Compiles telemetry core modules (src/crc16
, src/framing
, src/telemetry
in C, then C++, in debug mode.
Also compiles core tests and installs it to a dedicated folder.
gradlew installTestsDebugExecutable
Runs core tests
cd ./build/install/tests/debug/tests.bat
cd ../../../../
Compiles test vectors (a collection of frames that serve as reference for integration tests) generator and installs it to a dedicated folder.
gradlew installTestVectorsGeneratorDebug
Runs test vectors generation
cd ./build/install/testVectorsGenerator/debug/
cd ../../../../
Next steps can be performed for Mbed or Arduino distributions
Generates the Mbed distribution by taking files inside src/
and drivers/
gradlew distributeMbed
Compiles and installs in a folder mbedTest (integration tests) module.
gradlew installMbedTestDebug
gradlew moveTestVectorMbed
Runs Mbed integration tests
cd ./build/install/mbedTest/debug/
cd ../../../../
If all tests passed, mbed library can be released with good confidence.
Generates the Arduino distribution by taking files inside src/
, ./drivers/
and ./version/
gradlew distributeArduino
Compiles and installs in a folder mbedTest (integration tests) module.
gradlew installArduinoTestDebug
gradlew moveTestVectorArduino
Runs Mbed integration tests
cd ./build/install/arduinoTest/debug/
cd ../../../../
If all tests passed, arduino library can be released with good confidence.
gradle packArduino
This last command will generate an archive of the distribution inside