliases(variables(dataset)),
-            paste0("v", c(2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 8, 7, 1))
-        )
     test_that("The edits are made to the fork", {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-variable-order.R b/tests/testthat/test-variable-order.R
index a347f7f2e..b538acd9f 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-variable-order.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-variable-order.R
@@ -55,16 +55,10 @@ with_mock_crunch({
     test_that("Warning that you should be using folders instead", {
-        set_crunch_opts(crunch.already.shown.folders.msg = NULL)
-        expect_warning(
-            expect_PUT(ordering(ds) <- nested.ord[2:1]),
+        expect_error(
+            ordering(ds) <- nested.ord[2:1],
-        ## Second time it doesn't warn. One nag per session
-        expect_warning(
-            expect_PUT(ordering(ds) <- nested.ord[2:1]),
-            NA
-        )
     test_that("length methods", {
@@ -621,15 +615,12 @@ with_mock_crunch({
-    test_that("copyOrder returns the order of target as a VariableOrder", {
+    test_that("copyOrder has been removed", {
         ds_again <- cachedLoadDataset("test ds")
-        # because copyOrder is deprecated, there will be a warning.
-        expect_warning(
+        expect_error(
             new_order <- copyOrder(ds, ds_again),
             "There's a new way to copy ordering and folders: `copyFolders`!"
-        expect_is(new_order, "VariableOrder")
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds)), entities(new_order))
     test_that("copyOrder input validation", {
@@ -649,323 +640,4 @@ with_test_authentication({
-    test_that("Can construct VariableOrder from variables", {
-        # TODO: probably covered by unit tests
-        vg <- VariableOrder(
-            VariableGroup(
-                name = "Group 1",
-                variables = ds[c("v1", "v3", "v5")]
-            ),
-            VariableGroup(name = "Group 2.5", entities = ds["v4"]),
-            VariableGroup(
-                name = "Group 2",
-                entities = ds[c("v6", "v2")]
-            )
-        )
-        vglist <- cereal(vg)
-        expect_identical(vglist, list(graph = list(
-            list(`Group 1` = list(self(ds$v1), self(ds$v3), self(ds$v5))),
-            list(`Group 2.5` = list(self(ds$v4))),
-            list(`Group 2` = list(self(ds$v6), self(ds$v2)))
-        )))
-    })
-    starting.vg <- vg <- VariableOrder(
-        VariableGroup(
-            name = "Group 1",
-            entities = ds[c("v1", "v3", "v5")]
-        ),
-        VariableGroup(name = "Group 2.5", variables = ds["v4"]),
-        VariableGroup(
-            name = "Group 2",
-            entities = ds[c("v6", "v2")]
-        )
-    )
-    try(entities(vg[[2]]) <- self(ds$v2))
-    test_that("Set URLs -> entities on VariableGroup", {
-        # TODO: move to unit test
-        expect_identical(urls(vg[[2]]), self(ds$v2))
-        expect_identical(
-            urls(vg),
-            c(
-                self(ds$v1), self(ds$v3), self(ds$v5), self(ds$v2),
-                self(ds$v6)
-            )
-        )
-    })
-    try(entities(vg[[2]]) <- list(ds$v3))
-    test_that("Set variables -> entities on VariableGroup", {
-        # TODO: move to unit test
-        expect_identical(urls(vg[[2]]), self(ds$v3))
-    })
-    try(name(vg[[2]]) <- "Group 3")
-    test_that("Set name on VariableGroup", {
-        # TODO: move to unit test
-        expect_identical(names(vg), c("Group 1", "Group 3", "Group 2"))
-    })
-    try(names(vg) <- c("G3", "G1", "G2"))
-    test_that("Set names on VariableOrder", {
-        # TODO: move to unit test
-        expect_identical(names(vg), c("G3", "G1", "G2"))
-    })
-    original.order <- ordering(ds)
-    test_that("Can set VariableOrder on dataset", {
-        expect_false(identical(starting.vg, original.order))
-        ordering(ds) <- starting.vg
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(grouped(ordering(ds))),
-            entities(starting.vg)
-        )
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(grouped(ordering(refresh(ds)))),
-            entities(starting.vg)
-        )
-        expect_is(ungrouped(ordering(ds)), "VariableGroup")
-        expect_is(ungrouped(ordering(refresh(ds))), "VariableGroup")
-        expect_identical(
-            names(ordering(ds)),
-            c("Group 1", "Group 2.5", "Group 2")
-        )
-        ## Test that can reorder groups
-        ordering(ds) <- starting.vg[c(2, 1, 3)]
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(grouped(ordering(ds))),
-            entities(starting.vg[c(2, 1, 3)])
-        )
-        expect_identical(
-            names(ordering(ds)),
-            c("Group 2.5", "Group 1", "Group 2")
-        )
-        expect_identical(
-            names(ordering(refresh(ds))),
-            c("Group 2.5", "Group 1", "Group 2")
-        )
-        ds <- refresh(ds)
-        expect_false(identical(
-            entities(ordering(variables(ds))),
-            entities(original.order)
-        ))
-        ordering(variables(ds)) <- original.order
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(ordering(variables(ds))),
-            entities(original.order)
-        )
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(ordering(variables(refresh(ds)))),
-            entities(original.order)
-        )
-    })
-    test_that("A partial order results in 'ungrouped' variables", {
-        ordering(ds) <- starting.vg[1:2]
-        expect_is(grouped(ordering(ds)), "VariableOrder")
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(grouped(ordering(ds))),
-            entities(starting.vg[1:2])
-        )
-        expect_is(ungrouped(ordering(ds)), "VariableGroup")
-        expect_true(setequal(
-            unlist(entities(ungrouped(ordering(ds)))),
-            c(self(ds$v6), self(ds$v2))
-        ))
-    })
-    test_that("grouped and ungrouped within a group", {
-        nesting <- VariableGroup("Nest", self(ds$v3))
-        ordering(ds) <- starting.vg
-        ordering(ds)[["Group 1"]][[2]] <- nesting
-        ## Update fixture with duplicates=TRUE, as it should be found
-        ## after setting on a duplicates=TRUE order
-        expect_identical(
-            grouped(ordering(ds)[["Group 1"]]),
-            VariableGroup("Group 1", list(nesting))
-        )
-        expect_identical(
-            ungrouped(ordering(ds)[["Group 1"]]),
-            VariableGroup("ungrouped", list(self(ds$v1), self(ds$v5)))
-        )
-    })
-    test_that("Can manipulate VariableOrder that's part of a dataset", {
-        ordering(ds) <- starting.vg
-        expect_identical(
-            names(ordering(ds)),
-            c("Group 1", "Group 2.5", "Group 2")
-        )
-        names(ordering(ds))[3] <- "Three"
-        expect_identical(
-            names(ordering(ds)),
-            c("Group 1", "Group 2.5", "Three")
-        )
-        expect_identical(
-            names(grouped(ordering(ds))),
-            c("Group 1", "Group 2.5", "Three")
-        )
-    })
-    test_that("ordering<- validation", {
-        # TODO: move to unit test
-        bad.vg <- starting.vg
-        entities(bad.vg[[1]]) <- c(
-            entities(bad.vg[[1]])[-2],
-            "/not/a/variable" # nolint
-        )
-        expect_error(
-            ordering(ds) <- bad.vg,
-            "Variable URL referenced in Order not present in catalog: /not/a/variable"
-        )
-    })
-    test_that("Creating VariableOrder with named list doesn't break", {
-        bad.vg <- do.call(VariableOrder, c(sapply(names(starting.vg),
-            function(i) starting.vg[[i]],
-            simplify = FALSE
-        )))
-        ## The list of entities is named because sapply default is
-        ## USE.NAMES=TRUE, but the VariableOrder constructor should
-        ## handle this
-        ordering(ds) <- bad.vg
-        expect_identical(ordering(ds)@graph, starting.vg@graph)
-    })
-    test_that("copyOrder copies across datasets with simple order", {
-        ds_fork <- forkDataset(ds)
-        old_order <- ordering(ds_fork)
-        new_order <- VariableOrder(
-            self(ds$v1), self(ds$v2), self(ds$v5),
-            self(ds$v6), self(ds$v3), self(ds$v4)
-        )
-        new_order_fork <- VariableOrder(
-            self(ds_fork$v1), self(ds_fork$v2),
-            self(ds_fork$v5), self(ds_fork$v6),
-            self(ds_fork$v3), self(ds_fork$v4)
-        )
-        ordering(ds) <- new_order
-        # test that ds has the new order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds)), entities(new_order))
-        # test that ds_fork has the old order still
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(old_order))
-        expect_false(identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(new_order_fork)))
-        # copy order, and check that ds_fork has the new order.
-        expect_warning(copied_order <- copyOrder(ds, ds_fork))
-        ordering(ds_fork) <- copied_order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(new_order_fork))
-    })
-    test_that("copyOrder copies across datasets with simple(-ish) order (and one nesting)", {
-        ds_fork <- forkDataset(ds)
-        old_order <- ordering(ds_fork)
-        new_order <- VariableOrder(
-            self(ds$v1), self(ds$v2), self(ds$v5),
-            self(ds$v6), VariableGroup(
-                "Group A",
-                list(self(ds$v4), self(ds$v3))
-            )
-        )
-        new_order_fork <- VariableOrder(
-            self(ds_fork$v1), self(ds_fork$v2),
-            self(ds_fork$v5), self(ds_fork$v6),
-            VariableGroup(
-                "Group A",
-                list(self(ds_fork$v4), self(ds_fork$v3))
-            )
-        )
-        ordering(ds) <- new_order
-        # test that ds has the new order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds)), entities(new_order))
-        # test that ds_fork has the old order still
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(old_order))
-        expect_false(identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(new_order_fork)))
-        # copy order, and check that ds_fork has the new order.
-        expect_warning(copied_order <- copyOrder(ds, ds_fork))
-        ordering(ds_fork) <- copied_order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(new_order_fork))
-    })
-    test_that("copyOrder copies across datasets with nested hierarchical order", {
-        ds_fork <- forkDataset(ds)
-        old_order <- ordering(ds_fork)
-        new_order <- VariableOrder(
-            VariableGroup("Group 1", list(
-                self(ds$v1), self(ds$v2),
-                VariableGroup("Group 1.5", list(self(ds$v5), self(ds$v6)))
-            )),
-            VariableGroup("Group 2", list(self(ds$v4), self(ds$v3)))
-        )
-        new_order_fork <- VariableOrder(
-            VariableGroup("Group 1", list(
-                self(ds_fork$v1), self(ds_fork$v2),
-                VariableGroup("Group 1.5", list(self(ds_fork$v5), self(ds_fork$v6)))
-            )),
-            VariableGroup("Group 2", list(self(ds_fork$v4), self(ds_fork$v3)))
-        )
-        ordering(ds) <- new_order
-        # test that ds has the new order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds)), entities(new_order))
-        # test that ds_fork has the old order still
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(old_order))
-        expect_false(identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(new_order_fork)))
-        # copy order, and check that ds_fork has the new order.
-        expect_warning(copied_order <- copyOrder(ds, ds_fork))
-        ordering(ds_fork) <- copied_order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_fork)), entities(new_order_fork))
-    })
-    test_that("copyOrder copies across disparate datasets", {
-        # setup an alternative dataset that has some overlap with ds
-        df_alt <- df
-        df_alt$v12 <- df_alt$v1
-        df_alt$v1 <- NULL
-        df_alt$v2 <- NULL
-        df_alt$new_var <- 1
-        df_alt$new_var2 <- letters[20:1]
-        ds_alt <- newDataset(df_alt)
-        old_order <- ordering(ds_alt)
-        new_order <- VariableOrder(
-            self(ds$v1), self(ds$v2), self(ds$v5),
-            self(ds$v6), VariableGroup(
-                "Group A",
-                list(self(ds$v4), self(ds$v3))
-            )
-        )
-        new_order_alt <- VariableOrder(
-            self(ds_alt$v5), self(ds_alt$v6),
-            VariableGroup(
-                "Group A",
-                list(self(ds_alt$v4), self(ds_alt$v3))
-            ),
-            # the following variables do not overlap with ds,
-            # and therefor will be appended to the end,
-            # but their order will not be garuanteed
-            self(ds_alt$v12), self(ds_alt$new_var), self(ds_alt$new_var2)
-        )
-        ordering(ds) <- new_order
-        # test that ds has the new order
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds)), entities(new_order))
-        # test that ds_alt has the old order still
-        expect_identical(entities(ordering(ds_alt)), entities(old_order))
-        expect_false(identical(entities(ordering(ds_alt)), entities(new_order_alt)))
-        # copy order, and check that ds_alt has the new order.
-        expect_warning(copied_order <- copyOrder(ds, ds_alt))
-        ordering(ds_alt) <- copied_order
-        # ignore the last three variables because their order was not specified
-        expect_identical(
-            entities(ordering(ds_alt))[-c(4, 5, 6)],
-            entities(new_order_alt)[-c(4, 5, 6)]
-        )
-    })
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-versioning.R b/tests/testthat/test-versioning.R
index 806bc0986..c83142b5f 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-versioning.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-versioning.R
@@ -106,10 +106,7 @@ with_test_authentication({
     # No longer supported
     # 3. Reorder variables
-    ordering(ds) <- VariableOrder(
-        VariableGroup("Even", ds[c(2, 4, 6)]),
-        VariableGroup("Odd", ds[c(1, 3, 5)])
-    )
+    # No longer supported
     # 4. Derive variable
     ds$v7 <- ds$v3 - 6
@@ -127,10 +124,6 @@ with_test_authentication({
         expect_identical(as.vector(ds$v7), df$v3 - 6)
         expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v8), rep(1:5, 4))
-        expect_identical(
-            aliases(variables(ds)),
-            paste0("v", c(2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8))
-        )
     ## Assert those things again
@@ -143,10 +136,7 @@ with_test_authentication({
         expect_identical(as.vector(ds$v7), df$v3 - 6)
         expect_equivalent(as.vector(ds$v8), rep(1:5, 4))
-        expect_identical(
-            aliases(variables(ds)),
-            paste0("v", c(2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8))
-        )
     ## Save a version
@@ -170,13 +160,6 @@ with_test_authentication({
-    test_that("Added variables are really removed by rolling back", {
-        ## This was user-reported: Order was reverted but derived
-        ## variables persisted, and by assigning an empty order, you can
-        ## recover them.
-        ordering(ds) <- VariableOrder()
-        expect_true(setequal(names(ds), names(df)))
-    })
     test_that("And now we can add variables again that we added and reverted", {