- Currenly can deny access to individual files or volumes as a whole.
- Logs every denied request to a text file (which can't be edited or deleted or updated in any other way)
- It can categorize between read-only, write-only and no access restrictions
- log file can be found in C:\mylogfile.txt.
- uses :permission_enum:filtepath; style for each entry such as (:5:C:\random.txt where 5 is write-only access)
- https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/43586/File-System-Filter-Driver-Tutorial
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ifs/file-system-filter-drivers
Universal Windows App that provides a minimalistic (and most certainly ugly..) GUI for updating the restictions file that the kernel driver uses for handling the incoming filesystem requests.
- aditionaly if the user wishes to edit the restrictions file by themselves, they can use the "Refresh Permissions" button to reload the interface