Visit the deployed site: The Darth Side
Testing was ongoing throughout the entire build. We utilised Chrome developer tools whilst building to pinpoint and troubleshoot any issues as we went along.
During development we made use of google developer tools to ensure everything was working correctly and to assist with troubleshooting when things were not working as expected.
We utilised the console in the developer tools to work through small sections of JavaScript and ensure that the code was working, and also to troubleshoot where issues were.
We have gone through each page using google chrome developer tools & Firefox inspector tool to ensure that each page is responsive on a variety of different screen sizes and devices.
W3C was used to validate the HTML on all pages of the website. It was also used to validate the CSS.
Home Page - ✅
Quiz - ✅
Wiki - ❌
About - ✅
404 - ✅
style.css - ❌
about.css - ✅
wiki.css - ✅
404.css - ✅
jshint was used to validate the JavaScript.
Home Page
About Us
Goals | How are they achieved? | Evidence |
I want to view a list of collaborators and their roles so that I can understand who was involved in building the site. | Bootstrap Cards have been utilised with information on each team member along with a Star Wars themed avatar and links to their Linkedin and GitHub profiles | About page |
Quiz Page
Wiki Page
Goals | How are they achieved? |
I want to be able to hear the lightsaber sound when I hover over key areas of the site so that I can feel like I am part of the Star Wars universe. | Sound effects have been added to the cards on the home page that will play when they are moused over. |
Full testing was performed on the following devices:
- Laptop:
- Macbook Pro 2021 14 inch screen
- Pacard 13.5 inch screen
- acer Aspire 3 15 inch screen
- HP Pavilion 15 inch screen
- HP 255G8 Notebook
- Mobile Devices:
- iPhone 13 pro
- Google Pixel 6
- Google Pixel 6 Pro
- Galaxy A71
- Moto GP
Devices tested the site using the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Opera
Additional testing was taken by friends and family on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
Feature | Expected Outcome | Testing Performed | Result | Pass/Fail |
Navbar |
Site Name | When clicked, user will be taken to the home page | Clicked site name | Taken to home page | ✅ |
Home Nav Item | When clicked, user will be taken to the home page | Clicked home nav item | Taken to the home page | ✅ |
Quiz Nav Item | When clicked, user will be taken to the home page | Clicked quick nav item | Taken to the quiz page | ✅ |
Wiki Nav Item | When clicked, user will be taken to the wiki page | Clicked wiki nav item | Taken to the wiki page | ✅ |
About Nav Item | When clicked, user will be taken to the about page | Clicked about nav item | Taken to the about page | ✅ |
Active on page | It is clear which page you are currently on, as the nav item will be red to hightlight the active page | Visit pages to see if they update to display as red in navbar | The current page is displayed as red in the navbar | ✅ |
Hover effect on nav items | When user hovers over a nav item in the navbar, a red bar will be displayed underneath | Hovered over nav items in the navbar | When hovered over, the nav item displays a red bar underneath | ✅ |
Footer |
GitHub icon | When clicked, user will be taken to the GitHub repo for this project in a new tab. | Clicked icon | Taken to the project GitHub page in a new tab | ✅ |
Team icon | When clicked, user will be taken to the about page. | Clicked icon | Taken to about page | ✅ |
Icon Hover | When user hovers over the icon, the icon changes color to red to indicate the user is hovered over the icon | Hover over icons | Icons change to red | ✅ |
Home Page |
Quiz Card | When clicked, user is taken to the quiz page | Clicked quiz card | Taken to the quiz page | ✅ |
Wiki Card | When clicked, user is taken to the wiki page | Clicked wiki card | Taken to the quiz page | ✅ |
Sound Effect | When card on home page is moused over, a sound effect will play | Mouseover card | Sound effect plays | ✅ |
Quiz Page |
Start Button | When clicked, the quiz will begin. The start button will then be hidden from display | Click button | Quiz begins and start button is hidden from display | ✅ |
How to Play Button | When clicked, a modal will display how to play information | Click button | Modal displays | ✅ |
Restart Button | When clicked, the user will be taken to the quiz page | Clicked button | Taken to the Quiz page | ✅ |
Time up | If user does not finish the quiz in the allotted time, a modal will display giving them the option to try again | Let quiz countdown expire | Modal displays to give user option to try again | ✅ |
Try again button in time up modal | When clicked, the user will be taken to the quiz page | Clicked button | Taken to the Quiz page | ✅ |
Correct Answer Chosen | When the user selects the correct answer, they will receive feedback by the answer highlighting green | Select right answer | Answer hightlighted green | ✅ |
Incorrect Answer Chosen | When the user selects the incorrect answer, they will receive feedback by the answer highlighting red | Select wrong answer | Answer hightlighted red | ✅ |
Score Results | At the end of the quiz, user will be presented with their final score | Complete the quiz | Score displayed at end | ✅ |
Check Answers Button | When clicked, the user will be shown all the answers they chose during the quiz | Clicked button | Shown answers selected | ✅ |
Countdown | Countdown is displayed and counts down from 60 seconds once user starts the quiz | Start the quiz | Countdown is displayed and counts down from 60 seconds | ✅ |
Wiki Page |
Timeline headings | When clicked, a popup will display with more information. Clicking the heading again will close the pop up | Clicked heading | Pop up with more information displays. Clicking the heading again closes the pop up | ✅ |
About Page |
Team Member Linkedin Links | When clicked, user is taken to that members Linkedin Page in a new tab | Click Linkedin Icon | Taken to team members Linkedin Page in a new tab | ✅ |
Team Member GitHub Links | When clicked, user is taken to that members GitHub Profile Page in a new tab | Click GitHub Icon | Taken to team members GitHub Profile Page in a new tab | ✅ |