These commands are less frequently used, but good to remember:
# Add shared dev dependency for workspace
yarn add --dev -W package-name
- Patch status for PRs (we care about threshold only)
- Allows us to use multiproject test runner
- Flags per project for merged coverage; easier to break down coverage per project
- Remove all-contributors bot; install CLI per project and add per project commands
- Fix broken peer dependencies?
- Slack:
- GCP:
- Browser Tools:
- Multi-Repo:
- PR Comment:
Debug Note: http://localhost:3000/webpack-dev-server
- Extensions must bundle all assets into a single file for UMD
- The umd build for Viewer must bundle all of it's assets, and baked-in
extension assets
- The "skinny" umd build for viewer only needs to bundle it's own assets
- The PWA build for Viewer can code-split to it's heart's content
- Don't load/bundle a font at any layer other than Application/Viewer
- It gets to decide if it should be bundled/cached/external
- For ESM/Module builds
- Not dissimilar from VTK.js consumption
- jest --watchAll for individual packages?
WebPack 5: webpack/webpack#6386 (comment)
Flattened ESM: Less efficient, not as great at code splitting? From source? More loaders, added complexity, slower builds, better output
- Remove preBuild step in viewer after @3 wado image loader