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Formatted Json Stringify

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Formatted Json Stringify

Formatted Json Stringify is a small npm package which allows you use an advanced & customisable version of the JSON.stringify()! If you're having trouble configuring the library, feel free to join our support server and we will help you further!

npm i formatted-json-stringify

📌 Features

  • 📦 dependency free
  • ⚖️ lightweight
  • ✅ made with typescript
  • ⚙️ advanced customisability
  • 📄 support for custom formatters
  • ⭐️ format json like you never did before!

🛠️ Usage

const fjs = require("formatted-json-stringify")
const fs = require("fs")

//the sample we're gonna use
const sample = {
    property1:"this is the first property",
    property2:"this is the second property",
        sub_array:["abcd","efg","hijk","lmnop","qrst","uvw","xyz","and thats the alphabet!"]

//let's create the formatter for our sample
const formatter = new fjs.ObjectFormatter(null,true,[
    new fjs.PropertyFormatter("property1"),
    new fjs.PropertyFormatter("property2"),
    new fjs.PropertyFormatter("property3"),
    new fjs.TextFormatter(), //let's add a space inbetween
    new fjs.ObjectFormatter("subObject",true,[
        new fjs.PropertyFormatter("sub_property_1"),
        new fjs.PropertyFormatter("sub_property_2"),
        new fjs.TextFormatter(), //let's add another space inbetween :)
        new fjs.ArrayFormatter("sub_array",false,new fjs.PropertyFormatter(null)),

//and finally write the output to a json file

Expected Output:

    "property1":"this is the first property",
    "property2":"this is the second property",
        "sub_array":["abcd","efg","hijk","lmnop","qrst","uvw","xyz","and thats the alphabet!"]

You can clearly see an empty newline between property3 and subObject. This is also the case with the sub_property_2!

You're also able to change if an array/object is rendered inline or multiline. For small arrays & objects, it's recommended to use the inline variant!

📦 Classes

When using Formatted Json Stringify you have access to the following classes.

Class Variable Type Functionality
PropertyFormatter boolean, string, number & null Format any primitive variable except undefined!
ObjectFormatter object Format an object and customise how it's children/properties are formatted! This supports multiple formatters for all children!
ArrayFormatter array Format an array and customise how the values are formatted. This supports 1 formatter for all children!!
TextFormatter / Add an empty row or note between properties in an object!
ObjectSwitchFormatter object Use this utility class to switch ObjectFormatter's based on a key and value match in the object.
DefaultFormatter any Format any variable you don't know the contents of! This formatter uses JSON.stringify() under the hood!

There is also the BaseFormatter for when you want to create your own formatter (by extending)!

Configurable Options

Here, you can find a list of settings found on most formatters and what they will do.

Option Availability Type Functionality
name All Formatters string|null When not null, it renders the property name or key. Click here for an example!
multiline ObjectFormatter & ArrayFormatter boolean When true, it renders the object or array multiline. Click here for an example!
space ObjectFormatter & ArrayFormatter string|undefined Used as indentation when multiline is enabled. 4 spaces by default.
multilineWhenEmpty ObjectFormatter & ArrayFormatter boolean|undefined When enabled, multiline will still be used even if the object/array is empty.
text TextFormatter string|undefined When used, insert custom text on this row. Can be used for comments. When not defined, it will just be an empty row.
children ObjectFormatter BaseFormatter[] A list of formatters which will define how all children/properties of the object are formatted.
property ArrayFormatter BaseFormatter The formatter used to format the properties/values of this array.
formatters ObjectSwitchFormatter ObjectSwitchData[] A list of ObjectFormatter's to choose from, depending on a key-value match.

📸 Example Usage

Example 1: Multiline VS Inline

Here, we will compare a multiline format vs an inline format. It's recommended to use the multiline format for large objects and arrays!

Inline (objects: inline, array: multiline) Multiline (objects: multiline, array: multiline)
    {"key":"sample-key-1","value":"hello world!"},
    {"key":"sample-key-2","value":"hello mars!"},
    {"key":"sample-key-3","value":"hello venus!"},
    {"key":"sample-key-4","value":"hello sun!"}
        "value":"hello world!"
        "value":"hello mars!"
        "value":"hello venus!"
        "value":"hello sun!"

Example 2: Name VS Without Name

Here, we will compare what will happen when you set the name property to null or a string!

Name Without Name

The only place where you should disable the name is in the first formatter or in array properties!

Example 3: Using Object Switch For Databases

We're creating a database with 1 simple type and 1 complex type. The complex type is formatted multiline while the simple type is formatted inline!

const input = [
    {type:"simple",key:"sample-key-1",value:"hello world!"},
    {type:"simple",key:"sample-key-2",value:"hello mars!"},
    {type:"complex",module:"1",category:2,key:"sample-key-3",value:"hello venus!"},
    {type:"complex",module:"1",category:2,key:"sample-key-4",value:"hello sun!"}

const formatter = new fjs.ArrayFormatter(null,true,
    new fjs.ObjectSwitchFormatter(null,[
        {key:"type",value:"simple",formatter:new fjs.ObjectFormatter(null,false,[
            new fjs.PropertyFormatter("key"),
            new fjs.PropertyFormatter("value")
        {key:"type",value:"complex",formatter:new fjs.ObjectFormatter(null,true,[
            new fjs.PropertyFormatter("module"),
            new fjs.PropertyFormatter("category"),
            new fjs.PropertyFormatter("key"),
            new fjs.PropertyFormatter("value")

Expected Output:

    {"key":"sample-key-1","value":"hello world!"},
    {"key":"sample-key-2","value":"hello mars!"},
        "value":"hello venus!"
        "value":"hello sun!"

Example 4: Using The Default Formatter

There will be some cases where you don't know the value/contents of a variable. This isn't that helpful when you need to know the entire structure of the JSON.

Luckly there is a solution: Using the DefaultFormatter! It's just a wrapper around the default JSON.stringify()!

const input = {
    property1:"this is the first property",
    property2:"this is the second property",
        sub_array:["abcd","efg","hijk","lmnop","qrst","uvw","xyz","and thats the alphabet!"]

const formatter = new fjs.ObjectFormatter(null,true,[
    new fjs.PropertyFormatter("property1"),
    new fjs.PropertyFormatter("property2"),
    new fjs.PropertyFormatter("property3"),
    new fjs.TextFormatter(),
    //we don't know the contents of this object
    //but we still want to render it multiline/inline
    new fjs.DefaultFormatter("subObject",true)

Expected Output:

You will automatically see that not only the object got rendered multiline, but the entire part including the array got rendered multiline!

    "property1":"this is the first property",
    "property2":"this is the second property",
        "sub_property_1": true,
        "sub_property_2": false,
        "sub_array": [
            "and thats the alphabet!"

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🛠️ Contributors

Official Team

Role User (discord name)
🖥️ Lead Developer djj123dj


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⭐️ Star History

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📎 Links

current version: v1.1.0
changelog: click here
support: click here

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