To use the library, you have to create an instance of ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger .
Then, you'll be able to run some functions to echo some messages :
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
$consoleLogger->alert('This is an alert !')
->critical('This is critical :/')
->emergency('This is an emergency !')
->echo('echo some text')
->error('This is an error :(')
->info('There can be some informations')
->notice('Something you need to notice')
->success('This is a success !')
->warning('This is a warning')
->debug('Some debug informations you need to print')
->title('This is for some title')
You can chain the functions like in the example above or you can just call your logger in different line.
You can use your own date format to be displayed. For further informations about date format, please refer to DateTime documentation.
Default one is d-m-Y H:i:s
2 methods :
- Use the constructor
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger('m/d/Y - H:i');
$consoleLogger->echo('Let see the new date format');
- Use the setter
It's usefull if you need to change the date format for some reason.
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
$consoleLogger->echo('Old date format');
$consoleLogger->setDateFormat('m/d/Y - H:i');
$consoleLogger->echo('New date format');
Each function uses the log() function to display informations. This function is PSR-3 convenient :
* @param mixed $level
* @param string $message
public function log($level, $message, array $context = []): self
All other functions are like :
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\LogLevel;
/** @param string $message */
public function alert($message, array $context = []): self
$this->log(LogLevel::ALERT, $message, $context);
return $this;
So you can directly use the log function with custom log levels or directly use functions with some context to customize your display as following.
Some colors are chosen by default with the log level by the log() function. But you can override this color by passing one in the context.
Please use a ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleColor constant to be sure to display a known color.
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleColor;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
$consoleLogger->debug('Normal debug');
$consoleLogger->debug('Red debug', ['color' => ConsoleColor::RED]);
$consoleLogger->debug('Green background debug', ['color' => ConsoleColor::GREEN_BG]);
You can choose to hide the date from the display by setting the showDate context parameter to false.
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
$consoleLogger->debug('Normal debug');
$consoleLogger->debug('Debug without date', ['showDate' => false]);
You can choose to hide the title from the display by setting the showTitle context parameter to false.
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
$consoleLogger->debug('Normal debug');
$consoleLogger->debug('Debug without title', ['showTitle' => false]);
By default, the divider is 65 equal signs in white color.
You can easily use your own divider by setting parameters to the divider() function.
public function divider(string $char = '=', int $number = 65, string $color = ConsoleColor::RESET): self
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleLogger;
use ScoobyConsoleLogger\ConsoleColor;
$consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger();
$consoleLogger->echo('Normal divider', ['showDate' => false])
$consoleLogger->echo('Custom divider', ['showDate' => false])
->divider('_', 30, ConsoleColor::MAGENTA);