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Blockchain, DApps, and Skycoin

Basic concepts to get started

Wifi Info

Network: cubantech

Password: meet-ups


  • Replicated state machines (a.k.a RSM)
  • Infrastructure, management and admin tools
  • Relation between RSM and Blockchain
  • Execution rules and consensus
  • General Theory of DApps
  • Intro to Skycoin

Notes about Skycoin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum in-between


Skycoin logo

  • Why Skycoin?
  • Understanding Skycoin transactions
  • Core values
  • Five pillars of Skycoin
  • Skycoin ecosystem
  • What's next?

Are you familiar with ... ?

Answer here
  • Go programming language
  • Blockchain
  • Distributed applications
  • Asymetric cryptography and cryptocurrencies
  • Accounting and economics
  • Bitcoin, Ethereum, Skycoin

State Machines - States

Bank account : balance (credits, due amounts, ...)

State Machines - Inputs

Bank account : transactions (etc ...)

State Machines - Transition

Transition : changes in balance (debit, credit, ...)


State Machines

Example : Bank account

Bank account state machine


State Machines

Example : ATM

ATM state machine

The scalability problem


Stats of the Bitcoin blockchain

Distributed services as state machines

  • Fault tolerance beyond single-node processors
  • Replicas of a single server executed on separate processors
  • Protocols for client interactions with replicas
  • Physical and electrical isolation for independent server failures



  • Let's assume deterministic state machine
    • ... even if Turing complete is possible

The State Machine Approach

  • Deploy replicas of the software
  • Receive client requests (i.e. inputs)
  • Order the inputs
  • Execute SM transition over and over
  • Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output

The State Machine Approach

Deployment - Version Control
Skycoin logo Bitcoin logo Ethereum logo
go C / C++ go
Skycoin @ Github Bitcoin @ Github Ethereum @ Github @ Github


The State Machine Approach

Deployment - Software package repositories
Bitcoin logo Blockstack logo
bitcoind @ Debian Blockstack apt repo


The State Machine Approach

Deployment - Virtualization

  • Containers and registries
  • CM tools (Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Habitat, ...)


State of CM - Q1 2017

The State Machine Approach

  • Deploy replicas of the software
  • Receive client requests (i.e. inputs)
  • Order the inputs
  • Execute SM transition over and over
  • Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output

The State Machine Approach

Receive client requests
  • Multiple solutions
  • e.g. Transactions

Transaction models - Account

Ethereum, Ripple
  • All transactions/objects belong to a single public key
  • Complicates design
  • Compromises privacy
    • Easily tracked and monitored account

Transaction models - Bitcoin UXTO

Bitcoin tx input / output


Bitcoin - Anatomy of transactions

Important meta-data (except coinbase transactions)

  • Transaction (global) ID
  • Version number (protocol evolution)
  • Locktime
    • Earliest time TX can be added to the block chain
    • Time-locked transactions only valid in the future
    • Cancellations


Bitcoin - Anatomy of transactions

Inputs and outputs

  • Output(s) : Implicit array index
    • Amount (satoshis)
    • Pubkey script ( Unlock to spend )
  • Input(s)
    • Spent output (Transaction ID + Output index)
    • Sequence number (related to locktime)
    • Signature script (params to unlock Pubkey script)

Bitcoin is a public distributed ledger.


Bitcoin - Sample transaction

BTC TX c60e4dc5e69c19ff53a45954d8a8996fd9aac6fda317fd7238dec6a482c718cf


Bitcoin - Sending transactions

Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) setup

  • ECDSA secp256k1 (elliptic) curve
    • Deterministic public key (hash) generation


Bitcoin - Sending transactions

Pay-To-Script-Hash (P2SH) setup


Bitcoin - Sending transactions

Finalize TX

  • Sender creates UTXO with PubKey script
    • ... using the public key hash of the receiver
  • Sender broadcasts transaction (P2P network)
  • Miners add it to a block (... more details later ...)
  • Wallet : UTXO amount as spendable balance


Bitcoin - Spending P2PKH outputs

  • Lookup transaction ID and index for UTXO
  • Sender creates TX input and also add:
    • Sequence number
    • Signature & PubKey (script params)


Bitcoin - Spending P2SH outputs

  • Lookup transaction ID and index for UTXO
  • Sender creates TX input and also add:
    • Sequence number
    • Signature & PubKey (script params)


Bitcoin - Spending outputs

Last steps
  • Sender prepares UTXO for recipient (as before)
  • Sender broadcasts transaction (P2P network)
  • Miners add it to a block
    • Script validation ! ( A-ha! )
  • Wallet : Update balance


Bitcoin - Standard P2PKH public script

Execution stack timeline

What's wrong with Bitcoin transactions?

  • Store UX objects as part of TX
    • referenced by index
    • Dust resource exhaustion attack
  • Overcomplicated security & privacy
    • e.g. generate new address for each TX

Transaction models - UXTX

  • Separate hash IDs for UX and TX
  • UX objects independent of TX objects
  • Simplifies design
  • No scripting


UXTX explained


  • UX/TX simple directed acyclic bipartite graph

P2P network

A very peculiar monster

Bitcoin Protocol Overview

Bitcoin P2P Protocol


P2P network

Peer discovery - Bitcon seed DNS
;       IN  A

;; ANSWER SECTION   60  IN  A   60  IN  A   60  IN  A
  • Connect to port 8333 (mainnet) or 18333 (testnet)
  • Followed by addr messages announcing addresses of peers


P2P network

Connecting to peers
  • Send version message
    • local version number, block, and current time
  • Peer responds with its own version message
  • Send getaddr and receive addr of new peers (discovery)


P2P network

Transaction broadcasting
  • Send inv message to a peer.
  • Wait for getdata message
  • Send transaction data in tx message
  • Peer forwards transactions to other peers
  • Full nodes keep track of unconfirmed transactions in memory pool

... to be continued ...

Skycoin Protocol Overview

  • No DNS during P2P discovery

Skycoin P2P protocol

The State Machine Approach

  • Deploy replicas of the software
  • Receive client requests (i.e. inputs)
  • Order the inputs
  • Execute SM transition over and over
  • Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output

The State Machine Approach

Ordering of inputs
  • Mutiple solutions
  • Blockchain ?
  • Bitcoin transactions !


Bitcoin - Transaction spending

Causal ordering : Chain of ownership

The State Machine Approach

  • Deploy replicas of the software
  • Receive client requests (i.e. inputs)
  • Order the inputs
  • Execute SM transition over and over
  • Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output

The State Machine Approach

Execute the state machine

  • Execute inputs in the chosen order on each replica

Bitcoin - Transaction propagation

Bitcoin blockchain

Design goals
  • Public ledger
    • Ordered and timestamped transactions
  • Storage distributed over Bitcoin full nodes
  • Protect against


Bitcoin blockchain



Bitcoin block header

  • Version : 4 bytes
  • Previous block header hash : 32 bytes
  • Merkle root hash : 32 bytes
  • Time : 4 bytes
  • nBits : 4 bytes
  • nonce : 4 bytes


Bitcoin Block 493387


Bitcoin Block 493387 - Transactions

Coinbase transaction comes first


  • Metric
    • Prove legitimate interest, irreversibility
    • Make decisions about changes in a DApp
  • Modifying past blocks harder than adding new ones
  • Common examples
    • Proof of work (PoW) : BTC
    • Proof of stake (PoS)
    • Proof of burn : SKY
    • Proof of collaboration (PoC)
    • Proof of space (PoSpace), replication** (PoR)
  • Can be used in parallel


Proof of work

  • Driver : Amount of computational work (CPU, GPU, NPU, ...) that contributed to the operation of the DApp.
  • Resource intense (power, cooling, ...)
  • The mechanism for establishing consensus through POW is commonly called mining.

Bitcoin uses that approach for its day-to-day operation.


Proof of stake

  • Driver : new coins according to number of coins (stake) you hold
  • May be abused by those who hold enough coins.
  • Usually combined with other proof

OmniLayer is based on the POS mechanism.


Proof of capacity

  • Driver : allocation of non-trivial amounts of memory or storage needed to solve a challenge (memory-hard functions).
  • Greener alternative to PoW

PoStorage is used in PermaCoin, SpaceMint, BurstCoin


Proof of collaboration

  • Collaboratively Validating Nodes (in short CVNs)
    • Decide what node creates next block
    • Approve CVN by digitally signing a piece of data containing winner's ID
    • With required signatures gather TX and create new block
  • No reward (new money) for block creation (small fee)
  • Power consumption is low (CVNs on a Raspberry3)

FairCoin (fork of Bitcoin 0.12) implements PoC since July 18th 2017

Merkle tree - Prunning transactions

Operating modes : SPV clients vs full node

P2P network (contd.)

Initial Block Download
  • First run : Node only contains block 0
  • Choose remote peer (a.k.a sync node)
  • Download from block 1 to current tip of sync node's best block chain
    • Blocks-first (up until version 0.9.3)
    • Headers-first (from 0.10.0 onwards)

Bitcoin mining

  • Add new blocks to the block chain
  • Make transation history hard to modify
  • Strategies
    • Solo mining
    • Pooled mining

Bitcoin mining - Solo mining

  • Miner generates new blocks on his own
  • Completely claims block reward and transaction fees
  • Large payments
  • Higher variance (longer time between them)

Bitcoin mining - Pooled mining

  • Group of miners pool resources with other miners
  • Find bocks more often at easier bits targets
  • Proceeds shared amongst miners
    • Correlated to relative hash power PoW
  • Small payments
  • Lower variance (i.e. shorter time between payments)



Minted coins : +1M BTC mined since Dec 2010. ZCASH since Apr 20th 2017



Hash rate



Hash rate distribution


Bitmain - AntMiner

Minted coins : BTC


Bitmain - AntPool



Minted coins : BTC

Bitcoin mining hardware

Installed capacity - 2017/11/13
  • 6.4 EHash/s , 80,704,290.84 PFLOPS
  • 10,000 metric tonnes of hardware. Enough material to build another Eiffel tower.


Bitcoin mining hardware - Energy

Application specific integrated circuits, a.k.a. ASICs


Energy consumption of Bitcoin PoW

... according to

  • Projected to be comparable to Denmark's in 2020

P2P network (contd.)

Block broadcasting - Unsolicited Push
  • Miner includes mined block in new block message
  • Miner sends message to its full nodes peers

since version 0.12.0


P2P network

Block broadcasting - Standard Block Relay
  • Standard method
  • Miner sends inv message to all (SPV and full node) peers
    • Includes inventory referring to the block
  • BF peergetdata requesting the full block
    • Miner ⇒ block message
  • HF peergetheaders (few headers in best block chain)
    • Miner ⇒ headers message
  • SPV clientsgetdata requesting a Merkle block
    • Miner ⇒ merkleblock followed by some tx messages

since version 0.12.0


P2P network

Block broadcasting - Direct Headers Announcement
  • Used if peer signals with sendheaders during handshake
  • Miner sends headers message fror new block
  • HF peer ⇒ Partial validation and sends getdata
  • Miner ⇒ block or merkleblock

since version 0.12.0

  • Issues with Proof of Work
  • Proof of Stake: More Centralization Problems
  • Technical improvements
    • Security problems associated with other blockchain networks
    • Decouple coin creation from the "mining" process
    • Fast confirmation of transaction
  • Inflationary policies
    • The supply of Skycoin is fixed


Issues with proof of work

  • Control of the network => economic power
  • Monopolization of mining
  • Incentivized the purchase of hashing power
    • Disproportionate control over the network.
    • Bitcoin => SlushPool , Bitmain , BTCC
    • revert and falsify transactions 51% attack
  • Economic and environmental cost


Bitcoin inflation

  • Transaction fees and inflation bleeding users dry.
    • Over $50, and go to centralized mining pools.
  • More expensive than international bank transfer

Bitcoin - Problems with UTXO

![BTC TX c60e4dc5e69c19ff53a45954d8a8996fd9aac6fda317fd7238dec6a482c718cf](img/bitcoin.tx.c60e4dc5e69c19ff53a45954d8a8996fd9aac6fda317fd7238dec6a482c718cf.png)
  • Dust attack
    • Resource exhaustion
    • RAM and disk space

Skycoin UXTX Spending

UXTX graph

  • Pruning spent UX is easy
  • No mining, no fee (no mining, no fee ...)
    • Proof of burn - CoinHours


Skycoin Coin Hours

The Fuel for the Skycoin ecosystem
  • Holding Skycoin in a wallet
    • ... automatically generates Coin Hours
    • 1 SKY * 1 hour = 1 Coin Hour.
  • Keep the Skywire network free of transaction fees.
  • Virtual cat games can't skyrocket tx fees up 1600%
    • Recent issue in the Ethereum network.
  • Users never pay to access and use the network


Skycoin Coin Hours

What if ... ?

  • ... Coin Hours inflate dramatically
    • Max = 100 million Coin Hour per hour
    • Will be reached in decades
  • ... no transactions ever took place on the network
    • max Coin Hours would not exceed uint64 for centuries.


Skycoin Spending transactions

Proof of burn

Burn percents Coin Hours


Skycoin spend example

Comparison of number of purchases

Skycoin Purchases


Skycoin spend example

After 1 hour

Skycoin purchase results

The State Machine Approach

  • Deploy replicas of the software
  • Receive client requests (i.e. inputs)
  • Order the inputs
  • Execute SM transition over and over
  • Monitor replicas for differences in State or Output

The State Machine Approach

Sending outputs
  • Each replica generates output
    • Non faulty replicas will always produce same output
  • Faulty outputs filtered out
    • Consensus
  • Correct output sent back to client



Bitcoin - Nakamoto consensus

Occasional vs Extended Forking

  • Simultaneous blocks mined, nodes choose winner
  • Peers prefer forks with stronger PoW
    • longest fork
    • highest block height : distance to block 0


Bitcoin - Nakamoto consensus

Soft fork

  • When ?
    • Quite often e.g. concurrent miners
    • Upgraded consensus rules reject formerly valid blocks
      • UASF flag day vs MASF hash rate majority signalling


Bitcoin - Nakamoto consensus

Soft fork resolution
  • Eliminate (stale and orphan) blocks in low PoW forks
  • Iterate over transactions in stale and orphan blocks
    • discard it if TX belongs in another block of highest PoW fork
    • move it back to TX mempool otherwise
      • to be included in a future block by this miner
      • (optionally?) broadcast to the P2P network


Bitcoin - Nakamoto consensus

Hard forks

  • When?
    • Extend blockchain to prevent third-party 51% attack
    • Upgraded consensus accept formerly rejected blocks
    • Network partition


Bitcoin - Corollaries of hard forks

  • Warning in getnetworkinfo and run -alertnotify command if set.
    • +6 blocks PoW than best valid chain
    • Repetition of block and TX with version numbers higher than expected consensus
  • Coinbase transaction may be spent only after 100 blocks
  • SPV clients may contact different full nodes
    • discard chains with weaker PoW

Bitcoin - Client balance

Wallet software : Add up UTXO to determine balance

Fault tolerance (in theory)

  • Tolerance for F random independent failures
    • memory errors, hard-drive crash, ...
    • Requires 2F + 1 replicas
  • Failed replica can stop without generating outputs
    • Only F + 1 replicas required
    • ... no existing systems achieve this limit
  • Byzantine failures
    • random, spurious faults ⇒ 2F + 1
    • malicious, intelligent attacks ⇒ 3F + 1


Bitcoin node

Minimum requirements
  • Desktop or laptop (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux)
  • 125 GB of HDD space, 2 GB RAM
  • Broadband Internet with upload ≥ 400 Kbps (50 KB/s)
    • Unmetered connection, or high upload limits, respect upload limits
    • +100 GB IBD
    • ≈ 20 gigabytes download a month
    • +200 GB upload a month
  • +6 hours a day with full node running
  • +8 connections and active sync peers


Bitcoin node

Most ordinary folks should NOT be running a full node. We need full nodes that are always on, have more than 8 connections (if you have only 8 then you are part of the problem, not part of the solution), and have a high-bandwidth connection to the Internet.

Gavin Andresen, Bitcoin Foundation's Chief Scientist, in Reddit post

Nakamoto consensus - Issues

  • Important resource requirements
    • Bandwidth (mainly upload)
    • CPU, disk space (due to UXTO)
  • Incentivates monopolization
    • Big players have more resources
    • More influence


Skycoin consensus
  • Based on distributed influence (web of trust)
  • Node subscribes to a list of other nodes
    • Network density determines node's influence.
  • Prevents the development of centralized power.
  • If some node fails to comply,
    • ... its actions will be visible (public)
    • Network can then sever connections with that node


  • Immune to 51% attack (no mining)
  • Transactions are significantly faster
    • Occur in seconds.
  • Decisions made through community consensus
  • Less bandwidth wrt BTC (≈1:25)
  • Official support for DIY devices (RPi, Orange Pi, ...)

General Theory of DApps

Definition of a DApp - Open source

  • It must operate autonomously
  • No entity controlling the majority of its tokens
  • Data and records in a public, decentralized block chain.

e.g. Bitcoin apps are open-source, no entity controls Bitcoin and its records are open and public.

Definition of a DApp - Generation of tokens

  • The purpose of a token is to allow access to the DApp application.
  • Must generate tokens according to a standard algorithm
    • Possibly distribute tokens at the beginning of operation
  • Tokens must be necessary for the use of the application
  • Contribution from users rewarded by payment in the application's tokens.

e.g. Bitcoin generates bitcoins (tokens) with a predetermined algorithm that cannot be changed. Tokens are necessary for Bitcoin to function. Bitcoin miners are rewarded with bitcoins for their contributions in securing the Bitcoin network.

Definition of a DApp - Consensus

  • Protocol may be adapted in response to
    • proposed improvements
    • market feedback
  • Changes decided by majority consensus of its users.

e.g. All changes to Bitcoin must be approved by a majority consensus of its users through the proof-of-work mechanism.

Classification of DApps - Type I

According to use of blockchain
  • They have their own block chain.

Bitcoin, Litecoin and other alt-coins

Classification of DApps - Type II

According to use of blockchain
  • Use the block chain of a type I decentralized application.
  • They are protocols
    • Tokens that are necessary for their function.

OmniLayer (formerly Master Protocol) and Blockstack are examples of type II decentralized application.


DApps type II

Bitcoin null data transactions
  • Embed additional data in DApp type I transactions
  • Bitcoin OP_RETURN code
    • Provably prune-able outputs
    • Bitcoin miners will have the option to prune those data

Blockstack is a type II DApp

Classification of DApps - Type III

According to use of blockchain
  • They use the protocol of a type II decentralized application.
  • They are protocols and have tokens that are necessary for their function.

Omni (formerly Mastercoin), and Blockstack apps are examples of type III decentralized applications.

Foundational steps of a DApp

  • Publication of whitepaper
  • Distribution of initial tokens
  • Delegation of ownership

Sections of the DApp whitepaper

  • Intentions and goals of the DApp
  • Plans for token distribution
  • Mechanism for establishing consensus
  • Oversight of the DApp
  • Management of developer bounties
  • Technical description of the DApp

Distributing tokens - Mining

  • Tokens are distributed to those who contribute most work to the operation of a DApp.

Taking Bitcoin as an example, bitcoins are distributed through a predetermined algorithm to the miners that verify transactions and maintain the Bitcoin block chain.

Distributing tokens - Fund raising

  • Tokens are distributed to those who fund the initial development of the DApp.

Taking the Master Protocol as an example, Mastercoins were initially distributed to those who sent bitcoins to a given address at the rate of 100 Mastercoins per bitcoin sent. The bitcoins collected were then used to fund the development of applications that promoted the development of the Master Protocol.

Distributing tokens - Development

  • Tokens are generated using a predefined mechanism and are only available for the development of the DApp.

In addition to its fund-raising mechanism, the Master Protocol used the collaboration mechanism to fund its future development. Some Mastercoins are distributed via a community-driven bounty system based on the PoS mechanism.

What's next?

Thank you for coming!
