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Terraform Module Configuration

All of our infrastructure is managed as IaC via Terraform.

We use two external modules to create the majority of the resources required:

Detailed Overview

File Information Retrieves data for currently executing user Runs Bash script that assigns the created identity from to the Container App Creates an Azure KeyVault, any necessary keys, and dummy values for all of our secrets Runs Bash script Adds service endpoint to the subnet, and allows access through the same subnet Terraform locals Main script, using terraform-azurerm-container-apps-hosting, that creates the majority of our infrastructure Manages the provider for our own code Creates an Azure Identity to be assigned to the Container App Terraform inputs Minimum versions of Terraform modules etc. Uses terraform-azurerm-front-door-app-gateway-waf to setup Azure Front Door CDN + WAF policies


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5.0
azapi = 1.15.0
azurerm = 4.4.0
null = 3.2.3
random = 3.6.3


Name Version
azurerm 4.4.0
null 3.2.3
random 3.6.3


Name Source Version
main_hosting 93096d1
waf f0ca7eb


Name Type
azurerm_key_vault.vault resource
azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.vault_access_policy_mi resource
azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.vault_access_policy_tf resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.data_protection_key resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.api_key resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.csp_connect_src resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.csp_default_src resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.csp_frame_src resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.csp_img_src resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.vault_secret_contentful_deliveryapikey resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.vault_secret_contentful_environment resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.vault_secret_contentful_previewapikey resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.vault_secret_contentful_spaceid resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.vault_secret_database_connectionstring resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.database resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.keyvault resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.redis resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.database_default resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.keyvault_to_defaultvnet resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.redis_default resource
azurerm_private_endpoint.database resource
azurerm_private_endpoint.keyvault resource
azurerm_private_endpoint.redis resource
azurerm_redis_cache.redis resource
azurerm_servicebus_namespace.service_bus resource
azurerm_servicebus_queue.contentful_queue resource
azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule.azurefunction resource
azurerm_storage_account.costing_storage resource
azurerm_storage_container.blobforcost resource
azurerm_subnet.keyvault resource
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association.keyvault resource
azurerm_user_assigned_identity.user_assigned_identity resource
null_resource.upsert_contentful_webhook resource
random_password.api_key_value resource data source
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_mssql_server.database data source
azurerm_route_table.default data source


Name Description Type Default Required
az_app_kestrel_endpoint Endpoint for Kestrel setup string n/a yes
az_container_port What port the container app is bound to number 8080 no
az_sql_admin_password Password for the admin listed in the 'az_sql_azuread_admin_username' variable string n/a yes
az_sql_azuread_admin_objectid Object ID for the admin listed in the 'az_sql_azuread_admin_username' variable string n/a yes
az_sql_azuread_admin_username Username/email/service principal name/etc of the Azure AD account to use as admin for the SQL Server string n/a yes
az_sql_max_pool_size Maximum number of possible connections per SQL connection string usage number 100 no
az_sql_sku What SKU/plan to use for the SQL DB string "Basic" no
az_tag_environment Environment tag to be applied to all resources string n/a yes
az_tag_product Product tag to be applied to all resources string n/a yes
azure_location Recourse location string n/a yes
cdn_create_custom_domain A flag to create the A and TXT records for the container app as part of setting up the cdn bool false no
cdn_frontdoor_host_add_response_headers List of response headers to add at the CDN Front Door [{ "Name" = "Strict-Transport-Security", "value" = "max-age=31536000" }] list(map(string)) [] no
cdn_frontdoor_url_path_redirects List of url path redirects to add at the CDN Front Door [{ "redirect_type": "PermanentRedirect", "destination_path": "/example", "destination_hostname": "", "operator": "Equals", "match_values": ["/example"] }]
redirect_type = string
redirect_protocol = optional(string)
destination_path = optional(string)
destination_hostname = optional(string)
destination_fragment = optional(string)
query_string = optional(string)
operator = string
match_values = optional(list(string))
transforms = optional(list(string))
[] no
container_app_blob_storage_public_access_enabled Enable app blob storage public access bool false no
container_app_http_concurrency Scale up at this number of HTTP requests number 10 no
container_app_max_replicas Maximum replicas for the container app number 2 no
container_app_min_replicas Minimum replicas for the container app number 1 no
container_app_storage_account_shared_access_key_enabled Enable shared access key bool false no
container_environment Container app environment - set to ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT in the app environment variables string "" no
container_environment_variables Additional environment variables to set on the Azure Container App map(string) {} no
contentful_management_token Contentful management token string null no
contentful_upsert_webhook Whether to create/update the webhook or not bool false no
contentful_webhook_endpoint Endpoint for Contentful webhook string "/api/cms/webhook" no
contentful_webhook_name Prefix for the Contentful webhook name string "Plan Tech Webhook" no
environment Environment name, used along with project_name as a prefix for all resources string n/a yes
image_tag Image tag string n/a yes
key_ops The permitted JSON web key operations of the key to be created. list(string)
key_size The size in bits of the key to be created. number 2048 no
key_type The JsonWebKeyType of the key to be created. string "RSA" no
msi_id The Managed Service Identity ID. If this value isn't null (the default), 'data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id' will be set to this value. string null no
project_name project name, used along with environment as a prefix for all resources string n/a yes
redis_capacity Redis cache capacity (0-6 for C and 1-5 for P) number 0 no
redis_family Redis cache family (C for basic/standard, P for premium) string "C" no
redis_sku_name SKU for Redis cache (Basic, Standard or Premium) string "Standard" no
redis_tls_version Minimum TLS version for Redis string "1.2" no
registry_password Container registry password string n/a yes
registry_server Container registry server string n/a yes
registry_username Container registry username string n/a yes
storage_account_expiration_period The SAS expiration period in format of DD.HH:MM:SS string "00.01:00:00" no
storage_account_public_access_enabled Enable public network access bool false no


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