- The source code file you will edit is in the src folder and contains a Java class file named HelloXwing.java
- Modify the HelloXwing.java file to print out to the console the xwing() method.
- Run your program, verify an ascii-art X-Wing prints to the console, and save your changes.
- Commit your changes back to your GitHub account and follow the video on doing a Pull request to the instructor account.
- A statement is part of a program that contains one step of an algorithm and a comment is a part of the program that contains information but does not have any effect when ran.
- When a program is portable that means it can be ran outside of its IDE and generally on multiple different types of computers
- Compiling is the process of converting a program in a high level language to a low level language so that it can be ran all at once later.
- An executable also known as object code is a program that has been compiled and is ready to run on certain hardware