FTDI232 Binding for webusb-serialport
Note: Even though this binding can be used with the default serialport
package, it loads the default bindings which try to initialize Linux bindings, webusb-serialport
does not load any binding nor it does autodetect it.
npm install webusb-serialport serialport-binding-webusb-ftdi232
const SerialPort = require('webusb-serialport'); // Require WebUSB Serial
const FTDIBinding = require('serialport-binding-webusb-ftdi232'); // Require FTDI Binding
SerialPort.Binding = FTDIBinding; // Set the binding
SerialPort.list() // List the devices (this will trigger the WebUSB device chooser)
.then((devices) => {
const serialPort = new SerialPort(devices[0], {
autoOpen: true,
baudRate: 115200,
// Use as a serialport module