All notable changes to the "leathered-boots" Minecraft mod will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Crystal Nest Semantic Versioning.
- Nothing new.
v6.1.0 - 2025/02/05
- 1.21.3 and above only.
- Drastically increased the chance of finding the Leather Upgrade Smithing Template.
- Increased the chance of finding Leathered Golden Boots, Leathered Chain Boots, Leathered Iron Boots, and Leathered Diamond Boots.
- Added a 1 in a 1000 chance of finding Netherite Leathered Boots.
- Changed the duplication crafting for Leather Upgrade Smithing Template from using 7 diamonds to using 7 iron nuggets.
v5.1.0 - 2025/02/05
- 1.21 and 1.21.1 only.
- Drastically increased the chance of finding the Leather Upgrade Smithing Template.
- Increased the chance of finding Leathered Golden Boots, Leathered Chain Boots, Leathered Iron Boots, and Leathered Diamond Boots.
- Added a 1 in a 1000 chance of finding Netherite Leathered Boots.
- Changed the duplication crafting for Leather Upgrade Smithing Template from using 7 diamonds to using 7 iron nuggets.
v6.0.2 - 2025/02/02
- Ported to 1.21.4.
v6.0.2 - 2024/12/20
- 1.21.3 and above.
- Fix registration of new leathered boots forcing
as the mod ID for equipment models and textures.
v6.0.1 - 2024/12/14
- 1.21.3 only.
- Add compatibility for Cobweb 1.3.0.
v5.0.1 - 2024/12/14
- 1.21 and 1.21.1 only.
- Add compatibility for Cobweb 1.3.0.
v6.0.0 - 2024/12/08
- Ported to 1.21.3.
v5.0.0 - 2024/11/14
- Added support for 1.21.1.
v5.0.0 - 2024/07/14
- Ported to 1.21.
- Officially dropped support for Forge.
- Cobweb minimum version is now
. - Renamed data folder from plural to singular to comply with the new Minecraft standard.
- Added Soft Step as a data driven enchantment.
- Added every leathered boots registered via the API to Minecraft
item tags too (before they were only intrimmable_armor
). BiomesCheck
are now bothrecord
s rather than a final classes.LeatheredArmorMaterial
has been removed due to changes in MinecraftArmorMaterial
now take in aHolder
for theArmorMaterial
and a durability factor multiplier.LeatheredBootsItem
now extendArmorItem
.- Changed how
are registered: first an instance ofBootsRegister
must be created withLeatheredBootsManager#register(String)
passing a mod ID, then register each pair of boots one at a time with it. - A
is now required to get aLeatheredBootsItem
from theLeatheredBootsManager
instead of aLeatheredArmorMaterial
v4.0.0 - 2024/07/04
- Update to the newest standards.
- Add more language translations.
- Change mod ID from
. - Update API with improvements and breaking changes.
- API now uses provided mod IDs rather than always
. - Fabric only: add support for Detail Armor Bar mod.
1.20.4- - 2023/12/17
- Port to 1.20.4.
1.20.2- - 2023/12/14
- Port to 1.20.2.
1.20.1- - 2023/12/13
- Port to 1.20.1.
- Added the leather upgrade smithing template to upgrade boots to their leathered version.
- Added the leather upgrade smithing template to the loot of some structures (Igloos, Pillager Outposts, Shipwrecks, Trail Ruins) in snowy or frozen biomes.
- Added duplication crafting for the leather upgrade smithing template.
- Replaced previous crafting and smithing recipes for leathered boots with new smithing only recipes using the new smithing template.
- Integrated armor trims with leathered boots.
1.19.4- - 2023/12/01
- Port to 1.19.4.
1.19.3- - 2023/11/28
- Finalized changes from 1.19.3-
- Removed mod id parameters from the API methods.
- Fixed a minor bug in leathered boots registration.
- Added override for the
method inLeatheredBootsItem
1.19.2- - 2023/11/28
- Finalized changes from 1.19.3-
- Removed mod id parameters from the API methods.
- Fixed a minor bug in leathered boots registration.
- Added override for the
method inLeatheredBootsItem
1.18.2- - 2023/11/28
- Finalized changes from 1.19.3-
- Removed mod id parameters from the API methods.
- Fixed a minor bug in leathered boots registration.
- Added override for the
method inLeatheredBootsItem
1.19.3- - 2023/11/25
- Added API.
- Added smithing recipes for all leathered boots.
- Fixed some Vanilla advancements to include leathered boots.
- Changed all item and translation keys.
- Added Soft Step enchantment.
1.19.3- - 2023/01/02
- Ported to 1.19.3.
1.19.2- - 2022/10/24
- Fixed golden leathered boots not making piglins neutral.
1.18.2- - 2022/10/24
- Fixed golden leathered boots not making piglins neutral.
1.19.2- - 2022/10/23
- Added smithing recipe to craft diamond leathered boots into netherite leathered boots.
1.18.2- - 2022/10/23
- Added smithing recipe to craft diamond leathered boots into netherite leathered boots.
1.19.2- - 2022/10/21
- Added leathered boots for each Vanilla boots apart from leather boots.
- Leathered boots prevent freezing and allow walking on powdered snow.
- Leathered boots can be dyed with a dye and undyed with a cauldron.
- Added villager trades for leathered boots.
- Modified Vanilla loot tables for igloos and snowy village houses.
- Drafted some code for future compatibility with Revamped End and Gilded Armors.
- Added craftings for leathered boots.
1.18.2- - 2022/10/20
- Added leathered boots for each Vanilla boots apart from leather boots.
- Leathered boots prevent freezing and allow walking on powdered snow.
- Leathered boots can be dyed with a dye and undyed with a cauldron.
- Added villager trades for leathered boots.
- Modified Vanilla loot tables for igloos and snowy village houses.
- Drafted some code for future compatibility with Revamped End and Gilded Armors.
- Added craftings for leathered boots.