My submission for GITCOIN Decentralized Governance Hackathon: Build A Governance Bot. This is a Discord Gorvernace Explorer Bot that uses keyword commands to retrieve Governance data on different protocols, proposals and voters. Updates User on all active and queued proposals or a specified proposal.
------- SETUP -------
- Create Discord Server and Create Application
- Create A Virtual Environment
- pip install requirements.txt
- Set .env file using sample_env.txt
- python
------- COMMANDS -------
/menu : List of commands
/listproto : list of available protocols
/active: List of all active proposals
/que: List of all queued proposals
/canceled: List of all canceled proposals
/changed: List of proposals that have changed status
$(protocol) set : add protocol for updates on active proposals and changes
$(protocol) clear : clear protocol from updates
$(protocol) : all data from specified protocol
$(protocol) proposals : lists all proposal titles for protocol
$(protocol) refid : lists all proposal ref IDs
$(protocol) contract : get contract address and network
$(protocol) active : gets all active proposals for specific protocol
$(protocol) que : gets all queued proposals for a specific protocol
$(protocol) canceled : gets all canceled proposals for specific protocol
$(protocol) (title): gets specific proposal data
$(protocol) (ref ID): gets specific proposal data