Attendees: Mike, Dusty, Kylee, Michelle, & Caleb
Treasurer's Report
- Starting Balance: $833.61
- Income: $650.00
- Aureon: $150.00 (November sponsorship)
- QCI: $500 (October sponsorship)
- Expenses: $445.64
- Amazon: $43.73 (books for door prizes)
- Hy-Vee: $100; $50 gift card, $25 gift card (2)
- Tavern Pizza & Pasta Grill: $281.00 (Annual Social food & drink)
- Amazon: $20.91 (50 Quick Ideas for Testing; book for future door prize)
- Ending Balance: $1037.97
Elections recap: Officer elections were held at the Annual Meeting. Congratulations to the following board members for 2020:
- President: Mike Biegger
- Vice President/Treasurer: Dusty Juhl
- Secretary: Open
- Communications/Marketing Chair: Nick Kringle
- Education Chair: Open
- We didn't vote to fill this position, but Kylee Tilley agreed to remain on the board in this role.
- Membership Chair: Caleb Ploeger
- Programs Chair: Open
2020 Sponsorships:
- Dusty will create a list of contacts to reach out to for 2020 sponsorships.
- Dusty will update the sponsorship letter and have it ready to send before the end of November.
November Meeting - Wednesday, November 13, 2019
- Topic: Workshop - Testing Web Applications
- Speaker: Kylee Tilley
- Sponsor: Aureon
- Location: CCOP
Future meetings:
- Possible interest from Workiva to provide a speaker and possibly host a future meeting in Ames
- Matthew Zach is the person to contact at Workiva
- May want to reach out to the MIS Club at Iowa State to invite students