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#Lecture 12: Applicatives

Functor gives us a way to transform any values embedded in structure.

Applicative is a monoidal functor. It gives us a way to transform any values contained within a structure using a function that is also embedded in the same structure.

This means that each application produces the effect of adding structure which is then combined using the monoid laws.


Apply extends the Functor type class (which features the familiar map function) with a new function ap.

The ap function is similar to map in that we are transforming a value in a context (a context being the F in F[A]; a context can be Option, List or Future for example).

However, the difference between ap and map is that for ap the function that takes care of the transformation is of type F[A => B], whereas for map it is A => B

import cats._
val double: Int => Int = _ * 2
//res8: Option[Int] = Some(2)
//res9: Option[Int] = None
//res10: Option[Nothing] = None


Cats models applicatives using two type classes.

The first, Apply extends Cartesian and Functor, adding an ap method that applies a parameter to a function within a context.

The second, Applicative extends Apply, adding the pure method.

trait Apply[F[_]] extends Cartesian[F] with Functor[F] {
  def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B]
  def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] =
    ap(map(fa)(a => (b: B) => (a, b)))(fb)
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] {
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]

The pure method in Applicative is the same pure we saw in Monad.

It constructs a new applicative instance from an unwrapped value.

In this sense, Applicative is related to Apply as Monoid is related to Semigroup.

Note also that product is a derived combinator (i.e. it is defined in terms of ap and map).

There is an equivalence between ap, map, and product that allows any one of them to be defined in terms of the other two.

  • map over F[A] to produce a value of type F[B => (A, B)];
  • apply F[B] as a parameter to F[B=>(A,B)] to get a result of type F[(A,B)].

By defining one of these three methods in terms of the other two, we ensure that the derived definitions are consistent for all implementations of Apply.

This is somewhat similar to the relationship between compose, join and flatMap for monads (i.e. if you are given pure, map and any of the above you can implement the other two).

trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] {
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
  override def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] =
  def map2[A,B,C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
  override def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] =
    map2(fa, fb)((_,_))

map2 is implemented by first currying f so we get a function of type A => B => C.

This is a function that takes A and returns another function of type B => C.

So if we map f.curried over an F[A], we get F[B => C].

Passing that to apply along with the F[B] will give us the desired F[C].

Given map and product we could create a map2 and use it to implement our ap:

trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] {
  def pure[A](a: A): F[A]
  def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]
  def map2[A,B,C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => C): F[C] =
    map(product(fa, fb)) { case (a, b) => f(a, b) }
  override def ap[A,B](fab: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B] =
    map2(fab, fa)(_(_))

We simply use map2 to lift a function into F so we can apply it to both fab and fa.

The function being lifted here is _(_), which is the same as the lambda notation (f, x) => f(x).

That is, it's a function that takes a function f and an argument x, and simply applies f to x.

#Type Class Hierarchy

Each type class represents a particular set of sequencing semantics.

def     map(f: A => B):     F[A] => F[B]
def     ap(f:F[A => B]):    F[A] => F[B]
def flatMap(f: A => F[B]):  F[A] => F[B]

Each type class introduces its characteristic methods, and defines all of the functionality from its supertypes in terms of them (e.g. every monad is an applicative, every applicative a cartesian, etc).

Therefore inheritance relationships are constant across all instances of a particular type class.

For example, Monad defines product, ap, and map, in terms of pure and flatMap:

trait Monad[F[_]] extends FlatMap[F] with Applicative[F] {
  def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] =
    flatMap(fa)(a => map(fb)(b => (a, b)))
  def ap[A, B](ff: F[A => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B] =
    flatMap(ff)(f => map(fa)(f))
  def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] =
    flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))


import cats.Cartesian
import cats.std.option._
Cartesian[Option].product(Some(123), Some("abc"))
//res0: Option[(Int, String)] = Some((123,abc))

If either argument evaluates to None, the entire result is None:

Cartesian[Option].product(None, Some("abc"))
//res1: Option[(Nothing, String)] = None
Cartesian[Option].product(Some(123), None)
//res2: Option[(Int, Nothing)] = None

The |@| operator, better known as the 'tie fighter', provides infix syntax for this:

(List(1,2,3) |@| List(4,5,6)).tupled
(Xor.right(123) |@| Xor.right("abc")).tupled
//res3: Xor[Nothing,(Int, String)] = Right((123,abc))

|@| creates an intermediate builder object that provides several methods for combining the parameters to create useful data types.

The idiomatic way of using builder syntax is to combine |@| and tupled in a single expression, going from single values to a tuple in one step:

  Option(1) |@|
  Option(2) |@|
//res4: Option[(Int, Int, Int)] = Some((1,2,3))

|@| is associative:

val three = Option(123) |@| Option("abc") |@| Option(true)
val five = three |@| Option(0.5) |@| Option('x')

Every builder also has a map method that accepts a function of the correct arity and implicit instances of Cartesian and Functor:

  Option(1) |@|
).map(_ + _)
//res5: Option[Int] = Some(3)

Or apply parameters to create a case class:

case class Address(name: String, number: Int, street: String)
  Option("DataScience") |@|
  Option(200)       |@|
  Option("Corporate Pointe")
//res6 = Some(Address(DataScience,200,Corporate Pointe))

#Applicative laws

The book presents the applicative laws in terms of map2:

  • Left identity: map2(unit(()), fa)((_,a) => a) == fa
  • Right identity: map2(fa, unit(()))((a,_) => a) == fa
  • Associativity: product(product(fa, fb),fc) == map(product(fa, product(fb, fc)))(assoc)
  • Naturality: map2(a,b)(productF(f,g)) == product(map(a)(f), map(b)(g))

The applicative laws are more commonly stated in terms of ap.

The laws for ap are identity, composition, homomorphism, and interchange.

We'll go through them one at a time.


The identity law for apply is stated as:

ap(pure(id))(v) == v

The identity law says that embedding the identity function in the monoid and applying it to a value results in no change.

.notes: pure id <*> v = v


The composition law for ap is stated as:

ap(u)(ap(v)(w)) ==
ap(ap(ap(pure(f => g => f compose g))(u))(v))(w)

.notes: pure(.) <> u <> v <> w = u <> (v <*> w)

The composition law says applying v to w and then applying u to that is the same as applying composition to u, then v, and then applying the composite function to w.

We might state this law simply as: "function composition in an applicative functor works in the obvious way."

This is analagous to the composition law for Functor.


The homomorphism law for ap is stated as:

ap(pure(f))(pure(x)) == pure(f(x))

.notes: pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)

The homomorphism law says that idiomatic function application on pures is the same as the pure of regular function application.

More precisely, pure is a homomorphism from A to F[A] with regard to function application.


The interchange law for ap is stated as:

ap(u)(pure(y)) == ap(pure(_(y)))(u)

.notes: u <> pure y = pure ($ y) <> u

The interchange law is essentially saying that pure is not allowed to carry an effect with regard to any implementation of our applicative functor.

If one argument to ap is a pure, then the other can appear in either position.

The applicative laws taken together can be seen as saying that we can rewrite any expression involving pure or ap (and therefore by extension map2), into a normal form having one of the following shapes:

pure(x)          // for some x
map(x)(f)        // for some x and f
map2(x, y)(f)    // for some x, y, and f
map3(x, y, z)(f) // for some x, y, z, and f

That is, every expression in an applicative functor A can be seen as lifting some pure function f over a number of arguments in A.

The applicative laws amount to saying that the arguments to map, map2, map3, etc can be reasoned about independently, and an expression like flatMap(x)(f) explicitly introduces a dependency (so that the result of f depends on x).

Note that this reasoning is lost when the applicative happens to be a monad and the expressions involve flatMap.

#Monads vs Applicatives

There is a tradeoff between applicative APIs and monadic ones.

Monadic APIs are strictly more powerful and flexible, but the cost is a certain loss of algebraic reasoning.

The difference is easy to demonstrate in theory, but takes some experience to fully appreciate in practice.

Consider composition in a monad, combining values with compose (Kleisli composition):

val fooM: A => F[B] = ???
val barM: B => F[C] = ???
val bazM: A => F[C] = barM compose fooM

There is no way that the implementation of the compose function in the Monad[F] instance can inspect the values foo and bar.

They are functions, so the only way to 'see inside' them is to give them arguments.

The values of type F[B] and F[C] respectively are not determined until the composite function runs.

Now consider composition in an applicative, combining values with map2:

val fooA: F[A] = ???
val barA: F[B] = ???
val bazA: F[C] = map2(fooA, barA)(f)

Here the implementation of map2 can actually look at the values fooA and barA, and take different actions depending on what they are.

If F is something like Future, it might decide to start immediately evaluating them on different threads.

If the data type F is applicative but not a monad, then the implementation has this flexibility universally because an expression in F will never involve functions of the form A => F[B] that it can't see inside of.

Because Applicative is 'weaker' than Monad, this gives the interpreter of applicative effects more flexibility.

Applicative is therefore generally preferred to Monad when the structure of a computation is fixed a priori.

That makes it possible to perform certain kinds of static analysis on applicative values.

For example, if we describe a parser without resorting to flatMap, this implies that the structure of our grammar is determined before we begin parsing.

Therefore, our interpreter or runner of parsers has more information about what it’ll be doing up front and is free to make additional assumptions and use a more efficient implementation strategy.

Adding flatMap is powerful, but it means we’re generating our parsers dynamically, so the interpreter may be more limited in what it can do.

The lesson here is that power and flexibility in the interface often restricts power and flexibility in the implementation.

And a more restricted interface often gives the implementation more options.

See this StackOverflow question for further discussion of the issue with regard to parsers.

A more algebraic manifestation of the difference is that, like Functor and Apply, applicative functors also compose naturally with each other.

When you compose one Applicative with another, the resulting pure operation will lift the passed value into one context, and the result into the other context.

We've seen however that monads do not in general compose with each other without some 'hand wiring'.

val listOpt = Apply[List] compose Apply[Option]
val inc = (x:Int) => x + 1
listOpt.ap(List(Some(double),Some(inc)))(List(Some(2), None, Some(3)))
//res0 = ???

#Example: Futures

A concrete example of the difference between monads and applicatives is the concurrent evaluation of Futures.

If we have several long-running independent tasks, it makes sense to execute them concurrently.

However, monadic comprehension only allows us to run them in sequence.

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
lazy val time0 = System.currentTimeMillis
def getTime: Long = {
  val time1 = System.currentTimeMillis - time0

Here three futures are started independently of one another and can execute in parallel:

val applicativeTimes = (
  Future(getTime) |@|
  Future(getTime) |@|
Await.result(applicativeTimes, Duration.Inf)
//res0: (Long, Long, Long) = (1942,1944,1946)

This is in contrast to the following monadic combination, which executes them in sequence:

val monadTimes = for {
  a <- Future(getTime)
  b <- Future(getTime)
  c <- Future(getTime)
} yield (a, b, c)
Await.result(monadTimes, Duration.Inf)
//res1: (Long, Long, Long) = (0,1003,2009)

#Example: Validated

If we try to combine two failed Xors, only the left-most errors are retained:

(Xor.left(List("Fail 1")) |@| List("Fail 2")).tupled
// res2: ErrorOr[(Nothing, Nothing)] = Left(List(Fail 1))

If you think back to our examples regarding Futures, you’ll see why this is the case. Xor is a monad, so Cats implements product in terms of flatMap.

As we have seen, flatMap implements fail-fast error handling.

However fail-fast semantics aren’t always the best choice.

When validating a web form, for example, we want to accumulate errors for all invalid fields, not just the first one we find.

If we model this with a monad like Xor, we fail fast and lose errors

For example, the code below fails on the first call to parseInt and doesn’t go any further:

def parseInt(str: String): String Xor Int =       
     .leftMap(_ => s"Couldn't read $str")
for {
  a <- parseInt("a")
  b <- parseInt("b")
  c <- parseInt("c")
} yield (a + b + c)
// res0: Xor[String,Int] = Left(Couldn't read a)

Cats provides another data type called Validated in addition to Xor.

Validated is an example of a non-monadic applicative.

This means Cats can provide an error-accumulating implementation of product for Validated without introducing inconsistent semantics.

Validated has two subtypes, Validated.Valid and Validated.Invalid, that correspond loosely to Xor.Right and Xor.Left.

We can create instances directly using their apply methods:

val v = Validated.Valid(123)
// v:[Int] = Valid(123)
val i = Validated.Invalid("oops")
// i:[String] = Invalid(oops)

However, it is better for type inference to use the valid and invalid smart constructors, which return a type of Validated:

import Validated.{valid, invalid}
val v = valid[String, Int](123)
// v: Validated[String,Int] = Valid(123)
val i = invalid[String, Int]("oops")
// i: Validated[String,Int] = Invalid(oops)

We can import enriched valid and invalid methods from cats.syntax.validated to get some syntactic sugar:

import cats.syntax.validated._
//res10: Validated[String,Int] = Valid(123)
//res11: Validated[String,Int] = Invalid(message)

"event 1 ok".valid[String] |@|
"event 2 failed!".invalid[String] |@|
"event 3 failed!".invalid[String]
) map {_ + _ + _}
//res12: Validated[String,String] = Invalid(event 2 failed!event 3 failed!)

Unlike the Xor’s monad, which cuts the calculation short, Validated keeps going to report back all failures.

The problem, however, is that the error messages are mushed together into one string. Shouldn’t it be something like a list?

import cats.std.list._
import cats.syntax.cartesian._
List("a").invalid |@|
//res13: Validated[List[String],(Nothing, Nothing)] = Invalid(List(a, b))

Validated accumulates errors using a Semigroup (the append part of a Monoid).

This means we can use any Monoid as an error type, including Lists, Vectors, and Strings, as well as semigroups like NonEmptyLists.

#Using NonEmptyList

Validation is one place where a NonEmptyList comes in handy. Think of it as a list that’s guaranteed to have at least one element.

import{ NonEmptyList => NEL }
//OneAnd[[+A]List[A],Int] = OneAnd(1,List())

NEL(1) |+| NEL(1)
res151: OneAnd[List,Int] = OneAnd(1,List(1))

A semigroup should be formed for NEL[A] under the ++ operation, but it’s not there by default atm, so we need to derive it from SemigroupK.

Then we can use NEL[A] on the invalid side to accumulate the errors:

import cats._,, cats.std.all._
val result = (
  valid[NEL[String], String]("1 ok") |@|
  invalid[NEL[String], String](NEL("2 failed!")) |@|
  invalid[NEL[String], String](NEL("3 failed!"))
) map {_ + _ + _}
//result = Invalid(OneAnd(2 failed!,List(3 failed!)))

We can convert back and forth between Validated and Xor using the toXor and toValidated methods:

import "Badness".invalid[Int].toXor // res22:[String,Int] = Left(Badness) "Badness".invalid[Int].toXor.toValidated // res23:[String,Int] = Invalid(Badness)

This allows us to switch error-handling semantics on the fly:

// Accumulate errors in an Xor: ( Xor.left[List[String], Int](List("Fail 1")).toValidated |@| Xor.left[List[String], Int](List("Fail 2")).toValidated ).tupled.toXor // res25:[List[String],(Int, Int)] = Left(List(Fail 1, Fail 2)) // Sequence operations on Validated using flatMap: for { a <- Validated.invalid[List[String], Int](List("Fail 1")).toXor b <- Validated.invalid[List[String], Int](List("Fail 2")).toXor } yield (a, b) // res27:[List[String],(Int, Int)] = Left(List(Fail 1))


Finish reading Chapter 12 of Functional Programming in Scala (12.6-12.8), and have a look at Foldable and Traverse in Cats.
