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This folder contains the implementation of FOCUS. It allows to run the evaluation on all four datasets (SHL, SHS, MVL, MVS) using all four possible configurations (C1.1, C1.2, C2.1, C2.2) described in the ICSE'19 paper.


  • Apache Maven >= 3.0
  • Java >= 1.8
  • (optional) Bash for running all evaluations automatically

Running the tool

To start the evaluation of FOCUS using the default file (see below), run the following command:

mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.focus.Runner

To use a different .properties file, use the -Dexec.args argument:

mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.focus.Runner -Dexec.args=confs/

Results (success rate, precision, recall) for different cut-off values are displayed in the console directly as follows:

FOCUS: A Context-Aware Recommender System!
Running ten-fold cross validation on ../../dataset/MV_L/ with configuration C1_1
Fold [9/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 454s
Fold [8/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 455s
Fold [2/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 466s
Fold [7/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 467s
Fold [9/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 17s
Fold [8/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 17s
Fold [0/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 476s
Fold [1/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 476s
Fold [6/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 477s
Fold [4/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 477s
Fold [7/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 13s
Fold [2/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 15s
Fold [1/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 7s
Fold [0/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 9s
Fold [6/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 9s
Fold [4/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 11s
Fold [3/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 231s
Fold [5/10]: SimilarityCalculator took 234s
Fold [3/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 6s
Fold [5/10]: ContextAwareRecommendation took 9s
### 10-FOLDS RESULTS ###
successRate@1 = 73.30556
precision@1   = 0.73305553
recall@1      = 0.06737014
successRate@5 = 82.66667
precision@5   = 0.6486667
recall@5      = 0.2956125
successRate@10 = 86.69446
precision@10   = 0.5511667
recall@10      = 0.49201664
successRate@15 = 88.22222
precision@15   = 0.4440371
recall@15      = 0.57449764
successRate@20 = 89.13888
precision@20   = 0.3645417
recall@20      = 0.6169203
10-fold took 716s

Intermediate results for every fold (recommended invocations, groundtruth invocations, usage patterns, etc.) are stored in the evaluation folder of the corresponding dataset (e.g. ../../dataset/SH_S/evaluation/).

Please bear in mind that the evaluation takes time and resources. The table below gives reference time for 10-fold cross-validation on a Linux 4.20.3 with Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz and 16GB of RAM.

Dataset Configuration Time (seconds)
SHS C1.1 4
SHS C1.2 4
SHS C2.1 4
SHS C2.2 5
SHL C1.1 314
SHL C1.2 312
SHL C2.1 298
SHL C2.2 345
MVS C1.1 135
MVS C1.2 124
MVS C2.1 139
MVS C2.2 135
MVL C1.1 716
MVL C1.2 732
MVL C2.1 741
MVL C2.2 768

The file

The evaluation of FOCUS is configured with a .properties file that specifies (i) the dataset (ii) the configuration and (iii) the validation technique to be used. For instance, the default runs 10-fold cross-validation on SHS using the C1.1 configuration:

# Dataset directory (SH_L, SH_S, MV_L, MV_S)

# Configuration (C1.1, C1.2, C2.1, C2.2)

# Validation type (ten-fold, leave-one-out)

This file can be edited to point to a different dataset in the ../../dataset/ directory, to select a different configuration, or to switch between 10-fold and leave-one-out cross-validation.

The confs/ directory contains predefined .properties file for every dataset/configuration pair, which can be selected using the method described above.

Running 10-fold cross-validation on all datasets using all configurations

The (Bash) script automatically runs the evaluation on every dataset using all possible configurations stored in the confs/ folder and stores the results in the results/ folder:

# !/bin/bash


for f in $(ls confs);
	do java -Xmx8g -jar $JAR confs/$f > $PWD/results/$f.txt

To use this script, FOCUS must first be packed in a single JAR focus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar using the following command:

mvn clean compile assembly:single 

Running the evaluation of PAM

The recommendations computed using the PAM tool are stored in dataset/PAM/. To compute success rate, precision, and recall for the cut-off values N = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20), as presented in the paper, run the following command:

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.focus.Runner -Dexec.args=PAM

Output should be as follows:

FOCUS: A Context-Aware Recommender System!
Computing PAM results from ../../dataset/PAM/SH_S-results/ (leave-one-out cross-validation)
successRate@1 = 8.0
precision@1 = 0.08
recall@1 = 0.012586491
successRate@5 = 15.000001
precision@5 = 0.029999994
recall@5 = 0.027643414
successRate@10 = 27.5
precision@10 = 0.032999985
recall@10 = 0.056715574
successRate@15 = 29.499998
precision@15 = 0.023999996
recall@15 = 0.060281053
successRate@20 = 33.5
precision@20 = 0.021999996
recall@20 = 0.07093916