The devices and manufacturers are anonymized.
The code can be run by installing clingo, and typing the following in a command line:
clingo solver.lp 0 -c product_count=4 -c req_payload_g=950
The -c is used when specifying constants. In this case we specify the amount of products we want in a configuration to be 4, and we specify that the payload required is 950 grams.
Constant values that can be specified, are:
- product_count
- req_payload_g
- req_reach_mm
- req_application (can be one of the elements {screwdriving, pick_n_place})
- exclude_justification
Check out the paper on CEUR.
If the configurator helped you in your research, please cite
title = {{RoboCIM: Towards a Domain Model for Industrial Robot System Configurators}},
author = "Daniella Tola and {Gon{\c c}alves Gomes}, {Cl{\'a}udio {\^A}ngelo} and Schultz, {Carl Peter Leslie} and Christian Schlette and Casper Hansen and Lukas Esterle",
year = "2021",
language = "English",
series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings",
publisher = "",
editor = "Ahmet Soylu and Nezhad, {Alireza Tamaddoni} and Nikolay Nikolov and Ioan Toma and Anna Fensel and Joost Vennekens",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Rule Challenge, 7th Industry Track, and 5th Doctoral Consortium",