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Screenshot Automation

With the c8yscrn command, cumulocity-cypress provides a tool to automate taking screenshots of your Cumulocity IoT applications as part of your test suite or CI/CD workflows. This document explains how to install and use the tool, its command-line options, configuration file structure, and integration with existing Cypress projects.

Built on top of Cypress, c8yscrn comes with all screenshot capabilities provided by Cypress wrapped into a yaml workflow definition, without writing Cypress tests or Cypress know-how.

Summary of capabilities:

  • Configuration of screenshot workflows in yaml format
  • Actions to apply before taking screenshots (click, type, highlight, wait, etc.)
  • Screenshots of the entire viewport, specific DOM elements, or custom-defined areas
  • Login, language and date/time settings per screenshot workflow
  • Configuration of viewport size, image padding and scaling, timeouts, and more
  • Diffing of screenshots and diff image generation
  • Tagging of screenshots and version requirements for filtering and grouping
  • Standalone and integrated modes to run without or within existing Cypress projects
  • Supported browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Electron)
  • YAML validation and auto-completion for IDEs, e.g., Visual Studio Code
  • Init command to create a default configuration file
  • Environment variables for configuration settings via .env files

The yaml based screenshot workflows typically begin with a visit of a specific URL in the Cumulocity application, followed by a series of actions such as clicking buttons, typing text, or highlighting elements. After these interactions, the tool captures screenshots, which can be of the entire viewport, specific DOM elements, or custom-defined areas of the page.

Example of a screenshot workflow:

  language: en
  user: admin

  - image: /images/example
    visit: "/apps/example/index.html#/"
      - type: 
        selector: "#search"
        value: "Test Input"
      - highlight:
        - selector: .c8y-right-drawer__header > .d-flex
            outline: dashed
            "outline-offset": "+3px"
            "outline-color": "red"
        - selector: "#main-content"
          border: 2px solid green
      - click:
            data-cy: right-drawer-toggle-button

The example workflow creates a single screenshot. For the screenshot it first visits a specific URL in the Cumulocity "example" application, types text into a search field, highlights two elements on the page, and clicks a button. At the end of the workflow, c8yscrn automatically captures a screenshot of the page and stores it in the location defined by the root image property.

Contents of this document:

Installation and Usage

The screenshot automation provided by cumulocity-cypress can be used standalone or within an existing Cypress project. The installation and usage differs slightly between these two usage scenarios.

For Standalone Users


Install cumulocity-cypress globally and run the c8yscrn command from the command line:

npm install -g cumulocity-cypress

npx c8yscrn init
npx c8yscrn run --baseUrl http://localhost:8080

By default, it will look for a configuration file named c8yscrn.config.yaml in the current directory.

Command Line Options

c8yscrn supports the following commands:

Usage: c8yscrn [options]

  c8yscrn run   Run workflows in headless mode
  c8yscrn open  Run workflows in Cypress open mode
  c8yscrn init  Initialize and create a new config file

  --version  Show version number                                                           [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                                     [boolean]

To run the screenshot automation in headless mode, use the run command. The following options are supported:

c8yscrn run

Run workflows in headless mode

      --version        Show version number                                                 [boolean]
      --help           Show help                                                           [boolean]
  -c, --config         The yaml config file                [string] [default: "c8yscrn.config.yaml"]
  -u, --baseUrl        The Cumulocity base url                                              [string]
  -f, --folder         The target folder for the screenshots                                [string]
  -e, --failureFolder  The target folder for failure screenshots                            [string]
      --skipFailure    Disable failure screenshots                        [boolean] [default: false]
      --clear          Clear the target folder and remove all data        [boolean] [default: false]
  -b, --browser        Browser to use                                   [string] [default: "chrome"]
      --diff           Enable image diffing                               [boolean] [default: false]
      --diffFolder     Optional target folder for the diff images                           [string]
      --diffSkip       Skip screenshots without difference                 [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --highlight      Enable or disable highlights in screenshots         [boolean] [default: true]
  -t, --tags           Run only screenshot workflows with the given tags                     [array]

When using open instead of run, the Cypress test runner will open in Cypress application. This can be useful for debugging and developing new screenshot workflows.

To get started, run the init command to create a new configuration file. This is important to create the config file including the correct location of the schema used for code completion and validation in VSC.

npx c8yscrn init

Init command supports the following options:

c8yscrn init

Initialize and create a new config file

  -c, --config   The yaml config file                      [string] [default: "c8yscrn.config.yaml"]
  -u, --baseUrl  The Cumulocity base url                                                    [string]


Logging can be enabled using the DEBUG environment variable.

DEBUG=c8y:scrn:* npx c8yscrn run


DEBUG=c8y:scrn:run npx c8yscrn run

The following logger are currently available:

  • c8y:scrn:config
  • c8y:scrn:env
  • c8y:scrn:startup
  • c8y:scrn:plugin
  • c8y:scrn:run
  • c8y:scrn:run:screenshot
  • c8y:scrn:run:fileupload

Integrate in to existing Cypress Projects


Install cumulocity-cypress in your Cypress project:

npm install --save-dev cumulocity-cypress


Update your cypress.config.ts file to load the plugin required to configure the screenshot automation:

import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import { configureC8yScreenshotPlugin } from "cumulocity-cypress/plugin";

export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:8080",
    screenshotsFolder: "screenshots",
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      configureC8yScreenshotPlugin(on, config);
      return config;

The configureC8yScreenshotPlugin function sets up the necessary event handlers and configurations for the C8yScreenshotRunner to work within your Cypress project. It enables features like:

  • Loading and parsing the YAML configuration file
  • Setting up custom commands for screenshot actions
  • Configuring Cypress to handle the custom screenshot workflows

By default, the plugin looks for a configuration file named c8yscrn.config.yaml in the root of your project. You can customize the configuration file path by passing the name of the config file as an argument to the configureC8yScreenshotPlugin function:

try {
  configureC8yScreenshotPlugin(on, config, "my-screenshot-config.yaml");
} catch (error: any) {
  throw new Error(`Error reading config file. ${error.message}`);
configureC8yScreenshotPlugin(on, config, "my-screenshot-config.yaml");

As an alternative you can also read the yaml configuration in cypress.config.ts and pass it to the plugin:

import { loadConfigFile } from "cumulocity-cypress/plugin";

// read and validate the yaml configuration file
const myYamlConfig: ScreenshotSetup = loadConfigFile("my-screenshot-config.yaml");
configureC8yScreenshotPlugin(on, config, myYamlConfig);

Add a Test File for Screenshot workflow

Create a new file, e.g., in your Cypress project folder to host C8yScreenshotRunner:

import { C8yScreenshotRunner } from "cumulocity-cypress/screenshot";

describe('My Custom Screenshot Automation', () => {
  const runner = new C8yScreenshotRunner();;

When integrating into an existing Cypress project, you'll use the C8yScreenshotRunner in your test files. See the "Using C8yScreenshotRunner in Your Project" section for details.

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be used to overwrite configuration settings in the c8yscrn.config.yaml file. This can be useful for setting sensitive information like usernames and passwords, or for providing values for CI/CD environments.

The following environment variables are supported:

  • C8Y_BASEURL: The base URL of the Cumulocity instance.
  • C8Y_TENANT: The tenant id used for authentication. Will be determined from the base URL if not provided.
  • C8Y_USERNAME: The username to use for authentication.
  • C8Y_PASSWORD: The password to use for authentication.
  • C8Y_BROWSER: The browser to use for running the screenshot workflows ("chrome", "firefox" or "electron").
  • C8Y_SHELL_VERSION: The version of the shell application to validate requires version dependencies.
  • C8Y_SHELL_NAME: The name of the shell application to use for determining the shell version (default is "cockpit").
  • C8Y_BROWSER_LAUNCH_ARGS: Additional arguments to pass to the browser when launching.
  • C8Y_CHROME_LAUNCH_ARGS: Additional arguments to pass to the Chrome browser when launching.
  • C8Y_FIREFOX_LAUNCH_ARGS: Additional arguments to pass to the Firefox browser when launching.
  • C8Y_ELECTRON_LAUNCH_ARGS: Additional arguments to pass to the Electron browser when launching.
  • C8Y_DISABLE_WEBSOCKET: Disable websocket to reload changed screenshot worklow configuration.

To use different credentials in your workflows, see the Authentication section for more details.

When using c8yscrn standalone, you can configure environment variables in a .env file or .c8yscrn file in the current working directory. This files should contain key-value pairs in the format KEY=VALUE.

When using the screenshot automation in an existing Cypress project, you can set environment variables in your cypress.env.json file or via the command line using the --env option. For more details see the Cypress environment variables documentation.


To authenticate with Cumulocity, you can

  • use C8Y_USERNAME and C8Y_PASSWORD environment variables
  • set the login property in the global object of your configuration file
  • set the login property of the visit object (overrides global setting)

The login property refers to an alias that is used to look up the actual user ID and password from the *login*_username and *login*_password environment variables.

  login: admin

Define admin alias in .c8yscrn file:

admin_username: myusername
admin_password: mypassword

Define admin alias in cypress.env.json file:

  "admin_username": "myusername",
  "admin_password": "mypassword"

By providing false to login property, you can explicitely disable the login action for a specific screenshot workflow. The following example disables the login action for the dashboard screenshot overwriting the global setting and resulting in a redirect to the login page.

  - image: /images/dashboard
    visit: "/apps/cockpit/index.html#/"
    login: false

If not providing any authentication information, the visit action will be performed unauthenticated.

Note: If all screenshot workflows use the same user for authentication, you can also use C8Y_USERNAME and C8Y_PASSWORD environment variables instead of defining a user alias.


A (CSS) selector is used to identify one or multiple DOM elements and is specified in the yaml configuration as string or object. While the string represents a CSS selector, the selector object currently only provides a convenience wrapper for Cypress's data-cy selectors. Selectors are required for actions like clicking, typing, highlighting, and waiting.

See Understanding Selectors in Frontend Development and Cypress Testing for more information on selectors and how they are used in Cypress.

Examples of selectors:

- click:
  selector: .c8y-right-drawer__header > .d-flex
- wait:
  selector: "#main-content"
- click:
    data-cy: right-drawer-toggle-button

Please note, a selector can match multiple elements. In this case, all elements will be affected by the action. If you want to target a specific element, make sure the selector returns a the target DOM element and not an array of elements. You might want to use :first or :nth-child to target a specific element.

To keep your selectors consistent and maintainable, consider using data-cy attributes for your tests. This allows you to target elements without relying on the structure or class names of your application.

Another option to keep your workflow readably and maintainable is to use the definition of shared selectors in the global settings of your configuration file. Follow whatever naming convention you prefer, e.g., rightDrawerHeader, treeview.collapse.first, treeview.collapse.first.checkbox. selectors can be defined as a single object or an array of objects to help keep your configuration file even more organized and readable.

  rightDrawerHeader: .c8y-right-drawer__header > .d-flex
  treeview.collapse.first: ".c8y-tree-view-node .collapse-btn:first"
  treeview.collapse.first.checkbox: "c8y-tree-view-node:has(.collapse-btn:visible:first) .c8y-checkbox:first"


  - rightDrawerHeader: .c8y-right-drawer__header > .d-flex
  - treeview.collapse.first: ".c8y-tree-view-node .collapse-btn:first"
  - treeview.collapse.first.checkbox: "c8y-tree-view-node:has(.collapse-btn:visible:first) .c8y-checkbox:first"

The names can be used for any selector property in the screenshot configuration:

- click:
  selector: rightDrawerHeader


When diffing is enabled, c8yscrn compares the new screenshots with the existing ones in the target folder and generates diff images that highlight the differences. Please note, diffing might only work as expected when overwriting existing screenshots. If there is no screenshot at the target location, diffing obviously won't work.

The diff images can be stored in a separate folder, which can be configured using the --diffFolder option. If no folder is specified, the diff images will be stored in the same folder as the screenshot. By using the --diffSkip option, you can skip screenshots that don't have any differences. This can be useful when automatically running the screenshot workflows in CI/CD pipelines and possibly only processing the screenshots with differences (e.g. for a git commit and pull request).

To configure diffing options, use the global.diff property in the configuration file:

    antialiasing: true
    threshold: 0.1
    diffColor: "#ff00ff"
      - x1: 0
        x2: 0
        y1: 100
        y2: 100
    outputDiffMask: true

See odiff documentation for more information on the available options.


Tags are used to group and filter screenshot workflows. They can be defined globally or per screenshot.

Tags are useful for organizing and categorizing screenshots, e.g., by functionality, feature, or test type. When running the c8yscrn command, you can specify tags to filter which screenshots to run.

npx c8yscrn --tags "dashboard, regression"

Version Requirements

Version requirements allow you to specify the minimum version of the (shell) application required to run a screenshot workflow. This is required if a screenshot workflow needs to run against different versions of an application. If the (shell) application doesn't fulfill this requirement, the screenshot workflow will be skipped.

To configure the application or plugin, use the shell property in the global settings or the specific screenshot configuration. The default shell application is cockpit.

The requires property should be a semver range that the application version must satisfy.

  shell: "myexampleapp"
  requires: ">=1019.0.0"

- image: /images/example
  requires: ">=1020.0.0"

Worlflow File

The configuration file (c8yscrn.config.yaml) is the heart of your screenshot automation. It defines global settings and individual screenshot workflows. Here's a detailed explanation of its structure and properties:

  viewportWidth: 1440
  viewportHeight: 900
  language: en
  user: admin
  shell: "cockpit"
  requires: "1020"
    - export

  - image: /images/example1
    visit: "/apps/cockpit/index.html#/"
      - "dashboard"

  - image: /images/example2
    requires: ">=1019.0.0"
      url: "/apps/cockpit/index.html#/"
      - screenshot:          
            x: 100
            y: 100
            width: -100
            height: -250

  # More screenshot configurations...

This section provides a detailed explanation of all available settings in the c8yscrn.config.yaml file. Each setting is described with its purpose, type, default value (if applicable), and any additional relevant information.

Top-Level Configuration

baseUrl: string
title: string
global: object
screenshots: array


  • Type: string
  • Description: The base URL used for all relative requests in your screenshot workflows. This value can be also passed and overwritten using the --baseUrl command-line option or the C8Y_BASE_URL env variable.
  • Example:


  • Type: string
  • Description: The title used for the root group of screenshot workflows. This can be useful for organizing and identifying your screenshot sets within existing Cypress projects.
  • Example: "Automated Screenshots"


  • Type: object
  • Description: Global settings applied to all screenshots. These can be overridden by individual screenshot configurations. See the Global Settings section for details.


  • Type: array
  • Description: An array of screenshot configurations. Each item in this array describes a single screenshot workflow. See the Screenshot Configuration section for details.
  • Required: Yes

Global Settings

The global object can contain the following properties:

  viewportWidth: number
  viewportHeight: number
  language: string
  user: string
  shell: string
  requires: string
  tags: array
  capture: string
  padding: number
  scale: boolean
  overwrite: boolean
  disableTimersAndAnimations: boolean
    default: number
    pageLoad: number
    screenshot: number
  date: string
  visitWaitSelector: string
  highlightStyle: object
  diff: object


  • Type: number
  • Default: 1440
  • Description: The width of the browser viewport in pixels and with this the width of the screenshot image. This corresponds to Cypress's viewportWidth configuration.
  • Example: 1280


  • Type: number
  • Default: 900
  • Description: The height of the browser viewport in pixels and with this the height of the screenshot image. This corresponds to Cypress's viewportHeight configuration.
  • Example: 720


  • Type: string
  • Description: The language to use when loading the Cumulocity application. This can be useful for capturing screenshots in different locales. Default language is en.
  • Example: "en" or "de"


  • Type: string | false
  • Description: The alias referencing the username and password to login. Configure the username and password using login_username and login_password env variables. If set to false, login is disabled and visit is performed unauthenticated. See the Authentication section for more details.
  • Example: "admin" or false


  • Type: string
  • Description: Specifies the shell application. This is used to determine the version of the application for the requires setting. See the Version Requirements section for more details.
  • Examples: "cockpit", "devicemanagement", "oee"


  • Type: string
  • Format: semver-range
  • Description: Requires the shell application to have a version in the given range. If the shell version doesn't fulfill this requirement, the screenshot workflow will be skipped. See the Version Requirements section for more details.
  • Examples: "1.x", "^1.0.0", ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"


  • Type: array of strings
  • Description: Tags allow grouping and filtering of screenshots. These global tags are applied to all screenshots. See the Tags section for more details.
  • Example: ["documentation", "regression"]


  • Type: string
  • Allowed Values: "viewport" or "fullPage"
  • Default: "viewport"
  • Description: Determines how the screenshot is captured. "viewport" captures only the visible area, while "fullPage" captures the entire scrollable page.
  • Note: This setting is ignored for screenshots of DOM elements.


  • Type: number
  • Description: The padding in pixels used to alter the dimensions of an element screenshot. This expands the captured area around the specified element.
  • Example: 10


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Description: Whether to scale the application to fit into the browser viewport. This can be useful for responsive design testing.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: When true, existing screenshots will be overwritten. Otherwise, Cypress appends a counter to the file name to avoid overwriting.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: When true, prevents JavaScript timers and CSS animations from running while the screenshot is taken. This can help ensure consistency in screenshots.


  • Type: object
  • Description: Custom timeout settings for various operations.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 4000
  • Description: The time, in milliseconds, to wait until most DOM-based commands are considered timed out.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 60000
  • Description: The time, in milliseconds, to wait for the page to load. This is used for visit actions.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 30000
  • Description: The time, in milliseconds, to wait for a screenshot to be taken.


  • Type: string
  • Format: date-time (e.g., "2024-09-26T19:17:35+02:00")
  • Description: The date to simulate when running the screenshot workflows. This can be useful for capturing screenshots of date-dependent UI elements.


  • Type: string
  • Default: "c8y-drawer-outlet c8y-app-icon .c8y-icon"
  • Description: The default selector to wait for when visiting an URL. Use to overwrite internal default selector.


  • Type: object
  • Default: { "outline": "2px", "outline-style": "solid", "outline-offset": "-2px", "outline-color": "#FF9300" }
  • Description: Custom styles for the highlight action. This can be used to change the appearance of highlighted elements and override the default styles.


  • Type: object
  • Description: Configuration for image diffing. See the Diffing section for more details.

Some of this options correspond directly to Cypress's screenshot command options. For more detailed information, refer to the Cypress screenshot documentation.

Screenshot Configuration

Each image in the screenshots array represents a single workflow that could create one or more screenshots for a given url.

  - image: string
    visit: string or object
    tags: array
    requires: string
    actions: array
    only: boolean
    skip: boolean
    settings: object


  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes
  • Description: The path where the screenshot will be saved, relative to the screenshots folder.
  • Example: "/images/dashboard.png"


  • Type: string or object
  • Required: Yes
  • Description: The URL to visit before taking the screenshot. Can be a simple string or an object with additional options.
visit: "/apps/cockpit/index.html#/"

visit properties

  • url: (Required) The URL to visit.
  • language: (Optional) Override the global language setting.
  • user: (Optional) Override the global user setting.
  • timeout: (Optional) Set a custom timeout for the page load.
  • selector: (Optional) Wait for a specific element to be visible before proceeding.
  url: "/apps/cockpit/index.html#/"
  language: "de"
  user: "admin"
  timeout: 30000
  selector: "#main-content"


  • Type: array of strings
  • Description: Tags specific to this screenshot. These are combined with global tags.


  • Type: string
  • Format: semver-range
  • Description: Version requirement specific to this screenshot. Overrides the global requires setting.


  • Type: array of action objects
  • Description: An array of actions to perform before taking the screenshot. See the Actions section for details on available actions.


  • Type: boolean
  • Description: When true, only this screenshot workflow will be run. Useful for debugging or focusing on a specific screenshot.


  • Type: boolean
  • Description: When true, this screenshot workflow will be skipped.

additional settings

  • Description: Screenshot-specific settings that override global settings. Can include any of the properties from the global settings.


Actions allow you to interact with the page before taking a screenshot. Available actions include:


- click:
    selector: string or object
    multiple: boolean
    force: boolean

Clicks on the specified element. Use the multiple option to click on all matching elements, and the force option to bypass the element's visibility check. force is enabled by default.


- type:
    selector: string or object
    value: string or string[] or string[][]
    clear: boolean
    submit: string or object

Types the specified value into the selected input field. If the clear option is set to true, the input field will be cleared before typing the new value. If the value is an array, the values will be typed in sequence into the text input fields with the selector.

- type:
    selector: "#search"
    value: "Test Search"
- type:
    selector: ".split-view__detail"
      - "Windmill"
      - "Turns wind into energy"
- type:
    selector: ".split-view__detail"
    value: ["Windmill", "Turns wind into energy"]
    clear: true

The array of values might have more elements than the number of text input fields with the selector. In this case, the remaining values are ignored.

For multistep forms, the value can be configured an array of array, with each item in the array containing the values for input[type="text"] entry fields. The entry fields will be filled in order. At the end of the form(groupd), the submit selector is triggered to continue to the next step of the multistep form. Values are filled automatically as long as there are items in the value array.

- type:
    selector: "c8y-form-group"
      - ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"],
      - ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL"],
      - ["ABC", "DEF"],
    submit: "[data-cy=continue-button]"

In the example, the c8y-form-group is a multistep form with 3 steps. Each step is continued by triggering the submit selector.

Note: Only type text input fields are supported. Only fields within the selector of the type action are used.


- highlight:
    selector: string or object
    border: string or object
    styles: object
    width: number
    height: number
    clear: boolean

Highlights the specified element. Useful for drawing attention to specific parts of the UI in documentation screenshots. border is a shorthand for setting the border style, and styles allows for more advanced styling. Values can be any valid CSS border or style property.

Highlighting works differently depending if the selector returns one or multiple elements. If the selector returns a single DOM element, the style or border is applied directly to the element. In case selector returns multiple elements, the surrounding bounding box for all elements is calculated and the style is applied to a new element that is created to represent the bounding box. Make sure animations are finished before highlighting multiple elements as positions are calculated based on the current state of the elements.

- selector: .c8y-right-drawer__header > .d-flex
    outline: dashed
    "outline-offset": "+3px"
    "outline-color": "red"
- selector: "#main-content"
  border: 2px solid green

By using clear, all previously highlighted changes will be reverted before adding the new highlight. This is useful for workflows taking more than just one screenshot.


- fileUpload: string or object
    selector: string or object
    file: string
    fileName: string
    encoding: binary or utf8 or utf-8
    subjectType: input or drag-n-drop
    force: boolean

Uploads a file to the specified input field. The file property should be the path to the file to upload. Use encoding to specify the file encoding, and subjectType to choose between input or drag-and-drop file upload. The force option can be used to bypass the element's visibility check.

If no selector is provided, the file will be uploaded to the first file input field found on the page.


- screenshot: string or object
    selector: string or object
      x: number
      y: number
      width: number
      height: number
    path: string

Takes a screenshot with specific options. If used within the actions array, this allows for multiple screenshots within a single workflow.

If a string is passed to screenshot, it will be used as the path for the screenshot.


- text:
    selector: string or object
    value: string

Modifies the text content of the selected element.


- wait: number


- wait:
    selector: string or object
    timeout: number
    assert: string


- wait:
    selector: string or object
    timeout: number
      chainer: string
      value: string or array

Waits for a specified time or for a condition to be met.

Chainer example for assert:

- wait:
    selector: "[data-cy=myelement]"
    timeout: 10000
    assert: "be.visible"


Minimal Example

  - image: /images/dashboard
    visit: "/apps/cockpit/index.html#/"

Complex Example

  language: en
  login: admin
  shell: "oee"
  requires: "1017"
    - screenshot

  - image: /images/oee/dashboard
    visit: "/apps/oee/index.html#/"
      - "dashboard"

  - image: /images/oee/expanded-view
    requires: ">=1017.0.0"
      url: "/apps/oee/index.html#/"
      - click:
            data-cy: expand-all
      - highlight:
          selector: "#main-content"
          border: 2px solid green
      - type: 
          selector: "#search"
          value: "Test Search"
      - screenshot:          
            x: 100
            y: 100
            width: -100
            height: -250

  - image: /images/oee/custom-element
    visit: /apps/oee/index.html#/
      - screenshot:
          selector: "#custom-element"

  - image: /images/oee/multi-step
    visit: /apps/oee/index.html#/
      - screenshot:
          path: "/images/oee/step1"
      - click:
            data-cy: next-button
      - screenshot:
          path: "/images/oee/step2"
      - text:
          selector: "[data-cy=result-value]"
          value: "Success"
      - screenshot:
          path: "/images/oee/step3"


These tools are provided as-is and without warranty or support. They do not constitute part of the Software AG product suite. Users are free to use, fork and modify them, subject to the license agreement. While Software AG welcomes contributions, we cannot guarantee to include every contribution in the master project.

For questions file an issue in the cumulocity-cypress repository.

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